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Access our free library of academic essay samples to learn by example and reach out to our trained academic writing experts!

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Why does Samplius.com provide free essays?
These have been submitted by college and university students who have already submitted them and no longer require them for academic purposes. All these free essays are meant for educational objectives and to help you get inspired and learn by examples. You can also submit your work by getting in touch with our support team.
How high is the plagiarism percentage in the papers?
We are providing plagiarism-free papers and always double-check every citation or paraphrasing part. Our service does not use any templates or pre-written material to ensure that every assignment remains original.
Is using free essay papers cheating?
No, it is not considered a form of cheating as long as you use the written paper as the template to help yourself complete the work and learn with an expert's help. Read our guidelines for more information.
Can you write an essay for free on my topic?
No, we cannot write an essay for free that deals with your topic since it takes an expert to compose an assignment. Still, we can provide you an affordable help. Speaking of free assistance, you can browse through the free samples by checking whether your topic is included in our database.
How fast can you write my essay?
We can provide you with an essay in as little as three hours. Remember that your price will always increase if you are dealing with an urgent deadline.
Will my paper writer revise my paper if needed?
Yes, we can provide you with free revisions to correct minor things or remove certain parts as you check the paper. If there is a major issue, discuss it with our support team.
Do I need to pay for an essay before or after?
You only have to make a deposit payment to let your writer start working. Your funds are not taken until you are fully content with your paper as you check it upon completion.
Can you find an expert for any essay subjects?
Yes, we can help you find an expert that will match your essay's subject and academic discipline. We can provide assistance with most academic subjects and essay types. Just let us know what is required and we shall be happy to guide you through!
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