21st Century Teacher Essay

The teaching method of a teacher will change, due to the needs of our society. So, a teacher must have some various characteristics to be an effective facilitator of the class. Before I will start 21st century teacher essay on my reflection about the characteristics of the 21st Century Elementary teacher, I just want to tell something. Honestly, I never thought that teaching students is quite challenging based on my observations it's different on what should I expecting for. Except of the reason that their future was depend on a teacher, you must need to be more effective as what they expected. Teacher is the provider of knowledge and information on the students minds and also the one who can mold students personalities, capabilities and skills. This profession is not merely at all, but for those who really want to persue it, then do what you can and your best. So what will make the teacher more effective nowadays?

For me, creative is one of the significant characteristic in teaching. Based on the module at Unit 2 which is the 'Creative literacy', define that creativity is the number one skill in demand by teachers. It will simply characterised the originality of ideas and also expressiveness to make something new. Embody the creativity in teaching literacy and English through literature will helo the teacher to catch the attention and interest of the learners. It is easy for them to keep in touch and gain information coming from their teachers if they will deliver the lesson effectively and orderly. We all know that teacher serve as the controller and facilitator in the four corner of the classroom. Thus, it is herhis duty or responsibility to think some techniques to be creative in teaching and in order for them to easily cope-up within the lesson. Nest is being literate in integrate technologies in discussion. Technology integration is probably the most obvious solution for creating a modern classroom that will suitable for 21st century learners. It is important for teachers to Educate students on the new meaning or definition of the word literate and 'to try new things'. And to work with the learners to find where learning is the most comfortable for them to succeed. Therefore, integrating technology in classroom will make the learning more fun and it cab helo to provide students with essential skills. As a teacher it is necessary to learn how to integrate some of the various technology in the class. Because children was attract in the used of technology while learning. They are more advanced when it comes to technologies. Good 21st century educators will do all their best to ensure that no one of their students are left behind in the progress.

21st Century teacher was really need to be more literate in applying some approaches and strategies. An Elementary teacher who teaches literacy and English through literature must have some features in order to teach student. So here are the top five characteristics that teachers and future educator to embrace what make the education more vigorous and having fun learning process for students.

10 October 2022
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