A Coexistence Of Pride And Prejudice In Jane Austen’S Novel

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, portrays the way of life in the provincial society of Britain amid the turn of the nineteenth century. Austen articulated the social structure of the day and carefully outlines why the title of the book is titled Pride and Prejudice, which is due to all the underlying themes of how pride and prejudices coexist. Specifically Elizabeth and Darcy’s first judgment of each other. This impression situated the plot of the novel; the consistent debate of wits and insults that in the long run lead to a mutual comprehension between pleased Elizabeth and vainful Darcy. Both fundamental characters turn over a new leaf; be that as it may, Elizabeth illustrates a more climatic advancement. Elizabeth’s flaws are simply a result from her upbringing, though these imperfections become notable because of Darcy.Elizabeth Bennet is the second oldest in a family of five young ladies, and no boys. Her family is what numerous individuals would call broken. Her guardians, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, have polar inverse identities and clash. Mr. Bennet barely communicates with his family and is extremely unsociable. All through the story, Elizabeth’s father is more often than not absent from his family, and society, in his library perusing books.

On the contrary, Mrs. Bennet is exceptionally social and does not stop talking and most likely read few books in her lifetime. She depicts the airhead, the present day day socialite, and lives her life to put individuals in wonderment. In spite of the fact that both of Elizabeth’s guardians are totally distinctive, they do share one quality: both are unsuccessful guardians and have little interest in their family. This is the beginning to Elizabeth’s development of her prideful personality.In expansion to having childish parents who have no care for their family, Elizabeth has numerous sisters to include to this uneasiness. Lydia and Kitty, her two younger sisters, are red coat chasing, juvenile girls. The center child, Mary, the least dramatic of the family always hides herself away with a book much like her father. Finally, the oldest, Jane, who is very sweet and loved by many.

Early in the novel it is obvious that Elizabeth is not very fond of her family, she is mortified by them as she states over dinner at Netherfield (Austen 30). Elizabeth and Jane both feel that their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, are incapable of raising a family. As a result, they take the role of the authority figures. For instance, when her younger sisters continuously pursue red coats as if it were sport.Elizabeth having to take on the role of a parent come with negative outcomes. As a result of the disappointments of her mother and father, Elizabeth takes the initiative to fill in their crevices. In a way this leads her to have a high view of herself and grows to be judgmental. In spite of the fact that Elizabeth acquired these awful qualities, her great qualities, which exceed the awful, must be specified. She is exceptionally insightful and frank with a sharp tongue. When she talks it is with certainty, and almost always truthful. The inconvenience starts when all these qualities go to her head and she rushes to judge the individuals around her, particularly Darcy.Darcy hence offers the same pride and judgmental blemishes as Lizy. This leads them to clash with one another all through the whole novel. Darcy Starts be saying that Lizy is 'tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me' (Austen 9). He is very fast to judge her based on a quick look and her social class, which is was quite well but still nonetheless lower than his.

As the novel advances it is clear that Darcy's supposition around Elizabeth slowly changes. He started to take note her great qualities and put aside his misconceptions, or prejudices. As a result, Elizabeth’s genuine excellence starts to sparkle through to him, until he at last falls in love with her. Then again takes longer to go to a similar acknowledgment that Darcy came to. When Darcy proposes to her, she appears to be exceptionally befuddled the the point where she resents it. Still blinded by her obsession to detest him, Lizzy completely shut his proposal down. The change most anticipated in the novel is when she discovers in a letter sent to her from Darcy, that Wickham deceived her and that he is the shrewd one. At this point, Elizabeth’s presumptuous attitude quickly changed and came to the realization that Wickham portrayed Darcy as someone he was not. There is one more occasion that would shake Lizy and humble her so she may truly observe the person who Darcy is. Darcy pays off Wickham's debts with the end goal for him to wed Lydia, in this way sparing the regard of the Bennet name.

At the point when Darcy does this, Lizy detests herself for the man she judged Darcy to be and understands that her snappy judgment was absolutely wrong, at that point she at last enables herself to become hopelessly enamored with him.Lizzy and Darcy were put through many difficulties, obstacles stemming from their social environment and personal experiences, that they luckily defeat. Although both of their personalities start off poorly, and unfortunately continue that way for most of the novel, they slowly notice their flaws and realize their love for each other. The enlightenment that Darcy and Elizabeth come to would not have happened if they did not begin with a mutual despise of one another. Elizabeth is much different than Darcy though, her flaws are understandable coming from her position. Her judgement has, more likely than not, protected her and her sisters in circumstances where Elizabeth had to make the right call to invest herself as the good authority figure her parents weren’t. Though after several wrong judgement calls about Darcy, the pride in her ability to make quick judgements about people descend. The love shared between these two characters was only possible after setting their pride aside and humbling themselves.

31 August 2020
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