A Long Way For Recognition In 'The Joy Luck Club'

Ever apprehended someone stating 'don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes,' meaning feeling what others have gone through, you have to see it yourself first. Kids, as they become grown-ups, become increasingly active about their associations. In the book, The Joy Luck Club, the mentalities of four young girls toward their moms matures as the growing ladies realize and come to understand that their moms are not so different, entire things acknowledged. Think about what mothers do, feed, support, and some even struggle to protect their children. Forget, about appreciation, some of the kids feel shame while introducing their moms. The pain of isolation and disobedience of all mothers is felt later by their children in their lives. Situations like this are seen mostly in the families of immigrants who have come from war-torn countries. A new place can promise you to give good education, and finance to run day to day life along with many more things, but won't promise to keep your heritage alive. In the novel, The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan points out to the struggle of four Chinese immigrant mothers associated with the American circumstances and Americanized daughters. These mothers want to teach, the drills learned through their difficulties from childhood onto their early adulthood offspring. “I wanted my daughter to have the best combination: Chinese character and American circumstances. How could I know these two things do not mix” (Tan 254).

Every person of the four moms demands their little girls to prepare them, carry on their personality after they are gone, and comprehend what they have experienced for their young ladies. 'She has no chi…How can I leave the world without leaving her my spirit? So this is what I will do. I will gather together my past and…see a thing that has already happened. The pain that cut my spirit loose. I will hold that pain in my hand until it becomes hard and shiny, more clear. And then my fierceness can come back…I will use this sharp pain to penetrate my daughter’s tough skin and cut her tiger spirit loose. She will fight me because this is the nature of two tigers. But I will win and give her my spirit because this is why a mother loves a daughter' (p. 286). Ying Ying St. Clair, understands that her girl will fight back or won't listen to her but she has decided to teach her daughter that her personality shines.

An-mei’s family turned their backs towards her mother but returned to give care to her sick mother. “Here is how I came to love my mother. How I saw in her my own true nature…It was late at night when I went to Popo’s room. My auntie said it was Popo’s dying time and I must show respect…I saw my mother on the other side of the room. Quiet and sad. She was cooking soup, pouring herbs and medicines into the steaming pot…And then my mother took her flesh and put it into the soup. She cooked magic in the ancient tradition to try to cure her mother this one last time” (Tan 43). An-Mei thinks about a significant minute in her connection to her mom. An-Mei has done her education for a considerable length of time to loathe her mom, who was repudiated by her family. Be that as it may, when her grandma gets debilitated, An-mei's mom comes back to think about her, even truly giving up some portion about herself to attempt to spare the parent who showed her out. Comprehending this demonstration, An-mei associates with her close more odd mom. An-mei perceives that mother stands as a decent individual notwithstanding everything she has been advised including with these lines decides to leave with her.

'I couldn’t teach her about Chinese characters. How to obey your parents and listen to your mother’s mind. How not to show your own thoughts, to put your feelings behind your face so you can take advantage of hidden opportunities. Why easy things are not worth pursuing. How to know your own worth and polish it, never flashing it around like a cheap ring. Why Chinese people think the best. “Don’t be so old fashioned, Ma,” she told me. “I’m my own person.” And I think, How can she be her own person? When did I give her up?' (Tan 254). Lindo needed Waverly to ought American circumstances—the strength to grow her position, however still hold Chinese character, for instance, a pure cling to her mom. Lindo accepts that she nevertheless is Chinese but may be overlooked to show the American Waverly the Chinese characteristics, presenting both of them extra unique concerning moms plus little girls ought to legitimately be. When Waverly insists that she is her individual, an explanation that Waverly states with satisfaction, Lindo tastes fear and problems how such a difference could have happened.

The girls in the novel, The Joy Luck Club, understood what their moms had been through, and by teaching their daughters, mothers kept their heritage alive. A mother's love has no dimensions, the only difficulty was that the daughter's felt their mothers suffering as they become mothers themselves. Sure there were difficulties but recognition is the key in this situation.  

16 December 2021
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