A Problem Of Children And Poverty In Canada

In this paper I will discuss children and poverty in Canada. I will discuss how poor children deal with more risk factors regarding their health, their education, and their integration into society in comparison to children with means. I will explore the potential effects and outcomes of these children. I will discuss why this social problem becomes intergenerational, what we are doing to resolve poverty, and what we can do to help give children an opportunity to succeed. This will then lead me to addressing early brain development in children and how it is connected to poor nutrition, what we can do, what is being done, and the impact nutrition can have on a child’s future. The purpose of this discussion is to inform people of some of the steps that can be taken to avoid intergenerational poverty.

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Currently, the MBM Market Basket Measure is used to calculate poverty in Canada. The MBM is calculated based on the costs of a basket of goods and services that individuals and families require to meet their basic needs and achieve a modest standard of living. This basket includes items such as healthy food, appropriate shelter, clothing and transportation, as well as other goods and services that permit engagement in the community. If their childs’ school is having a school outing for example, the family may not be able to afford to send the child. Other ways to measure poverty include LIM, Low income measure, LICO low income cut off. The low income cut-offs (LICOs) are income thresholds below which a family will likely devote a larger share of its income on the necessities of food, shelter and clothing than the average family. (Low income cut-offs. (2015, November 27). Retrieved December 7, 2019, from https://www150. statcan. gc. ca/n1/pub/75f0002m/2012002/lico-sfr-eng. htm. )

The lower class in Canada makes up approximately 20% of the population and comprises the working poor and the chronically poor. It is relevant for many reasons. Children that are going hungry in Canada with all the resources and wealth that we have, is unnecessary. Recent statistics show that the introduction of the Universal Child Care Benefit program in 2006, and subsequently the Canadian Child Benefit in 2016, has allowed us to identify more children under the age of six. These changes have improved data collection regarding children. In 2017, 622,000 children under 18 years of age, or 9. 0%, lived below the poverty line, down from 11. 0% (755,000 children) in 2016. The child poverty rate, according to the MBM, has declined fairly steadily since reaching its most recent peak of 15. 0% (1. 0 million children) in 2012. The Canadian Child Benefit has had a huge impact on families in just one year. “The Canada Child Benefit means more money for nine out of 10 Canadian families, and it means 300,000 fewer kids living in poverty across this country” (Prime Minister Justin Trudeau). In June of 2018, the then Minister of Education pleged 50$ million dollars of five years to allow school boards to offer breakfast in low-income areas. Campaign 2000 are an organization that goal to increase public awareness of the consequences of poverty in children. They develop public education resources and they publish research.

Studies show that eating is linked to learning. Studies show that babies need to be touched and loving interaction as much as they need nutrition. 60% of what they eat is used for brain growth. As the infant reaches toddlerhood, omega 3 becomes a critical building block for the brains development. By age 2, calcium and vitamin D are essential to promote strengthening teeth and bones. Poverty impacts brain development in the child among many other health issues. Obesity in young children growing up in poverty because their food intake is not nutritious, and there is little physical activity because access to High or toxic stress in the home due to abuse emotional or sexual on top of the families general stresses is very common. Children in low income families have slower cognitive development because the parents have less means and less time for activities such as reading with the child, taking the child outdoors to play, taking the child to educational events and organizations. Generally giving quality time to the child is deficient. Parent-child bonds are more difficult because the parents are often working long hours to sustain the family and have very little time at home. After long hours of work often the parents come home tired and stressed. The effects of poverty can follow children as they become adults, and then the problem becomes intergeneration obesiity and behavioural issues. Eatin Ethicity does not play a role. g a healthy meal at school makes positive changes in communities. al. Chances of graduating high school are slim and if they cannot find a job, then they cannot contribute to the economic society. Children between the ages of 9 months and 3 years old that experience food insecurity, fall behind in school and are unable to catch up academically. Nutritious foods help with the deveopment of the brain but also all the necessary biological systems, digestive,skin, heart, hair. If all this is developed healthily there is less chance of chronic illness. If balanced nutritional diet was possible this would lead to a better physical and mental development. It would alleviate Chronic illness is common in children of low income families. If the child has a proper diet, they can attain a better education with more knowledge and eventually have employable skills. Obesity and , and lack of education has a huge impact on the future economic success of a country. s future economic success and employability. Incorporating a breakfast program in elementary schools would be highly beneficial and may be a first step to alleviating intergenerational poverty. Ensuring that healthy food is available to them we can offer a fair chance to succeed. Breakfast programs have a tremendous impact on a childs life, on their academic achievement, on families. The children learn more easily and have the chance to develop their full potential.

Poverty dates back to the Poor Laws of 1601 when there were the deserving and underserving poor. In the arly 1800’s there was a poor law reform bill put into place which meant that able bodies adults entered workhouses. The conditions of the workhouses were deliberately harsh in so that people would not go there. But that was the catch because in order to receive welfare assistance, the person had to be in a workhouse. Responsibility for the poor was generally taken care of by churches and charities. Very poor people often ended up in houses of refuge, mental institutions, or prisons. The Great Depression of 1930 caused an increase in poverty due to unemployment. After the Second World War programs for unemployment insurance and public health care were introduces. In Quebec the government created a program providing a small allowance for needy mothersThe first Universal social welfare program in Canada was the Family Allowance program, introduced by the Federal Government in 1944. In the 1960’s through to the 80’s expansion of social welfare programs were put into place. In 1996 Federal regulation of social assistance programs was handed over to the Provinces.


In conclusion, I have discussed the terms poverty, and looked at some of the consequences of poverty in children. We see that there has been a decrease in poverty in Canada since the Canada Child Benefit was introduced in 2016, helping the middle class and the poor to sustain a better lifestyle with children under 18 years of age. I have discussed the idea of breakfast for all children in all schools in Canada as an initiative to help poor children have a chance to succeed. My most important learning is about the importance of not being hungry. Hunger impacts the child from birth and its consequences are devastating. I didn't realize the seriousness of the consequences. of hunger linked to the effect of learning. I would like to further explore how breakfast programs can be incorporated into all elementary schools, and how they can be run. More needs to be done to make people aware of how they can help. People living in poverty need to be made aware of programs that are run by volunteers that may be accessible to their children, sports programs, art programs. People living in poverty, absolute or relative, need to be made aware that we are looking out for their children and want them to be part of the economic foundation in Canada.


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31 October 2020
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