Twilight Book Review: A Tale of Romance and Vampires

Twilight is a fantastic, romantic novel by American author Stephenie Meyer. Twilight was published in 2005 and was translated into 38 different languages around the world, later the novel has been adapted into series and film in 2011-2012. This Twilight book review essay will give an in-depth analysis of the novel's plot, themes, and characters.

The novel talks about a teenage girl 'Bella Swan' who moves with her father from Arizona to a small town in Washington, she meets at the school, 'Edward Cullen ' a handsome but mysterious teen whose eyes seem to peer directly into her soul, and falls in Love with him, later she discover a mysterious and deadly secret that is Edward and his family are vampires and not human like Bella. This leads her into big danger, first from Edward, who must master his intense desire to drink her blood if she is to live, and then from other vampires who are not as moral or civilized as Edward and his family. Bella and Edward’s fight to stay together despite Edward’s natural thirst for her blood and all the dangers that seem to be attracted to Bella. Their adventure leads them to continuous danger and struggles and conflicts, but their love for each other is strong enough that it allows them to overcome all the obstacles fate throws their way. This story taught me that true love is something that really lasts forever.

Twilight shows many morals and values that are present throughout our life. One of the most prominent morals is that love changes who a person is forever. Whether it changes a person for the better or the worse depends on what a person makes with it. In Twilight, Bella and Edward become correlative and it literally causes Bella pain when Edward leaves Bella in New Moon. Their love has managed to change both physically, emotionally, and mentally. Edward becomes a happier and more emotional person, while Bella becomes more feminine on a journey of self-discovery, so this is the reason of my love for Twilight novel because it gives the reader a true love story with a bit of the unusual to spice it up.

Twilight makes the reader come into the story and go along for the beautiful imagination, it shows how true love changes who someone is as a person. Twilight shows how society could be like. No sex, and no improper clothing. The teen couples control themselves from sex. This story teaches readers not only to wait until marriage to have sex but teaches dominate in a relationship. Most of the warm moments in the novel are their discussions with one another. In our society today, proactive clothing, language, and more are used. Twilight takes a relationship deeper and shows love not desire between a vampire and a human. It is a book that promotes a different view of society, one where love is spending time together and getting to know each other not jumping ahead and marrying a guy because he says he ‘loves’ a girl.

I have heard Twilight described as “a vampire story for people who don’t like vampire stories” and I think I would agree with that. This book really has something for everyone. Young, adult, and old readers, vampire Audience or romance readers will all find Twilight to be an attractive and effective story.

16 August 2021
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