"A Rose for Emily": a Complex Theme of Discrimination and Loneliness

A Rose for Emily is a short story created by William Faulkner to clarify an authentic insight about a woman who can’t acknowledge nor accept change. Emily was a typical unmarried woman who was viewed as friendless, and indigent who couldn’t seem to let go of the past. The theme of 'A Rose for Emily' by William Faulkner revolves around the complexities of time, decay, and the destructive nature of isolation. Through the story of Emily Grierson, a reclusive and enigmatic woman, Faulkner explores the consequences of clinging to the past and the inability to adapt to a changing world. The central theme of the story unfolds through various elements, including the setting, symbolism, and characterization, revealing the tragic and unsettling nature of Emily's life.

Reading the short story Emily appears to be an extremely disengaged lady who closes herself off from the world as a result of her perception on certain things, and way of living. The narrator tries to convey and pursue his message through many different ways. However, one way that stuck out to me the most was using flashbacks.

At the beginning of the story Faulker proceed to talk about Emily’s death at the age of 74 but than suddenly switches years before to the past to discuss of Emily’s life. She was a character who was incredibly stuck in her previous existence that she persistently embodies until her death. Emily’s struggled and battled with her psychological perspective and her environment. She fought with this since her dad never allowed her to have an ordinary or customary life, subsequently she grew up with an alternate attitude towards people.

Reading this short story Faulkner continues to draw readers close attention by grasping and showing symbolism throughout the entire passage. It is split into five sections that narrows down each way of how Faulkner depicts Emily. Most importantly it shows how some individuals still live like Emily in society today. Reading this passage my personal opinion towards this short story is vague. Racial separation is appeared as a social angle. All workers were for the most part ‍African American. In the entry Emily executed that African Americans were lower class and have less economic well being than some other race. She additionally had an African American worker who served her until her passing.

Thinking of today’s society racial discrimination is still happening around the world today. Many individuals face challenges in everyday life, although it is not legal anymore. It also depicts human beings of their privileges and rights. My first initial impression was broad reading this passage. Faulkner uses racial language throughout the entire passage to give readers a hence of what type of reading it actually is. He shows his personal prejudice ways towards people of color. However, reading deeper into the passage I begin to actually like the story. Not because of Faulkner’s choice of words but, because it actually gives readers an understanding of how people are in reality. Faulkner uses a very expandable vocabulary which grabs readers attention quickly. Giving multiple examples the story is very justifiable why Emily acts certain ways in the short story.

And the last one, the thing that stood out to me the most in this passage was how Faulkner made this story seem as real as possible. He proceed to tell why and how certain things were handled. In this time, and area racial discrimination still exist but is not as open as it was back than.  

21 Jun 2023
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