A Theme Of Power In Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw

In our structural hierarchy society it is only natural that reality is incorporated in fiction. Our society differentiates based on social class and is not equal to everyone. That is why in the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, he takes a modern twist on the greek tale of the man who fell in love with a statue and explores the harsh reality of mistreatment some receive over others. The plot is about transforming a young girl so that she may obtain power over those who are beneath her despite her own poor upbringing.The play explores the challenges and trials Eliza; the female protagonist, experiences as her life transforms at the hands of Professor Higgins, a man that is portrayed as having an abundant amount of power. Such “power” that Shaw created as being wealthy, beautiful/ good looking, and ultimately simply by being a man.

Whilst Shaw wrote about a fictional story, the way he established who was more powerful is still relevant today. On the basis that those who are more wealthy are viewed as having dominance over others. Society created that predetermined stigma and ever since the bourgeoisie has complete control. In the play Eliza is seen as someone powerless because she works and makes little to no substantial income. “Make her give you the change. These things are only a penny a bunch. Do hold your tongue, Clara. {To the girl]. You can keep the change”. In the opening scene where Eliza first meets Higgins, the rest of the cast views her as someone with no dignity and mistreats her, despite not knowing anything about her. And as the story continues Eliza's transformation is based on the fact that she turns into a wealthy duchess. The powerful are the ones who are wealthy.

In addition to the power obtained through wealth it also achieved through beauty/attractiveness. Once again Shaw created a concept of power that is depicted into reality. Especially in our modern age where social media is used as a sign of popularity and wealth. People aspire to look like one type of beauty standard. Based on Eliza’s age , she is considered to be more beautiful than if she were to be an older woman, because youth is associated with beauty. Such double standards still exist and whilst a man aging is viewed as them growing more mature, a woman aging is viewed as her growing old and worn out. “ She is perhaps eighteen, perhaps twenty, hardly older”. Initially Shaw had described Eliza as being unattractive but as she gets her “makeover”, she transforms into what is considered to be a young and respectable woman. Although it is to be noted that the makeover was merely Eliza getting a new wardrobe and grammar lessons , and does not state anywhere that she had any physical alterations done to enhance her beauty. Eliza was able to convince a good majority of people she was a duchess and therefore with her beauty and wealth she gained control over the poor and middle class.

Nonetheless, as much as power Eliza obtained it would never compare to the power Higgins had simply because of her gender. Another depiction of reality into fiction, Shaw demonstrated how for millenia women tried but never could never surpass men in dominance and power. Contrary to today where women have broken through the double standards slowly and they are no longer damsels in distress. But, because the play takes place in the early 1900s, women had little to no power and the reason why Higgins was so adamant on Eliza marrying rich was because he knew Eliza would fail on her own. “Nonsense! he can't provide for her. He shan't provide for her. She doesn't belong to him. I paid him five pounds for her”. Higgins believes her father would not care for and even goes as far as to proclaim Eliza is his property because he paid for her. The dominance idea men have had since the beginning, has been engraved into our culture and whilst the stereotypes break away, they are not completely obsolete.

Overall, Shaw had depicted numerous realities into his play taking into account what was already known and using it a sign to demonstrate what power is. Control over others is something many desire , and it is one of the main reasons why businesses control our country and lives. The rich live a comfortable life, fending off of the poor. The beautiful and handsome live off the insecurity of the others and have more control over them. The men have thought they had complete control and to a certain extent they do but it is not complete. All things together creates the ultimate and stereotypical man of power in America. Through this vision Shaw has created a cruel reality of the structural hierarchy our society continues to live in.   

25 October 2021
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