Adolf Hitler's Rise: An Examination of Historical Factors

Dictators, they’re known as cruel, harsh, powerful, and sometimes completely crazy, but one of the most famous dictators was Adolf Hitler. Hitler used his witts, his strong beliefs, and most of all his charisma, to move the people to accept him and rise to power. Hitler could proclaim his ideas easily to the people of his country thanks to his allies. Also he had much influence from his staff member from Munich, Ernst Rohm. Most of all he used his hatred for the jews to fuel him thinking that they were the reason they lost World War 1, and so with this he was able to climb the political ladder and seize power. Exactly about the topic, we will talk about in 'Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power Essay'.

Hitler’s rise to power began at a German Work Party called Munich. He started there just as an army political agent, a year after joining he was placed in charge of the Party’s propaganda, so after word he began to devote himself on making his position better in the Party, which he renamed “National-sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei” or how we know it as Nazi. Munich became a place for dissatisfied servicemen and some members of the Freikorps, an organization of Germany army units unwilling to return to civilian life. A major partner in helping hitler's rise to power was Ernst Rohm a staff member of the district army command. Rohm recruited strong arm squads that protected Hitler’s party meetings, to attack socialist and communists, and to exploit violence for the impression of strength it gave. In 1921 these squads were made into a private army, the SA (Sturmabteilung). Rohm was also able to get protection from the Bavarian government, which depended on the local army for the maintenance of order and which accepted some of his terrorist tactics. Conditions were favorable for the growth of the small party, and Adolf Hitler was acceptably astute to take complete advantage of them. Hitler then took up arms and marched to the republic and proclaimed “National Revolution”. In his attempt four policemen were killed and Hitler was injured and taken into custody. During his trial he was sentenced to five years in prison, but only served nine months, but during this time he created his first autobiographies containing his ideas and beliefs.

Hitler's propaganda was that the natural unit of mankind was the Volk (people) in which he thought was the Germans was the greatest. To Hitler, a mission that the Weimar German Republic betrayed. The parliamentary democratic government disagreed with this and assumed the inequality of individuals for that Hitler did not exist. They thought that the interest the Volk were to be chosen by parliamentary procedures. Hitler argued that the unity of the Volk would find the incarnation in Fuhrer. He thought it was endowed in perfect authority. Below the Fuhrer the party was drawn from the Volk and turned into a safeguard.

Hitler’s belief of the jews was that they are the greatest enemy of all. Hitler’s final mission was to remove the jews. In his book Mein Kampf he described them as the “destroyer of culture,” “a parasite within the nation,” and “a menace.” Hitler soon placed every Jew in the country in concentration camps, taking care of his greatest threat. He also included mobile extermination squads, the Einsatzgruppen. Most of the jews died from concentration camps, extermination squad, and by the war which killed six million jews. They died by being gassed, having illnesses, being shot, and in combat.   

10 October 2022
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