Alexander Hamilton And His Role In Constitutional Convention

The name Alexander Hamilton reminds different people of different things. It reminds them of the play that is made for him, and the songs in the album for the play. But he is more than just a few of those things. Alexander Hamilton was one of the main delegates in the beginning of the society that helped shape humankind in the future.

Hamilton was born on January 11, 1757 in the Charlestown, Nevis in the British West Indies. He and his brother were educated by his mother, Rachel Fawcett, after being divorced with their father, James Hamilton. His mom then died in 1768, so the two brothers basically became orphans. Alexander Hamilton had a strong desire to go to college, so his aunts were able to fulfill his dreams and he immigrated to New York in 1772. There, he attended school in Elizabethtown, New Jersey, and then eventually attended Kings College, which is now known as Columbia University. While attending the Convention in Annapolis, Maryland in 1786, he scribed a draft which eventually resulted into the Constitutional Convention. He stayed there for about a year from May 25 to June 30, and then came back on August 13.

George Washington appointed him to be part of the committee called the Committee on Standing Orders and Rules, which helped the whole overall success of the convention. He then was part of the Committee of Style and Arrangement, which helped on how the Constitution would look like and how it would be displayed. He proposed the Hamilton plan, which went against the New Jersey plan and the Virginia plan, but still leaned towards the Virginia plan. He thought those two plans weren’t as good enough to help at the task they needed to do help out the country in need. For Alexander Hamilton’s overall significance to the Constitutional Convention, I would rank his contribution a B. I say this because he helped shape the government into what they country needed which was more towards the Virginia plan. He participated in two committees that were the most important to the Constitutional Convention and the Constitution itself. He could have more involved into being more political to the people and not keeping it safe from the people. He also could have given his opinion more towards the laws that were making and gave his own suggestion.

Overall, he was significant to the Constitutional Convention. In conclusion, Alexander Hamilton was a great figure to this world. Sure; having his own play after him and an album with it was a lot. But he was more than just that. He was a public figure from the 1760s to even the 1800s because of how he inspired this country and how he helped it to how it should be. He became an important delegate in the Constitutional Convention and served in two of the committees to help regulate the convention and help develop the Constitution itself. He was even a Lieutenant Colonel for George Washington. His contribution to this world is nothing short of amazing.

10 December 2020
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