All You Need Is Love

All You Need is Love: Emotion and Norm in the Synopsis of Philosophical Writings was written by Johann Franz Buddeus. Buddeus was a professor for Practical Philosophy and Morals at the University of Halle. During that period, he taught Philosophia practica with the use of history. The speaker addresses the author as being credible to the fact that he specialized in philosophy studies and political science. His publications, while being a professor at the University of Halle extant a large number of published philosophy disputations. The author discussed several Philosophia instrumentalis involving the history of philosophy. The speaker notes that his writings were detailed and focused on the norm of emotions.

In the 1728 Synopsis, there was no definition or classification of Norm to explain its meaning. Buddeus presented more of a general context of Norm within three philosophical writings. The speaker stated the author focuses when writing this publication. The author focused on the human intellect, verbal and written language and the various ways of communicating truth to others. Human intellect was considered a norm to acquire the truth and required the use of the mind. Verbal and written languages were used for intelligible language, which was necessary for social life, society, and the status of norms. The various ways of communicating truth to others considered that it should be done using the analytic or synthetic method. The speaker noted that Buddeus classification is useful but it doesn’t include all of the sub-categories such as jealousy or mixed emotions.

The speaker stated that the author’s writing expressed the use of ethics in emotions. The Philosophia practica are divided into three sections: on the human mind and its facilities, on the mind and body acting together, and on the resulting facilities. It is noted that the human mind is not composed of matter, it is immortal, and has facilities (pure and mixed). The mind and body acting together result in three facilities known as imagination, sensory desire, and sensory memory. The author introduces the concept of nature and morals in a way of understanding mental actions. Two categories of mental actions are known as love which means to have a desire that is good and hate which means resisting that is bad. It is also mentioned that animal spirits are factors in all three of these facilities. The speaker concludes by stating that emotion and norm in Synopsis is based on the choices that you believe in most and that there is no clear answer to the question of All You Need is Love?

11 February 2020
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