Allegory of the Cave Examples in Real Life

“The truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images.” I want to show you allegory of the cave examples in real life as it relates to our lives in these days to the fullest, the cave which is like the prison people in the society are trapped in, they are trapped in the addiction of social media, they are only seeing the shadows witch is like unclear imaged of something that leading them away from reality, they aren’t able to receive the right information and they are restricted and limited by the chains more likely the attraction of social media, they can’t see the sun witch is the bright side of social media and the positive sides of it the usage of social media nowadays has become addictive, we can’t deny the huge negative impacts on us, Although it caused many problems generally, it still has many positive impacts on the society, there are four major negative impacts caused by the usage of social media such as depression, addiction, having false expectations of something or someone.

Depression and Anxiety

Spending a long time on social media will probably cause a huge impact on us, the most negative impact is making us depressed, sad, discouraged and frustrated. it happens when checking Instagram you will see different people living their lives to the fullest and you’re not having what they have, leading you to compare yourself to them, makes you think they are better than you which leads to anxiety and self-underestimating, that’s like in the allegory of the cave you feel like a prisoner who’s chained and can’t stop comparing yourself to others.

More Addictive Then Alcohol and Cigarettes

Social media became addictive in a way that leads you to check them all day unconsciously, in fact, social media wants you to be addicted to them and keep going up and down while also showing ads to you, they will win money by that just for the sake of economy, just think when was the last time I didn’t check the social media for a whole day?. Here it’s like the cave and more like a prison witch you’re trapped in and you can’t easily leave it, you’re chained by these apps and you’re waiting for the bright sun to free you.

Unreal Expectations of Something or Someone

Social media is putting us behind an unknown mask, it opened the door for impersonation, fake accounts, people and characters, people write plenty of posts, upload tons of photos about them loving others, you don’t know the real purpose of this, it looks amazing at the roof but when you go deep you might find out it’s a trap, been done only to gain likes or personal benefits, could easily be lied on by others as long as you never met them, its like the shadows that trying to fool you to believe wrong beliefs and hiding the reality away from you, as once said: “behind every mask, another mask”.

Easily Controlled by Others

Behind social media, a huge organization more like a government that controls what you see, say and do on social media without you even knowing it could be a huge danger since it’s breaking other’s privacy. It’s like the puppeteers who have the fullest control of you in their limited area witch as social media.

Although there are many negative impacts from social media, there are still many positive sides of using social media, like everything else, social media has negative and positive sides, one of the best positive impacts is making friends is no hard no more. It’s the bright side of social media more likely to be the sun, being in the dark for a long time thinking about negatives but the sun bright your mind up to see more than that.

Building Up Relationships and Friends

Spending a long time on social media helped us to make a friend as simple and easy as that, at old times it was hard, you now can make a lot of friends just by one click and in no time, even though they might be considered as a not real friend but there are a lot of friends on the internet I have met that I consider them much better than real friends I have met.


So that was allegory of the cave example in real life - it was an attempt ro show you how much modern society is depended on social media. Each of us has a bit (or not) addiction to it. 

10 October 2022
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