An Ethical Dilemma Regarding Andrew Carnegie's Beliefs

In the early 1800s many immigrants came to America looking for the American dream. Andrew Carnegie was a perfect example of this. He came to America as an immigrant and worked really hard to finally succeed. However, on the other side of the spectrum were coal miners. They worked really hard and for very little pay or opportunity. Andrew Carnegie states that if people work hard, they can succeed and his career is an example of that. However coal miners work really hard and never succeed.

Andrew Carnegie’s background in success and wealth contribute a lot to his views on wealth and success. For example, he states that money should not just be handed out and instead be given to those who will help themselves succeed. His views contributed to many immigrants coming to the United States looking for the same wealth and Andrew Carnegie, and he greatly believed this was true. He also believed a lot about giving back to society despite us living in one, and he also contributed in giving society literature and art by giving people the tools they need to help themselves. His views have influenced many other successful entrepreneurs like pewdiepie. Pewdiepie was an immigrant from sweden and persevered because he was an epic gamer like Andrew Carnegie. However, not all gamers are created equal. For example, the life of an average coal miner was much more harsh. Coal miners started working very hard at a very young age and they worked for very little money. The ambition of every breaker boy was to enter the mines and this was the ambion of every young coal miner. They were always in danger of dying by being crushed by falling roofs or burned to death by exploding gas or blown to pieces by a premature gas. Their existence is dependent on making just enough money to survive and being in the endless loop of barely making enough to get by. Once they begin being coal miners many are stuck in the endless loop of working in the coal mines. Most of their kids begin to also work in the mines and were also stuck in the loop too.

His point of views on how to work with business, I would say still has something in common nowadays. Andrew Carnegie stated this when he said, “it is best for the race, because it insures the survival of the fittest in every department.” Personally, I think that he always knew since the beginning that healthy companies were made for all kind of business and have a nonstop impact on the future of the economy in the country.

I think the positive thing of all of this is that he never underestimates his people because he always believed that the harder working one day it is going to take them too high talking about business and economy. At the end after having successfully read the literature of Andrew I would say or conclude with on his point of view about the coal workers, Afterall were ethical. As the most valuable and well-known man in the whole world at that time, I think that he had say how to resolve problems regarding about workers or personal in their work place. Andrew Carnegie strongly believed that difficult work at the end paid off or compensate all the hard work that you have done. I also think that he was a strong-minded person and he always wanted to make sure what was happening on all of his companies. About the life, from business, to workers aiding by him Andrew Carnegie always knew how to distinct between “the drones from the bees”, even then he was against anarchist I can tell how he was very grateful and pleasant about the job done by all of his workers on his companies.

In conclusion, believe Andrew Carnegie’s views are not considered ethical because coal miners couldn't be helped because they needed to provide for their family and needed to work. The only way to provide for their family by working working in the coal mine and they couldn’t leave the loop without putting their family in risk.  

01 August 2022
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