Analysis Black American In Claude Mckay's Poem

Harlem Reinessence happened in the 1918-1987 in the early 20th Century. That is happen because of the stereotype of 'Negro people' built by white people. White people assume that black people are different from white people and assume that black people are problematic people. But black people try to get rid of the stereotype attached to them. Until the peak of literature or art black people began to worldwide and turn 'racial disappointment' into 'pride of the race'

In this poem i want analysis this poem and i will analysis this poem each line. The tittle of this poem is “enslaved” by Claude Mckay. Claude Mckay write this poem when that happening World War 1. This poem is tel about black people who the oppressed. Race black people who oppressed since along time ago. But they relized that their race cannot be like that everytime they trying to rebellion. Because when their not trying to rebellion theiy will always oppressed by other people or actually white people. That is the discrimanition to black people or it is also can called racistment to black people.

Oh when I think of my long-suffering race,

For weary centuries despised, oppressed,

Enslaved and lynched, denied a human place

In the great life line of the Christian West;

In the first until fourth line of this poem is tell about race who opperessed along time “long-suffering race” is like suffering that is really long and makes him tired continues to be in suffering that never ends. In the second and third line is tell about suffering that happen to them. “despised, oppressed, Enslaved and lynched” that word is like happen to writer ehy because Claude Mckay from Jamaica and Jamaica colonized by Eroupe. Because of that the writer tell what happen to her in this poem, because writer want everyone in this world know about his oppressed. In the fourth line it is the word “Christian West “ like tell about who colonized Jamaica is Europe, that is because most of Europe people is Christianity at that time and who colonized Jamaica is Europe. And teh word “In the great life” refer to Europe because at that time the country that had great life is Europe.

And in the Black Land disinherited,

Robbed in the ancient country of its birth,

[bookmark: _Hlk26140111]My heart grows sick with hate, becomes as lead,

[bookmark: _Hlk26140314]For this my race that has no home on earth.

In the fifth and eighth line is tell about that their hometown is seized they lost their rights in their own land. Their land was robbed by invaders by force, their land is their right why the invaders want to usurp what is not theirs. The word 'disinherited is tell about the injustices that black people have received on their hometown in Jamaica. However, that is not black people who live in Jamaica who seized their home. But black people who live in other parts of the world like in America and Europe, their homes are taken away and they are oppressed just because they are black people. Because of their home are oppressed they heart fell sick “My heart grows sick with hate” but theiy not just fell sick they also hate the people who colonized them. The word “becomes as lead” that is tell how they hate the people who opperessed their homes. the hatred they feel is so great as tin is so hot that it can burn whatever it hates. “For this my race that has no home on earth” that line is expressed about they feeling do not have home because they are like being driven out in their own homeland and landed makes them no longer have a place to live in this world.

Then from the dark depths of my soul I cry

To the avenging angel to consume

The white man's world of wonders utterly:

In the nineth until eleventh is tell about the pain they experience, they can only cry. People don't know the pain they experience. The pain that really hurts until they only see darkness. The darkness can be interpreted as their extreme hatred of people who seize their land and torture them. From this sentences “To the avenging angel” we can conclude even though they feel extreme pain, they cannot avenge their suffering. They were just waiting for angel vengeance for white people who had tortured and oppressed them

Let it be swallowed up in earth's vast womb,

Or upward roll as sacrificial smoke

To liberate my people from its yoke!

In the line twelveth until fourteenth is tell about the sacrifice they have made for their race. “upward roll” is like tell about their enthusiasm to defend their race so as not to be continually oppressed is like illustrating that their enthusiasm to fight against the invaders returned. “as sacrificial smoke” is like their sacrifice which is like smoke, smoke arises when there is fire. It is portrayed as the sacrifice of black people to get their independence like there is a trigger to reignite their sacrifice to keep up their oppressed race. “To liberate my people from its yoke!” that sentences is tell they will not be discouraged to free their race from the suffering they experience. If they are not eager to free their race they will continue to be oppressed by white people. All of that is done so that their race can get what is their thing.

This poem is tell about the story about black peole at that time who fighting against oppression, torture and even the loss of their own lives by the white people. This poem is tell us about the darkness that happened at that time, the darkness that made black people mad at everything. But even though they are still struggling, until now racism still occurs in black people especially in countries where the majority are white people like America and Europe.

07 July 2022
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