Analysis Of Emotional Pressure’S Effecton Health Using Bio Energy

Health is the important factor fornormal functionality of human body. Nowadaysdue to many factors like internal factors orexternal factors the human health is declining. Many researchers have done the analysis onimpact of stress on human health. The proposedwork is analysis of relation between humanorgans balance and emotional pressure. Theemotional pressure and organs balance iscollected using an alternate therapy called BioPhoton emission which is captured using bio-photon camera. In the anticipated work, biophoton emission of the 20 persons is consideredand also stress level of the same persons areacquired using a standard questionnaireprescribed by psychologists. The correlationbetween the stress level based on thequestionnaire and photon emission is examinedand also the correlation of organs balance andthe emotional pressure of a person using bio-photon is analyzed. The results shows that thereis a strong correlation between stress of humanwith the organ balance. The stress levelobtained from questionnaire matches by 85% with the Bio – Well camera. The result showsthat stress level has an equivalent impact on theorgan balance which is obtained from the Bio –Well camera.


Health of citizens contribute to the productivityand physical capital of the country. Health andnutrition do accelerate economic developmentand (cause) greater equity and distribution ofeconomic gains. There is a strong association ofeconomic growth of the country with populationhealth. Ayurveda is an alternate medicine verypopular in Indian sub continents and its difficultto even trace its origins as it being used for quitea few eras. Growth in economy means that thehouseholds can spend on health and nutrition ofthe members of the family. Hence keeping agood care of health of human citizens is veryimportant for nation’s growth. As it is requiredto explore other ways of finding health status isvery important other than conventional method. Homeopathy is another one kind of alternatemedicine created in 1796 and is very popular inIndian and few European countries likeGermany, France, Switzerland, UnitedKingdom. Acupuncture and acupressure are another alternate therapy where needles are inserted into human bodies widely used in China. Yunani is used as an alternate therapy by Persians and Arabs. Its popularity increased inIndia during the Mughal Empire in 13th Century.

Proposed work is based on the Bio - photonemission data which is obtained through Bio –Well camera and is also an alternate therapy. There are two types of bodies human have oneis the normal body that is visible to to everyoneand the other is invisible body which has anaura around it. The unseen body or aura is captured using this camera. It is called coronaldischarge. The present allopathic therapy canonly tell the disease that a person is currentlyhaving not in predicting the future whereas theBio – Well photography helps in predicting thehealth issues a human being might get in thenear future. It works just like how an aroma of afood reaches human when it is underpreparation. The human’s invisible body acts something like this. The strength, weakness, goodness and badness can be realised when theyare evident. Humans can prepare in advancerather than fighting back at health issues aftergetting affected by it. This Bio Photon imagesgive an opportunity to stay health and look after human’s health in a better way. In Americaaround 150 institutions are working on this auraphotography. This is being regarded as analternative medicine. This amazing peace ofmind and health can be determined by capturingthe image using bio-well camera.

Emotional Pressure

Emotional pressure is apsychological cause that is caused either by theexternal force like environment or by anyinternal force like injury, illness, anxiety etc. Emotional pressure is caused by the release ofexcess of cortisol hormone which is regulatedby Pituitary gland that is there in Human Brainwhich also has an impact in Sugar level inblood. The proposed work discusses aboutthe causes that is caused by the EmotionalPressure to the Human health. There are six Emotional Pressure parameters are taken intoconsideration namely Calm, Optimal, Anxiety, Stress, Heightened, High. Only Optimal, Anxiety and Stress are being used here and isattached as an image below.


Bio Photon images are emission ofultraviolet light captured in a low lightenvironment using a special device. These BioPhoton images are used to indicate the state ofthe biological tissues of any living organism likehuman beings, animals, plants etc. There arevarious ways through which the Bio Photonimages can be captured like photomultipliers ora special camera like Bio Well camera designedpurposefully to capture those images. In thisproposed work the Bio well camera is beingused. The data of Organs balance and Emotional Pressure is considered from the bio photon images camera for the proposed analysis. Thedata from questtionnaire is co related with the data obtained from the scan results to know theauthenticity of the Bio Well camera. Then the emotional pressure is correlated with the Organsbalance and the p – value is obtained to verifythe correlation value. Then the abline is used toplot a straight line to know how much ofdeviation exists in the plot.

Literature review

There has been numerous research works doneon Bio Photon images and its causes on Living Organisms like human beings and animals andnon living organisms like rice, raddish etc. Research had been done by conducting a scanon gas discharge using bio electrography on 247 patients suffering from Bronchial asthma andwas compared with 56 people who arepractically healthy. Here researcher hasanalyzed that the bio electrography could solvemedical issues and allergies. Every organism in the universe needs energy forits functionality. The energy flows all over thebody and they are called Bio Photon. In chinese, it is termed as Qi which is equivalent of Indian’sprana. The researcher states that there is anexchange between Qi/prana and biophotons; thephotons in the body in their turn, take part inbiocommunication and signaling. Sincebiophotons are a result of oxidative processesalso, there could be complex interrelationbetween oxidative processes, biophotons, and Qi energy.

Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) also known as Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) is one ofthe instruments to capture the internal activitiesof human. The author tested/scanned 32 males and 19 females and all those people haveundergone meditation for 5 days. EPI data wascaptured before and after the intervention. Thedata was analyzed using IBM SPSS Neuralnetwork software. The author has concludedthat the meditation has a significant impact onEPI for human body. The researcher has scanned 5 People beforeand after meditation. They were kept in darkroom for 1 hour. Photon count statistics of handsand forehead of the optical radiation field due tomeditation in order to know the effect of thesame is examined. Then the scan wasconducted. The author concluded that there hasbeen a significant change of energy observedbefore and after meditation. Stress is the main reason for chronic diseasesand patterns of ultraweak photon emission is ameasure for the oxidative status which in turn isresponsible for chronic diseases. The authorhas concluded that radical oxygen speciesrelated diseases would foster further biomedicalapplications of ultraweak photon emission. The author had ultra-weak photon emission(UPE) measurement done on 50 people withType 2 diabetes and 60 healthy people. Then onthe results few statistical parameters like Mean, Kurtosis and Skewness have been calculated.

Upon analyzing the results it is found thatphoton signals of people with type 2 diabetesare significally different from that of healthpeople. So it is evident that the UPE can beregarded as an alternate therapy for finding outhealth issues for people. The study by the researcher showed that therehas been a vast and high quality UPE forhumans. The author then concluded that humanphoton emission has the potential for broadapplicability to human health and diseasemonitoring.

Photon Emission are produced when moleculesin an electronically excited state decay to astable ground state, and that they are notproduced without air and oxidation is the source for them. They vary due to environmentalstresses and disease responses. The researcher states that photons count increase when N-acetylchitohexaose is induced. The author measured UPE of 20 healthy peopleand 10 people who were suffering from coldusing photomultiplier tubes which shows theBio photon emission from 455-550nm forhealthy people and 550-610nm for people suffering from cold. Results showed that photonemission can be used to diagonise other diseasesas well.

The author has chosen a woman suffering frommultiple Sclerosis. The subject was undercolorpuncture treatment. Bio Photon scan wastaken over a period of 9 months and theresulting signals were quantified as CoherencyIndex. The colorpuncture treatment haschanged the Coherency Index before and afterthe treatment. With the changes in the indiceslasting for longer period occurred after manysessions of the treatment . Emotional pressure and BP creates an impact forhumans in taking decisions. The BP perceptionof affect and risk behaviour for 92 healthyhuman beings were taken using Perception ofAffect Task. This paper’s result of the scanshows that people with higher BP levels report increased risk taking behaviour. Emotional pressure doesn’t mean always forhuman. All living organisms have emotionalpressure. Emotional pressure has been identifiedfor 14 normal trained dogs. 4 of which havebeen under constant daily observation for overtwo and a half years. During the course ofthe scan 4 dogs have been under constantsurveillance for 2 and a half years by theresearcher. During those years the dogs havebeen tested with accidental or planned situationswhich caused an emotional pressure.

According to Gardiner and Osborn, thechakras (energy centers) are described asmetaphysical counter parts to the endocrineglands. The charkas (energy centers) are linkedto the nerve plexus along the spinal cord, as perthe description of Sturgess. If the alignment ofchakras are in a proper order then the humanbody is free from problems including theOrgans balance, Emotional Pressure, EnergyLevels etc. If the chakras are improperly alignedthen the human body is not of proper condition. There are different ways to keep the chakrasproperly aligned.

In a research the author has conducted researchon 32 males and 19 Females by conducting aBio well scan. They are then asked to meditatefor 5 days. EPI data was captured again after theintervention. The data was analyzed using IBMSPSS Neural network software. Meditation has a major impact on the human body.


Data Collection

The proposed work considered the data ofphoton camera details of 20 persons who are ofsimilar age. The data is collected before theexam of the students on the same day. All the details of bio photon images areconsidered and also the questionnaire isused to analyse the stress of the students andvalidate with the stress level obtained throughthe scan done using camera. The scan is conducted using a specializedcamera called Bio Well camera speciallydesigned for capturing bio-photon images. Ityields us a report containing many parameterslike Energy field, Energy reserve, Health status, Chakras, Yin – Yang meridians, Bio rhythms etc. For the anticipated work EmotionalPressure and Organs balance are considered. The data is collected through a scan conductedin 1000 petals. A centre situated in 900, 1st BCross, Kalyan Nagar, Indira Nagar 1st Stage, HColony, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038. In this center lot of research work carebeing carried out for better understanding onhow science and spiritual goes together. The Bio photon scan says about the energy levelof a human being along with chakra analysis, Emotional Pressure, Organs Balance, Yin –Yang meridian, Biorhythms curves whichrepresent the variation of the cycles of humanenergy during a month like physical, emotionaland intellectual. The scan was carried in theircentre by taking people in batches for 4 days. Inspite of their busy appointments they allottedtime to me to carry out the scan keeping theirother customers in wait. I extend my sinceregratitude to all the employees of 1000 petals forhelping me out in carrying out the scan in asmooth way.


20 random people’s consent was taken toanalyze their emotion. First, the analysis wasdone using questionnaire which has 20questions prescribed by Psychologists. Thequestionnaire is to know the trust worthiness ofthe results arriving out of the Bio well camera. The output of the questionnaire is attachedbelow. The same set of people were taken to the centermentioned in the data collection column. TheBio Photon scan was taken. The detailed method about the scan is already mentioned in theprevious columns. The data obtained from thescan is put into spreadsheet as the datapersisting to 20 people needs to be put into one. Few of the images arrived out of the scan isattached. The questionnaire and the bio wellscan matches by more than 85%. Then the emotional pressure and Human organ balancesare co related using R-studio. The correlation value is -0. 7028813 which is anegative correlation that states that an increasein Emotional Pressure decreases the balance of Human organs. And a decrease in emotionalpressure increases the balance of human organs. The one more parameter which increases theLevel of Confidence for correlation value is p-value.


A change in emotional pressure of human bodyhas a significant impact on the balance of organs. This is proved using correlation of boththe values and the confidence is proved usingthe p-value. It is always important for humans tohave a proper care on Emotional Pressure. Thehealth of the citizens of a country is moreimportant for the growth of the country in manyaspects.

15 Jun 2020
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