Analysis Of Factors Affecting Children Involved In Divorce

In most cases, children are not part of the decision making when it comes to divorce. They are most likely bystanders of divorce that have no choice but to become part of an adult issue. Children who suffer from their parents going through divorce often need resources, guidance, and more than ever, commitment and consistency from significant people in their lives. Divorce affects all backgrounds, despite the difference in age, ethnicity, race, gender, etc. it can have a toll on anyone. Researchers have conducted numerous experiments on the dynamic changes for generations, attempting to understand its affects on children. Research shows that adults, or the parents of children going through divorce, not only experience the burdens of this issue, but that their children are impacted at the same level. This paper will attempt to educate its readers on the wide range of factors affecting children involved in divorce.


In long term situations, most children adjust well to parental separation and divorce.

Statistics show that if a parent were to explain to their children ahead of time of the separation, they would take the process much easier rather than being told later, then acting as if it were a sense of betrayal. The transition of divorce on children can be greatly influenced by the adults actions, whether the adult chooses to tell the child beforehand or not. Children can often be resilient, but with assistance the divorce transition can be experienced as an adjustment rather than a crisis. The effects of divorce on children vary, too. Numerous children come from various dispositions and research shows that not all have the same reactions towards divorce. Some of the most common reactions children show after divorce are: poor performance, loss of interest in social activity, difficulty adapting to change, emotionally sensitive, anger or irritability, feelings of guilt, destructive behavior, health problems, etc. (Family Means, 2019). It is vital that children are assisted by someone significant in their lives about the effects of divorce and they should be taught the importance of self-awareness to prevent harm to themselves and others.

The Divorce Process

A separation begins with a divorce petition. The request is composed by one spouse (the solicitor) and served on the other companion. The request is then recorded in a state court in the area where one of the spouses live. It doesn’t make a difference where the marriage happened. The appeal incorporates significant data with respect to the marriage. It names the spouse, wife and any youngsters and states if there is any different property or network property, child custody, and child or spousal support.

Serving the Divorce Petition. The appeal (or the legal documents) must be served on the other mate. This period of the procedure is designated 'administration of procedure.' If the two life partners consent to the separation, the other companion just needs to sign an affirmation of the receipt of administration. Nonetheless, if the other companion will not sign or is hard to find, you can contract an expert procedure server to personally convey the papers. Finishing administration of procedure begins the clock running on your state's waiting period. It additionally sets programmed controlling requests on the companions and builds up the date of division. Now, the spouses are not allowed to remove any kids from state, sell any property, borrow against property, or acquire or sell insurance held for the other spouse.

Divorce Petition Response. The other life partner is known as the 'respondent.' Although it's not required, the respondent can document a reaction to the appeal saying the person in question concurs. Recording a reaction shows the two gatherings consent to the separation. This makes it more probable the case will continue without a court hearing, which could postpone the procedure and cost more. For the most part, if a reaction isn't recorded inside 30 days, the candidate can demand that a default be entered by the court. The reacting companion can likewise utilize the reaction to differ with data displayed in the request.

Final Steps of Divorce. The spouses are required to uncover data with respect to their benefits, liabilities, salary and costs. On the off chance that the separation is uncontested and the life partners can concede to the conditions of the separation, there is just more desk work to record. When the court enters the judgment, the separation is conclusive. Be that as it may, the marriage isn’t officially broken down and the companions can't remarry until the finish of the state's waiting period. On the off chance that there are questions that can't be settled, court hearings and possibly a preliminary will be request.

Children — Reactions to Divorce

Personally, there is an individual in my life whom I have witnessed go through a downward spiral because their parents had gone through divorce. It was not the most positive scenario to watch play out, but I observed that the significant people around him brought him through the transition stages and he soon recovered. However, it took a while for the transition to occur and there were major changes to him after the divorce. Before his parents’ divorce, he was a problem free kid, grew up in a safe environment, and was adored by everyone around him.

After the divorce, he basically acted out and maybe even reacted the same way any kid would. He experienced poor performance in academics, loss of interest in social activity, difficulty adapting to change, emotionally sensitive, and so much more. It is never safe to place a child in that sort of position, but it is also important to understand the mental well-being of the adults as to why they filed for divorce.

Poor Performance in Academics. Separation is hard for all individuals from the family.

For kids, attempting to comprehend the changing elements of the family may leave them occupied and confounded. This break in their day by day center can mean one of the impacts of separation on kids would be found in their scholarly exhibition. The more diverted kids are, the almost certain they are to not have the option to concentrate on their school work.

Loss ofInterest in Social Activity. Research has recommended separation can influence youngsters socially, too. Kids whose family is experiencing separation may make some harder memories identifying with others, and will in general have less social contacts. Some of the time kids feel unreliable and wonder if their family is the main family that has gotten separated.

Difficulty Adapting to Change. Through divorce, youngsters can be influenced by figuring out how to adjust to change all the more regularly and all the more often. New relational peculiarities, new house or living circumstance, schools, companions, and the sky is the limit from there, may all have an impact.

Emotionally Sensitive. Divorce can carry several types of feelings to the front line for a family, and the youngsters included are the same. Sentiments of misfortune, outrage, disarray, nervousness, and numerous others, all may originate from this change. Separation can leave kids feeling overpowered and sincerely delicate. Youngsters need an outlet for their feelings — somebody to converse with, somebody who will tune in, and so on — kids may feel impacts of separation through how they process their feelings.


Roughly, each year, one million American children suffer the divorce of their parents. (Fagan & Rector, 2000). It is heart-breaking to know that children often suffer the most when it comes to their parents separation. Through American society, through its institutions, they teach core principles: “that marriage is the best environment in which to raise a healthy, happy children who can achieve their potential and that family is the most important institution for social well- being.” (Fagan & Rector, 2000). Adults do not always see eye to eye, but for the safety of their mental health, they would much rather resort to divorce. However, this affects the stability of their families which falls heavily on the shoulders of their children. There are, however, a few positive outcomes which require help from both sides of the party. With parents being part of the picture, supporting the needs of their children from both sides, should prevent their children from causing any harm to the themselves and others.

07 September 2020
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