Analysis Of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Inaugural Speech

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Inaugural Speech in 1933, addressed millions of American citizens and mainly focused on the country's crisis. In the intro of the speech, the most memorable phrase that Roosevelt used to reassure the nation was, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” I think it was important to include this phrase in the speech because one of the main issues the United States of America (USA) was going through was the Great Depression. The depression was caused due to the stock market crash, mass unemployment, bank failures, and many more. Americans needed to hear these words to have hope and stay calm. Americans only hope was Roosevelt, who needed to come up with a strong plan to help the nation. While listening to Roosevelt speech, I noticed that he is an influential speaker in a way that he discussed the problems in the USA and the solution to those problems. He wants Americans to trust his words and the process of being a great nation once again.

The main points discussed by the president were: the declining value of goods, a rise in taxes, the rate of unemployment, the decrease of public cartels, the frozen problem of foreign exchange and global trading operations, the bad markets for agricultural products, and the savings obtained by households after retirement that were intended for their future. Roosevelt speech was full of ethos, pathos, and logos. In the opening statement, Roosevelt uses ethos to gain trust from the people. For example, he addressed the audience with honesty and presented the current problems the citizens were experiencing in the country. As Roosevelt stated, “will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impels”. Therefore, the audience was able to trust Roosevelt and knew that he would act to reduce and if possible, eradicate difficulties and crisis in the country.

Throughout the speech, Roosevelt uses pathos to portray the kind of feelings recommended by the speaker and the audience. An example of pathos in the speech was “this great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper.” The president assured the nation that dark times in the country would end soon and under his management, the nation will endure, revive, and prosper. It uses pathos because of the depression that the audience experienced by the prior administration. Roosevelt uses logos to explain the audience about why the crisis was increasing in the United States. As mentioned before, Roosevelt discussed the rise of unemployment, taxes, etc. Acknowledging the issues, make the audience believe that the president is aware of the problems. Roosevelt use of ethos, pathos, and logos in his speech made it stronger and interesting to listen.

The most severe economic depression that took place during the 1930s was the Great Depression. One of the major causes was the stock market crash, also known as the “Black Tuesday,” that took place on October 29, 1929. The crash led to a rising unemployment rate. The unemployment rate in 1933 was 25%, and many Americans were angered and stressed. Several Americans were struggling to find a job and survive. Many families started moving to the West, where more land was available. Jobless men would wait in line at Soup kitchens to get free food. If I were living in the 1930s, I would be fearful and worried about my family, house, job, and education, just like many Americans. Production rate also declined in the country. Some other causes were low wages, debt, and large bank loans. After the crash, 4,000 banks failed in 1933, and 9,000 banks failed during the 1930s. Americans had lost their faith in the previous leadership. But Roosevelt speech gave them a great relief that the new president will get the country out of the crisis. Roosevelt goal was to calm those frustrated Americans and show his intention to act quickly and decisively.

Roosevelt speech is one of my favorite President speeches because it is engaging, full of emotions, and addressed the significant issues of the nation in 1933. The best part of the speech was the introduction because it relates to real concerns of the everyday American citizens. He addressed the country about the crisis and his plans for a New Deal. His famous quote about fear had a connection to the feelings and emotions of the audience. Due to the issues, Americans felt hopeless, stressed, and angry, but Roosevelt speech gave them hope that things will get better. In the end, he was able to gain Americans trust and ensure them that the best is yet to come. While the speech was amazing, the video quality is low, and in some parts of the video, Roosevelt’s voice isn’t clear.

According to “Great inaugural addresses: Franklin Roosevelt” by the National Constitution Center (NCC) staff, stated that Roosevelt’s speech inspired millions. The organization highlighted Roosevelt Inaugural address from 1933-1945 and the famous quote from each speech. Another article, “First Inaugural Address” by FDR Presidential Library & Museum, stated that “FDR won a historic mandate in 1932...FDR’s election restored hope to many.” At the end of the article, the author also added that “The greatest applause came when Roosevelt said he would ask for wartime executive powers if Congress failed to act against the emergency. Eleanor found the crowd’s reaction “somewhat terrifying” — a frightened public seemed prepared to do anything FDR asked.” In “Franklin D Roosevelt: The man who conquered fear” by Max Hastings stated in his article that “Americans celebrate Franklin D Roosevelt as the president who led them out of the Great Depression of the 1930s and through the greatest global conflict in history...he showed himself undaunted by any challenge.”

The articles help the reader visualize how Roosevelt was a great leader who led the country out of the Great Depression and other issues. He inspired millions of people and showed that anything is possible with hard work, honesty, and dedication. Today, it’s almost impossible to find great leaders like Roosevelt. Most of the politicians are corrupt, misuse their power, or liars. Roosevelt connected with his people and showed concerned about the problems in the country. He used his words to educate and reassure people about the crisis. His goal was to get the country out of crisis and make it great again. He was able to accomplish this goal through his New Deal plan.

14 May 2020
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