Analysis Of Margaret Thatcher As A Powerful Leader

Leaders should be a student of history. This is both valid in the case of examining incredible leaders and their own stories. This examination permits them to comprehend what nourishes their fire. While distinctive dimensions of power and influence are communicated remarkably by every leader, looking at the experience and strategies utilized can be supportive for creating great leadership aptitudes. This can be seen in an audit of Margaret Thatcher.

Bases of Power

Margaret Thatcher demonstrated numerous characteristics in her initial years that helped her career. Since her father supported her instruction as a youngster and young grown-up, she had a reason and adhered to it. She had a great deal of aspiration for a young lady. During the 1940s she went to Oxford and graduated in 1947 from a young lady's school. Faultfinders called attention to every one of the things that she wouldn't fit the bill for or do where she needed. However, as she proceeded with, she admired her father who put everything he could ever want into Margaret as a young lady, predominantly because he didn't have any young men. One of her educators in life depicted her conduct in the homeroom 'Margaret could be ensured to get up on her back legs and make amazing inquiries' (Thatcher, 1999). Margaret was direct and recognized what she needed. These characteristics of power helped her to proceed with her instruction further down the road. Furthermore, Thatcher indicated solid master control is starting here on all through her profession. This was accomplished by continually being educated and promptly equipped with the certainties and appropriate information.


Thatcher could practice impact using discerning influence. Impact strategies enable a person to impact the practices, contemplations, and feeling of others. Usual power is a strategy that persuades others that one's point of view is right through the sharing of accurate information, and sensible contentions (Hughes et al., 2011). Thatcher used levelheaded influence all through her vocation to persuade others that her position and contentions were legitimate. While in Parliament, she was known to be very much arranged for her addresses which picked up the consideration of her group of onlookers and constituents. Her capacity to speak with rationale and realities made others 'reluctant to counterattack'. Thatcher's high utilization of sane influence like this helped her increase her reputation.

Building Credibility

Thatcher's conviction all through her vocation to stand up and address troublesome issues, and her assurance to finish activity is a key way that she manufactured her believability (Adonis, 2016). Margaret rose to control amid a period when the nation was in a condition of extraordinary dissimilarity confronting issues that the open required responses for. Margaret was solid in her feelings while tending to the hard themes that were being kept away from by different leaders.

Not every person concurred with her position or strategies to accomplish goals, yet she was resolved to voice her opinion and illuminate these issues. Preceding being chosen as the Prime Minister, she stood up and tended to questions that were affecting the country, for example, the nation's economy that was causing a progression of additional issues like joblessness, strikes, waste in the roads and power outages.

Lessons Learned

Thatcher carried on with an animated life for a lady in the United Kingdom. Having turned into the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1979. Her childhood included being a political activist amid her initial adulthood, and she was extremely committed to her training and profession. Her father was additionally a political assume that put vigorously in her instruction as he saw incredible political accomplishment for her later. Be that as it may, her childhood was extraordinarily organized and genuine, and she was not ready to appreciate life as most young people do. Thatcher could move up the political stepping stool yet additionally settled on individual choices that were not famous with the general population.

Questions Raised

Being extremely devoted to her career, she was extraordinary when it went to her job and obligations. She frequently rested just 4 hours every night and worked notwithstanding when she was extremely sick. Thatcher was progressive in the manner that she left her imprint in government and driving a nation. Her vocation did not come without penance, and her own life additionally assumed a lower priority about her expert profession. She did various punishments and furthermore went to the acknowledgment that her dynamic political thoughts were not continually gotten decidedly by her supporters and devotees. Thatcher will dependably be known as an extraordinary debater alongside her insight and allure which made her prevalent with her devotees. However, questions were raised if the conservative party could keep permitting Thatcher to be a piece of their party.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Margaret's strengths and weaknesses were a piece of what made her a wonderful and fruitful leader. The way that she achieved this was to recognize and use her shortcomings to form them into qualities. She had various societal weaknesses including, being raised poor, female, and youthful. She didn't allow these weaknesses to keep her from accomplishing her objectives. From numerous points of view, she utilized these to build up her conviction and work drive.  She was likewise known to be extraordinarily sudden or forthright in her manner and was unpracticed when she started in a government office. These weaknesses in the long run built up her reputation for being straightforward, moral, and her enthusiasm to learn and adapt.


Margaret Thatcher was a real leader. Also, she was an immediate result of her environment. Since her childhood assumed such an outstanding job informing her methodology, she could break molds, upset opportunities, and still take care of her business. All together for different leaders to have the capacity to do this, they must investigate themselves and look at their strengths and weaknesses as it tries to their power and impact.


  • Adonis, J. (2016). How to be great – lessons from Margaret Thatcher. Acuity, 3(4), 40-41.
  • Hughes, R., Ginnett, R., and Curphy, G., 2011. Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. 7th ed. McGraw-Hill.
  • French, J. P. R. Jr., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright and A. Zander (eds.), Group dynamics (pp. 607-623). New York: Harper and Row.
  • Harvard Business school, (2019), “Margaret Thatcher.” Harvard Business School (1999). Margaret Thatcher.
  • Pearce, R. (2012). Thatcher’s rise to power. History Review, (72), 26. 
16 December 2021
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