Analysis Of The Case Study How Kristin Died

The case study “How Kristin Died” identifies the series of events that lead to Kristin Lardner demise. Kristin was a twenty-one-year-old college student studying art in Boston Massachusetts. Kristin made several attempts to formally address “Michael Cartier” violent nature towards her and his documented history of engaging in stalking behaviors. “The study dispassionately probes the background of Cartier and the oversights that allowed him to not receive any penalty or sanction as retribution for transgression. Carter’s close proximity to places Kristin frequents, mental instability, obsessive and abusive behavior and various encounters with law enforcement.

Carter not receiving any repercussions for his blatant probation violation and other criminal behaviors ultimately led to Kristin’s death. In the process of recounting the events surrounding this tragedy underscores the importance of well-functioning, effective bureaucracy”. The following analyst identifies the need for Administrative Reorganization in Boson’s Massachusetts Justice System in light of Kristin’s case study.

Carter Avoids Prosecution

The Cartier’s case included a large number of agencies involved with addressing his various mental health issues and criminal behavior which enabled his freedom. Cartier’s violent tendency is adequately documented through his encounter with law enforcement, probation officer and mental health professionals. Kristin various attempts to formally address Cartier’s abusive tendencies, violent outburst in public and eyewitness accounts; these instances were not adequately addressed according to the established policies and practices of each agency. Carter Avoids Incarceration Sergeant Robert Simmons attempts to intervene, and implementation of a one-day emergency restraining order and the subsequent failure to issue a summons for Carter identifies problematic issues within the judicial system. Probation Officer Diane Moeller inability to charge Carter a for probation violation after he completed an alternative to violence course and subsequently assaulted Kristin. Carters attempt to contact Kristin was a violation of an existing restraining order. The notion that the Brookline probation officials were unaware that Carter was on probation for assaulting another woman depicts the lack of communication between the local law enforcement agencies. Various inconsistencies and a lack of partnership between the several agencies responsible for managing Carter lead to several oversights. These oversights enabled Carter to avoid prosecution and incarceration. Ultimately on May 30, 1992, the judicial system failed both Kristin and Carter because the case ended in a murder-suicide.

Light’s Concept of the Tides of Reform

Administrative Reorganization is a concept that promotes the evolutionary process within an organization. This process can be influenced internally but it is also susceptible to outside stimulus. Light’s Concept of the Tides of Reform Reorganization, according to Mosher, must be “conscious, deliberate, intended and planned and is generally sparked by six factors:

  1. Growth of population size area or clientele served by an agency.
  2. A change in the functions undertaken as a result of new problem faced by the agency.
  3. A change in the philosophy of a government program.
  4. The consequences of new technology, new equipment and advancing knowledge.
  5. The changing – usually rising – qualifications of personnel.
  6. Actions taken above agencies that frequently force changes upon them.
  7. A change in the functions undertaken as a result of new problem faced by the agency.

Boston’s judicial system received updated guidelines in relation to a new problem faced by agencies. “Massachusetts law, enacted in 1990, provides for the mandatory arrest of anyone law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe violated a temporary or permanent restraining order”. This policy was enacted to alleviate the systemic problems of individuals not adhering to the court restrictions imposed. The mandatory arrest law was implemented 2 years prior to Kristin’s murder, Massachusetts state law sought to prosecute similar behaviors to that exhibited by Cartier.

Actions taken above agencies May 30, 1992, shortly after Kristin obtained a permanent restraining order, Cartier accosted her near her workplace and asked her to go out with him. She refused, and as she walked away, he shot her in the head. She fell to the sidewalk. Cartier ran away, but returned a short time later and shot her twice more, then went to his apartment and killed himself. The application of mandatory arrest law in Boston’s Law enforcement agencies did impact interagency resource and information sharing. This brings to light Actions taken above agencies that frequently force changes upon them. “In 1994, Congress passed a series of laws collectively known as the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)". Kristin’s case influenced the enactment of (VAWA) as a national policy. Kristin’s case study was utilized for enacting a federal law that exhibited similarities to laws local agency previously established. Federal laws tend to be more ethical and comprehensive in relation to the affected population.

03 December 2019
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