Analysis Of The Main Lessons Of Plato In The Republic

Since the start of history and human civilizations, people have defined the guidelines of acceptable behaviors in society. The standards in regards to the proper thoughts and justifiable ways of living differ from society to society, yet they are alike in the sense that these standards were developed or became populated from one person. Although each community holds with it its ideologies in regards to this matter, Plato provides a uniquely deep and insightful guideline to how people should live in a just world with justifiable actions. Plato Republic highlights his thoughts and methodologies of what exactly he means when he suggests for people to live a rather lavish and prosperous life all while maintaining aretē, or virtue. Virtue is absolutely paramount to Plato, and it is a constant theme throughout Plato Republic. Most, if not all, elements conversed throughout the book have a connection to virtue. This is because in the Republic, it is asked, “but isn’t justice human virtue” of which the response is “yes, certainly”. While virtue is widely recognized in the book and ultimately can be tied with a majority of topics discussed and that there are endless lessons that can be learned from Plato’s Republic, education, self-respect, participating both politics and the importance of action, and seeking gender equality are, however, four inspirational topics covered by the great philosopher that assisted in shaping the socially accepted ways of living all over the world. Education has always been critically important, and in today’s time and age it is strongly emphasized in societies for one to have a solid education. It is of no surprise that Plato is a widely recognized figure in the world of educators and education as a whole. Plato believed that one shall live life with a great abundance of knowledge obtained from allowing oneself to be educated because “the object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful”. Plato also stresses how important it is that the development of knowledge be instilled at a young age.

A firm and strong foundation is established in a child’s younger years, for “the beginning of any process is most important, especially for anything young and tender. It’s at that time that it is most malleable and takes on any pattern one wishes to impress on it… and the opinions they absorb at that age are hard to erase and apt to become unalterable… the first stories they hear about virtue are the best ones for them to hear”. He emphasizes that not only is education from a young start necessary, but that virtue is incredibly vital and necessary when one is still a child. Such teachings that Pluto discusses with great detail in Republic are part of what are deemed necessary in everyday life. Plato deemed it imperative for one to posses self-respect. Plato’s Republic discusses imitations in book III, and although imitations can have several meanings, there is a deeper lesson to come out of that. People should not live their lives imitating people those that are beneath them or act in manners that negatively impact their communities. It is inevitable and human nature that people tend to imitate and pick up on the actions of those surrounding them, yet this is where self-respect enters the picture. It is integral that one have an immense abundance of self-respect due to the fact that they will only seek to imitate those with good actions and continue to spread this behavior throughout society. “They must imitate from childhood what is appropriate for them… people who are courageous, self-controlled, pious, and free, and their actions”. Moreover, nurturing and motivating such ideologies enables the younger generations to be brought up with these beneficially impactful conditions that will later on flourish and generate a delightful society. “… Imitations practiced from youth become part of nature and settle into habits of gesture, voice, and thought… he’ll imitate this good man most when he’s acting in a faultless and intelligent manner.. When he comes upon a character unworthy of himself, however, he’ll be unwilling to make himself seriously resemble that inferior character”. All over the world are people who participate in politics and voice their concerns and opinions. People generally view this as a fundamental right because they desire to be heard and request to see actions headed in the correct direction. Plato makes it abundantly clear that such behavior is essential. “Now, the greatest punishment, if one isn’t willing to rule, is to be ruled by someone worse than oneself. And I think that it’s fear of this that makes decent people rule when they do”. This quote runs deeper than politics, yet it ultimately reveals that one is better off standing up for what they believe in and stating their political opinions or thoughts in general, rather than remaining silent and allowing someone of the opposite beliefs to take over. This state of thought extends to vast subject matters in life, and that is what makes it significantly important to live by. Gender equality has been examined for centuries and continues to be a prominent matter in present day society.

According to Plato, one should live life with a solid consideration towards men as well as, and equally as important, women. It is stated in Republic, “therefore, if we use the women for the same things as the men, they must also be taught the same things”. Although this reference to the idea of training women to do what men do is not equally the issue in present day society, this quotation is applicable in numerous situations and dilemmas. And although there have been heaps of advancements of this matter, it remains a concerning topic internationally. Surely it is an argument made that because women and men have differing body types placing one gender at a slight disadvantage than the opposing gender, this should not a great enough complication that should inhibit women of the opportunities and chances presented men in the more masculine presented industries. Book V presents the notion that this is possible because just as men were educated and trained for that very job or assignment, women can just as well be too. “the one learns something connected with that thing easily, the other with difficulty; the one, starting from slight learning, is able to carry discovery far forward in the field he has learned, while the other, having chanced on a lot of learning and practice, can’t even preserve what he learned…”. It is concluded that the correct school of thought is that “male and female guardians must share their entire way of life, and that our argument is consist when it states that this is both possible and beneficial”. This is a principle that should in fact remain ideal in not only society, but in laws as well. Although unfortunately this matter remains a controversial topic that is both debated nationally and internationally, one should live with this very mindset that of Plato. Socrates was Plato’s teacher and mentor and assisted a great deal in instilling values and teachings into Plato, but Plato left behind valuable substance and guidelines himself. Plato Republic gives a considerable insight as to how society and people as a whole community, or as an individual, should both act and the ideologies and fundamentals they should have. As Plato once said, “Never discourage anyone… who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.”

01 February 2021
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