Analysis Of The Reasons Ineffective Socialism In Venezuela

Venezuela was a once-wealthy prosperous nation that used to be one of the wealthiest-oil rich countries is now going through a dismantling economic collapse. One of the sources claims that inflation out a rate of staggering ten million percent. This demise of a once prosperous nation is spurring a regional humanitarian crisis and mass migration to various nations across South America with nations such as Columbia being unable to cope with the influx of migrants. It is so bad due to their economic regime change that four out of every ten Venezuelans want to leave their home country. You may be asking why? It is mostly due to its adoption of a disastrous economic system based on the false premise of “equality” and “shared wealth” in other terms in the implementation of socialist policies. This is an economic system that is full of lies and deception. It has lead to the demise of many nations across the globe and ruins a citizen's sense of individuality, freedom of expression and their ability to make choices. As the once-famous prime minister of Margaret Thatcher said: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money. ”

There are several different factors that help support numerous claims that socialism doesn't work economically, socially and politically. To illustrate, an economics professor demonstrated to his Obama supporting students that socialism does not work. In order for the professor to support his claim, he executed Marx-Lenin based theory into his grading policy. After the first exam scores were averaged out all students received a B and were quite ecstatic about that grade but the student's joy will not last for long. Despite the first exam being a passing grade on a second exam the whole class received a D because those who studied hard on the first exam did not feel the incentive to work harder and those who choose to not study well did not study again. Lastly, on the classes the third exam the students received an F because once again what's the point of working hard when there is no need too. This experiment supports the main argument that under a Socialist regime people do not have any incentive to improve their performance and work harder when the government decides to take everything and give to those who do not work hard in a nation where everything is being distributed equality. Contrary to a capitalist-free market system when the reward is great, the more effort people put into succeeding.

The second reason why socialism is ineffective is it takes away citizens' freedom of expression and individual thought. Americans are blessed to live in a country with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution because it prevents the government from obtaining too much power. In contrast, countries like the Soviet Union, Belarus, and China did not grant freedom of speech, press, among many other basic human rights to those who live in that region. In particular, the source demonstrated that the state-owned all media outlets and routinely censored material that went against the government's propaganda machine or agenda. Freedom of speech and human rights are also very limited in nations with Marx-Lenin principles for example, if someone decided to just protest the victim would face harsh repercussions. A plentiful amount of sources also mention that socialist countries have some form of the secret police in the USSR it was the KGB (Committee for State Security). During Joseph Stalin's reign, millions died in the great purge where his version of the secret police (The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) murdered all those who did not agree with him. Various countries still have secret police intelligence agencies in order to violently repress political opposition.

Another grievance of socialism is that there is limited economic freedom. In socialist countries, the means of production are controlled by the central government which results in many different negative outcomes. One of the sources demonstrates that socialism in the marketplace does not work. As seen by nations with hardcore socialist ideologies frequently deny the existence and the persistence of simple economic knowledge and concepts such as scarcity. Scarcity is unlimited wants with limited supply in other terms it means that there, not enough resources to meet human desires and needs.

Under socialism, it contradicts that basic economic principle if a resource is scarce why grant free collective access to it as this would lead to many problems long term. For example, in Venezuela, simple items such as a loaf of bread have become overutilized and have lead to shortages across the country. Another source provided proof that the economic principle of price ceilings does not work in a government-regulated economy. Price ceilings are when the government imposes price control and regulation on that item usually to help lower-income citizens get access to that good. To put this in perspective lets say, the government decided to put price control on milk so that disadvantaged children have the ability to purchase it. The fixed price is less than the free market cost and a major shortage will occur because no farmer would want to lose profits. It sounds like a good moral concept but several nations have implemented price ceilings and the end result just lead to famine and death like in Cambodia and under Mao’s reign in China.

Socialism has never worked when implemented throughout the world and lead to the death of over one hundred million people. Even though it leads down a path of destruction of death and taking away freedoms there is a rise of popularity in the United States for the advocacy of Socialism. In particular on the left-wing political spectrum with vacuous politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio Cortez who are “democratic socialists”. Democratic socialists claim it instills democratic principles while offering generous social programs like free college and nationalized healthcare, but who will foot the bill? not these limousine liberals. Democratic socialists always say to look at Scandinavian nations as a place where socialism prospers sources demonstrate that those nations are a strongly capitalist nation with a mix of state-owned industries. The rise of socialism is infiltrating one of the two political parties, the Democratic party (as those two politicians are affiliated with) which always was already hard to take seriously with their racist past and blatant hypocrisy. Movements such as occupy wall street which took place in the heart of the financial district to fight against income inequality.

People against capitalism want to see socialism as the new economic system because they believe it will eliminate income inequality and want to see everyone equally prosper. The United States does have an income equality disparity according to one of the sources. Income inequality grows between 2017 and 2018 but making the wealthy pay more in taxes will not work this is the concept of wealth distribution taking from the top one percent to give to the ninety-nine percent. Yet, in states like California and New York, both liberal strongholds tax the rich and corporations at astronomical rates so the wealthy will just move elsewhere and this leads to even more problems because the ones with the most money are the ones who create jobs and opportunities for people of all races. For example, President Trump becoming a resident of Florida and not New York. Another example business-related was Toyota moving its corporate headquarters from California to Texas to pay lower taxes.

People also promote socialism and demonize capitalism by always mentioning that socialist countries have more generous social welfare programs. Left-wing media and other people who live in there parents basement always mention the glorious Canadian nationalized healthcare. According to the source the United States spend 17. 8% of their GDP on healthcare while Canada spends only 10%, but on the Government of Canada website, it states that the waiting period can be up to three months. This brings on another point that nationalized health care will raise taxes in order to pay for it, in Canada the tax when you purchase an Item(Harmonized Sales Tax) is 15% compared to New York which is 8. 8625%. Canada has one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world along with the United Kingdom. The counterargument on the pro-socialist side once again goes back to Scandinavian because healthcare is “free’ and so is a college education, this is a flawed argument the United States is a population of over three hundred sixty-five million and Scanadvia currently has a population close to Texas.

Socialism does not work in every nation that adopted Marx-Lenin principles has lead to oppression and genocide. Promises of equality and happiness result in misery and tyranny. It had caused the collapse of an oil-rich nation even though it is full of resources. Winston Churchill said “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. ”

31 October 2020
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