Analysis of the Use of Computer Based Test (CBT) of TOEFL

The use of computers has become an important part of the learning process in the classroom and outside the classroom. Each language class usually uses a computer to teach or do problems. A computer is a tool to facilitate learning in English language testing usually used by the computer. English language testing is the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using a particular language is effectively. The main purpose of this TOEfL essay sample is to explore the use Computer-Based Test (CBT) in English Languages Testing as TOEFL. CBT as a valid, reliable and efficient assessment tool but the computer can be slow or hang, so that it interferes with the answers made by students. The computer has indeed become an inevitable tool because some tests have used a computer, as TOEFL.


Language testing is the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using a particular language effectively. Valance the functions of English languages testing are to measure learners’ languages proficiency, and to diagnose learners’ strengths and weakness in learning English languages. Thus, The English test is carried out while in the course of the course. For example, formative testing is a program that can be changed to better suit students' needs based on a score test during their study period. After that the final test can be given at the end of the program and this can be called summative testing. As is often the case in multiple choice tests an English test can be made an objective test in which candidates are assessed against the responses set. Whereas subjective tests are exemplified by essays, which may then be subjected to an accurate assessment that identifies, for example, the type of error quantified. Nowadays, the use of computer and other device has become popular all around the world in evaluating and testing the languages proficiency of English learners. Test created, implemented, and scored through computers are called Computer-Based Testing (CBT). As pointed out by other authors in the special issue of using technology in education, for many reasons, the use of computer based testing is becoming widespread Yurdabakan. As we know, since 1990 computers have played a key role in language testing. Computers have come to play a major role in construction testing, goods banking, administrative testing, evaluation, data analysis, report generation, research, and research dissemination. As machines and software become more sophisticated, practical research and ethical problems have arisen. The main purpose of this article is the use Computer-Based Test (CBT) in English Languages Testing.


Types of Computer-Based Test (CBT)

According to Ajinaja there are two types of CBT which include:

  • Linear Test - This involves a full-length examination in which the computer selects different questions for individuals without considering their performance level.
  • Adaptive Test - Here the computer selects the range of questions based on individuals‟ performance level. These questions are taken from a very large pool of possible questions categorized by content and difficulty.


Strengths of Computer-Based Test (CBT)

According to Ejim the strength of CBT there are eight points such as:

  • Security

Test security issues. Regardless of the candidate's geographical location or base, CBT minimizes all security risks, from exposure of items and examinations to the candidate's identity.

  • Safe testing environment

The CBT test center is designed to be safe and conducive to testing. At the CBT test center, candidates can be filtered through a multi-layered process that goes beyond standard ID and fingerprint verification. Some CBT center check-in procedures, for example, can also incorporate biometric technology to establish a candidate's identity. Candidate monitoring can also be achieved through navigation and CCTV.

  • Consistency

Having a dedicated CBT testing center with a controlled environment ensures greater consistency in the testing environment that leads to more reliable results.

  • Innovation

CBT opens the test to its full potential as a valid, reliable and efficient assessment tool.

  • Continued administration

With CBT, exams and results are stored securely and backed up and results can be delivered instantly. So, there is no possibility of paper missing during posting and candidates do not need to wait weeks or months to take the next step in education or employment.

  • Comfort and efficiency

CBT has advantages in terms of logistics because there is no longer sending test paper to the test site, there does no longer have to record receipt of the test paper back from the testing center. Mostly, there may be cost savings for not having to print and send test papers.

  • Data management and analysis

CBT means that there is a lot of information that is automatically captured about the test participants' experiences. This information can be used to make decisions based on information about the testing program. For example, a time analysis of how long a candidate has to answer a question or test as a whole can provide information about whether the time allowed for the test is appropriate or needs to be adjusted.

Weakness of Computer-Based Test (CBT)

Weaknesses Computer Based Test, The weakness of computer based tests, including:

  • There are students who are not yet familiar in using computers
  • Computers can be slow or hang, so that disrupts answers that have been done by students
  • If the computer hangs can make students stressed, thus breaking up concentration
  • If students use cellphones / laptops, it can be constrained by quotas
  • Limited number of computers than the number of examinees.



Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in English-speaking universities. The test is accepted by many English-speaking academic and professional institutions Khusaini. This can be used to measure people's English skills, to see if they are good enough to take courses at universities or graduate schools in English-speaking countries. It can also measure how well someone uses listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to perform academic tasks. There are four sections in TOEFL test. They are Listening, Structure, Reading, and Writing. Each skill has different parts and times.

The first session is Listening Comprehension which aims to measure a person's ability in their understanding of spoken English. The English is often used in colleges and universities in America. The number of Listening questions consists of 50 questions and the processing time is thirty to forty minutes. There are three parts in Listening Sections. They are short conversation, long conversation, and the last part is long monolog.

The second session of the TOEFL test is Structure and Written Expression. The aim is to measure a person's ability to recognize grammar rules and structures in accordance with English writing standards. The number of questions is 40 questions, 25 minutes of work time. It is divided into 2 parts, namely questions with multiple choice answers and questions to choose the wrong answer.

The third session of the ITP TOEFL test is Reading Comprehension. This session aims to measure the ability of individuals to read and understand academic reading material. The number of questions is 50 questions and the processing time is 55 minutes.


In this paper, the researcher reviewed some important issues pertinent to the use computer best test of English language testing. Literature review shows that there are advantages and disadvantages in the use of CBT by examinees. One of them is CBT opens the test to its full potential as a valid, reliable and efficient assessment tool but computers can be slow or hang, so that disrupts answers that have been done by students. The computer has indeed become an unavoidable tool because some of the tests have used a computer, as has been explained above TOEFL is no longer using paper in conducting tests. To sum up, the findings of this literature review show that computers provide a way for examinees to better use new methods and get rid of the use of paper. This can be used to increase student motivation and is expected to be more effective in conducting tests using CBT.


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23 March 2023
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