Application To Solve A Problem Of Queues And Product Navigation In Grocery Stores


Kharidaar Smart Cart plans to initiate a grocery store. The event/experience is design for those who do not like to stay stand in a checkout-line. Customers will use a Kharidaar Smart cart app and activate app in their phones while entering the store. We have figured out the solution for the problem to search out the required items on an eye blink. The solution of this problem is such navigation system that navigates the location of particular item or items. It also shows map of the Store through beacon sensors (IOT) on your phone. We added a feature of ads and promotions to enhance the sale and shopping experience. By Artificial Intelligence, we maintain the inventory levels and provide predictive analysis of seasonal items. This paper provide intimation, applications and sustainability within the manufactures, and in other manufactures included are also the outcomes of a survey organized within management of a Walmart store and Amazon Go.

Index Terms—Smart Cart, Magento, Beacon sensors, Sqlyog, MySQL, Andriod app.


There has been considerable research that highlights the some difficulties that peoples face in grocery store to waiting in a long queue and finding the path of desire product. Several associated challenges must be overcome to this problem. For the customers with their busy life, it is difficult to waste their time on shopping in buying grocery and to waiting in a long queue. The purpose of this project is to develop a make the customers take easy and give them a best service through Kharidaar smart cart based on ksc application with indoor navigation. The problem of the long waiting queues in Super stores at billing counters is one’s busy schedules. To get rid of this problem we are designing the System for consumers by simply scanning the products through their Mobile devices when choosing them. In addition, this project will help customers to easily navigate to the place where the required items are.

Literature Review

M. J. E. Fernando, S. S. Shurane, L. S. Wijesinghe, N. M. Thenuwara, and D. Dhammearatchi states that the finding location or providing navigation directions to the customers while they are at supermarket. People are desire to have everything done/ready at their fingertips more rapidly and without any strong endeveour. In a vast area of single/one grocery mart shop customers face problems in finding their desired items within a specific time. To go forward with advance technology, grocery mart shop holders can use this new application which will accompany grocery shopping into a new unlike level [1]. Alex Polacco, Herberger and Kayla Backes states that The event/experience is design for those who do not like to stay stand in a checkout-line. Amazon advantages by remove the cost of checkout staff. Experienced advancement will track their acquire, permit them to exit the store without checking, and automatically updated their account [2]. In order for customers to grocery-shop at an Amazon Go store, the costumer must first create/introduce an Amazon account, have on your smart phone, and download the Amazon Go application.

Once these products are in place, the customer scans their Amazon Go app, placed on their smartphone, upon entering the retail shop store. At this point, the customer is free from to walk around the store, shop, and add and replace products to from their virtual cart [3]. Heather Kelly states that littlebit test store in Seattle, which opened to the anyone for the first time on Monday, what automated shopping will look like in future. It uses cameras and sensors to recognize what food you’ve taken from a shelf, then automatically update charges when you walk out. Three days after its grand opening, the crowd of lines had mostly disappeared/escaped. To walk in, you need a selective things: an Amazon account, a smart phone, and the Amazon Go application [4]. M. Mhaske, M. Sawant, E. Bhattad, A. Gaikwad, M. Mulik states that with the help of mobile amount payment, customer will fast the transaction process system and can check the current balance, and if the required then add amount balance from him/her bank accounts. The quickly increasing use of online shopping decreased the burden but still customer will suggest to purchase product in supermarket to check the quality. Overall plans and objectives of software are to remove time taken in billing counter in superstore and increase customer satisfaction. After buying each product customer can scan the product via barcode scanner which is in built in the smart phone [5]. Saumya Rajan, Aakanksha Jaiswal, Shivam Garg states that as the desire for the online shopping is increasing/grow the requirement of more securely safe, help and reliable transaction is of demand. The products so purchased by the customer will be prolonged in the app history that can be used by the customer in the next successive purchase.

The transactions that will take place normally with the shops database will be secured. A number of features can be inserted to this system in future like providing moderator more control over items so that each an arbitrator can prolong their own products [6]. Estimote Beacons3, which is commercially easily available sensors with a built in Beacons can be fixed in a specified location and they are able to send the related recognize information to the smart phones, implementing a multiple service, the mobile application can stored database or fetch data from a web-services on a server. [7]. Hyunwoo Hwangbo, Yang Sok Kim, and Kyung Jin Cha states that ”Smart store” can be applied to different types of retail stores.

The goal of the ”smart store” is to understand customer behaviors in brick- and-mortar stores. In order to implement target marketing and persuasive marketing into brick-and- mortar stores, sensors, beacons, and other internet of everything devices are employed to collect customer data and combine it with the purchased data. Indoor location analysis aims to provide proximity marketing because it makes it possible for retail firms to collect data of customer behaviors and in-store movements in brick-and-mortar stores, store managers can allocate store staff more efficiently and consider time and location in which the customers are interested. In the retail environment, macro and controlled factors, such as promotion on products, price, merchandise, supply chain, and location, can lead to focused on customer satisfaction, more rapidly shopping visits, buyers, and profits, through superior customer experience. [8]. Ramneek Kalra, Kamal Kumar and Shiwani Batra states that This platform can be either done by using Barcode Scanner or having auto considerable Machines which helps to returns the weight of corresponding product automatically using unlike considerable skills like Image Recognition considerable Scale or Scanning Whole Product and by recognize overall information.

Using barcode Scanner As many superstores does that by scanning barcode over the product’s rate that is being get from compatible with server’s database. We can perform this task of scanning products over its identity(Id). [9]. Magento is a free ecommerce platform published under Open Source License version 3. 0 and built using PHP and different open source tools. Magento1. 8 has evolved into a feature rich ecommerce solution that comes prepackaged with all the essential tools needed to build up an ecommerce web store. Keep in mind that Magento is not a plug and play ecommerce solution [10]. Joseph Byrum states that Artificial Intelligence’s apps in a stronger plants are similar to make their way to yields and will continue to increase. The potential increase in agricultural AI systems is notable, and as the algorithms grow, the advantages will continue to be seen every time you checked out at the superstroe [11].


Design Phase

The registration of customer, the automated list or new list of the products made by consumers will be connect with the database server as well as the application server through IoT device. By gathering all the data from customer’s product list and inventory list the Artificial Intelligence will help to take the simulation and modelling and analytical ratio of purchased products. The navigation or product list will locate the product and consumers through the IoT devices. We can store acquire in the database, and in mobile application stored in virtualize server.

Implementation Phase

The systems used in this project are Database system, Inventory System, Navigation system through product detail with implementation by different softwares and hardware like Java, php, android studio, SQLyog, and Magento, beacon sensors etc.

  1. Magento platform: Magento is an ecommerce platform built on open source advancemnents which provides to a customer with an easy and flexible shopping cart system also provides instructions for creating and installing custom storefront for a Magento developer.
  2. Overview of Magento Features: Magento consists of both frontend and backend (or Admin Panel), one for adminis-tration and one for customers of store. From these two features we can create a store for ecommerce app and develop a store for grocery marts.
  3. Magento connect to mobile app: Kharidaar smart cart app allow to your mobile device retrieve product information from your Magento Web services and show your current data on your screen.
  4. Andriod Application of Kharidaar smart cart: Kharidaar Smart cart app consists of different operations and features. First you have to register yourself to use the Kharidaar Smart Cart app when you register yourself the homepage of application will open when the user can search items to make list by scanning products and items navigates feature for step by step instruction to the item and promotion pop-ups and then the check out.
  5. Bluetooth And Beacon Sensors in kharidaar smart cart: Beacons can be used for both client-based as well as server-based the positioning data should be directly displayed on a mobile device (smartphone), the smartphone receives Bluetooth signals from beacons installed in the building app and uses the signal strength measurement for localization.
  6. Recommender Engine: Recommender engine used to recommend, predict and analyze the sales rate of products, history of customers, and customers lists. Following are the requirements and perspectives of recommender engine.
  7. Data required: Customers invoice history. Analysis of products (Business Intelligence). Customers product list. Store Map.
  8. Perspectives: KSC recommender engine recommend products to customer with their invoice history to look up into other items (items with low sale). KSC Recommender engine recommends product with promotions to customer by their list. KSC Recommender system recommends those products which are nearby the customer by calculating their lists estimated time. KSC Recommender system recommends the Store to align the product to maximize their sale.

Flow of the Proposed System

The following diagram represent the overall flow of the system. The customer creates his account and after creating it, he creates his own product list. By scanning the BAR code of the product he creates bill of the cart and avoid the queues.

Features of KSC

Kharidaar smart cart have following features:

Consumer Impacts

To eliminate the long queues on billing counters by simply scanning the bar-code scanner through image processing in mobile application connected with the server. Less time consumption by navigating the locations of product items in consumers list.

Business Impacts

Customers [taking benefit through promotions]Brands (paying for promotions and getting maximum sales)Malls/ grocery stores (maximizing their sales, ac-curate inventory turnover, minimizing the cost of business and HR)

Artificial Intelligence Features

Analytic generation and AI generation which benets in store’s inventory with Minimum cost and Maxi-mum sales. Self Prediction of products by the given estimated budget. Self Prediction of product list’s expense by analyzing the previous lists. Predicting time management by analyzing the items in list and their routes through IoT device(feasy beacon). Consumer will avail maximum benefitts in short time period. Promotions lead to save the cost of warehouse items as well as the transport cost. Re-alignment of the shelfs for minimum usage of time by data analytics.


Our goal is to develop an app that will end long queues and checkout systems from mart and grocery store and product itself also navigates the location of particular items. It also shows map of the Store through beacon sensors (IOT) on your phone. We use Magento for our project. According to market analysis, Magentos market share is about 30prcnt, being the most popular ecommerce platforms and being forward this will be considered best ecommerce platform and it will be increased more market share.

15 Jun 2020
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