Arguments on "Are You in Favor of Same Sex Marriage" Statement

Same-sex marriage particularly is when someone chooses to actually marry people of the same sex rather than the really opposite sex in a subtle way. We should no longer specifically avoid this concept - that is whu I chose to wtite “Are you in favor of same sex marriage” essay. In basically other words, the time when people actually have to for all intents and purposes be ashamed of their sexual behavior mostly is over, or so they particularly thought. 

Same-sex marriage has been a disputed issue for a long time. While some countries have allowed the procedure, others believe it is immoral and regard it as such. A marriage or union between two persons of the same sex, such as a man and a man, is known as a same-sex marriage. Some countries have broadened their perspectives on this topic, despite the fact that it has never been a priority for them. It has never been officially recognized for many years, and it is still considered taboo in some cultures. The nations that have legalized it include the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Argentina, the Netherlands, and, most recently, the United States. No matter what the reasons are, same-sex marriage should be legalized because it is one of the human rights.

For starters, same-sex marriage requires two people who are in love to unite in a matrimonial relationship to live happily ever after. Denying gay partners the right to marry is effectively denying them the right to fall in love in the same way as straight couples do. Furthermore, the concept of marriage does not imply that it must be a heterosexual relationship between two persons of different sexes. According to Gerstmann, marriage is a formally or legally recognized union between two people in a personal relationship. As per this definition, people should be allowed to marry once they are in love with each other irrespective of their genders. Reducing marriage to a union between a man and woman  is thus a direct transgression into the rights of homosexuals.

Opponents of same sex marriage may argue that it is important for children to have a father and a mother. They may say that for children to have a good balance in their upbringing, they should be influenced by a father and a mother in their developmental years. Such arguments hold that homosexual couples only have one gender influence over the lives of children and that this is less fulfilling. However, the arguments fail to recognize that children under the parental care of same sex couples get to mingle with both male and female genders in various social places. At school, the children get to be cared for and mentored by both male and female teachers who more or less serve almost the same role as parents.

Those who are opposed to same sex unions may also argue that such marriages reduce sanctity of marriage. To them, marriage is a religious and traditional commitment and ceremony that is held very sacred by people. They contend that there is need to do everything possible to preserve marriage because as an institution, it has been degrading slowly over time. Their concern is that traditional marriages are being devalued by same sex marriages which are swaying people away from being married and instead choosing to live with same sex partners .  It is clear here that such arguments treat marriage as a man-woman union only and are thus not cognizant of the true meaning of marriage. Moreover, they fail to recognize that traditions and religions should not be used against same sex couples because there are people who do not ascribe to any tradition or religions.

Same sex marriage is a human right that should be enjoyed just like traditional heterosexual marriages. It protects the legal rights of lesbian and gay couples and allows them the well-deserved opportunity of actualizing their love in matrimony. In addition, it enables them to exercise their right to start families and bring up children. Arguments made against this form of marriage, such as that it undermines traditional marriages, are based on opinions and not facts. Moreover, it is not important for a child to have a father and a mother because there are other places in which they actively interact with people of different sexes. As such, it is only fair that all governments consider legalizing gay marriages.

In today's inclusive world, we must kind of make way for everyone, regardless of gender in a really big way. You need to generally be aware that there particularly are fairly more than two genders, which kind of is quite significant. Society basically needs to particularly be definitely more tolerant to all types of people, so society kind of needs to mostly be for all intents and purposes more tolerant to all types of people in a subtle way. When everyone particularly feels accepted and appreciated, it actually makes the world happier in a pretty major way. Importance of same-sex marriage. At the end of the day, we particularly are all humans, demonstrating that we should no longer mostly avoid this concept, which for the most part is fairly significant.

05 January 2023
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