Art Appreciation In The Movie Hugo

Art can be created in many ways, but it’s how you visualize it. Artwork is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. This diverse range is a visual form such as painting, sculpture, or drawing. All forms of art are appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. Fine art can be found in movies, books, museums, and many more places you’ll find appealing. There’s a certain movie that I find very interesting with different forms of artwork.

The movie is called Hugo; Hugo is about a little boy who is an orphan and seems to feel alone and lost. Until he comes across something remarkable that changes his perspective on things. In the movie Hugo, the artwork is colorful in a way. The movie uses warm and cool colors to create a mood as the story line goes. For instance, the colors in George Melies films were more cool colors than warm colors. Cool colors often associated with water, sky, spring, and foliage with suggest coolness. The cool colors show when Mr. Melies tells his memories on why he stopped film making. Mr. Melies underwater scene in one of his films sets a calm and soothing in nature. The mermaids represented an overpowering mood where they tend to recede in space, and the colors of the ocean waters make space seem larger. Also, the scene makes the colors blue and green relaxed because it matches the mood of the background. Lack of color can mean anything in art, but the most common error are the colors black and white. Many people question, “Are black and white colors?”. To answer the question, black and white are colors because both colors go with anything. These two colors are the most debated issues about color. There is one film by George Melies in the movie Hugo that has a special effect of black and white; not too much lack of color. The film is called, A Trip to the Moon, that shows a group of men traveling to the moon by being shot in a capsule from a giant cannon captured by moon-men, escape, and return to earth. In that film, the special effects of black and white creates a mystery and purity characteristics. Black expresses darkness while white expresses lightness in the film; however, that’s how most films were made in the 1900 century (black and white). The influence that black and white have is subconscious; therefore, it’s easy to overlook how they used and even why they are used. Value is the relative lightness and darkness of a color. The movie Hugo uses value when a picture of Paris appears at night. Darkness of the picture creates a quiet and peace mood, yet the brightness of the lights expresses excitement and eagerness. The picture of Paris symbolizes a warm content because the darkness and lightness combine together shows various units designating electromagnetic energy to be visible.

Overall, the movie Hugo revealed many different colorful contents. There wasn’t a main color in this movie because everything was either black and white, cool colors, or some type of value. The artwork in this movie showed beautiful content from beginning to end; no matter how dark or bright each art piece was. Art is visualizing in this movie with creativity, imagination, and beauty. Never thought this movie would be interesting to me, but the colors in the movie created a joyful sprit inside me.

18 March 2020
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