Aspects Of The Filmmaking In Different Types Of Movies

Movies are a good way to escape reality and immerse into new worlds. But I want to reveal a different side of movies, the one behind the lens of the camera. Creating a movie is more complex than people believe. It involves a lot of actions. For instance, writing a script, composing a soundtrack, hiring actors and stunts, sound editing, video editing, etc. However, different types of movies focus on certain aspects of the whole filmmaking process. Their proper classification shows what sets apart each genre from the other.

Firstly, action and fantasy movie makers put their main emphasis on high-paced soundtracks, which keep the viewer on edge, and dynamic scenes with special effects. This is because their audience consists mainly of people keen on adrenaline, violence and fighting. Action and fantasy films are really popular, especially with leads like Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson – the Rocks, and Jason Statham. These actors are currently considered the most talented in the industry because of their movies’ huge box office success. However, they are rather stunt performers than actors. One or two dramatic scenes could be found in these movies, no more. Like the final scene in “Fast and Furious 7“, in which Paul Walker’s character splits his way with his family. Apart from it, nothing emotional happened. That is to be expected from this type of movies.

Secondly, horror and thriller movies’ objective is to evoke fear. Their main themes are the supernatural, evil demonic forces and the extraterrestrial. These films are another example of lots of effort in special effects and music score, with average acting. Nevertheless, there are exceptions. Hitchcock is well known for combining a killer soundtrack with incredible storytelling. He is considered “the master of suspense” because he knew that what is implicit is more significant than what is shown. Even though scary movies are nothing without their special effects and horrific music, they succeed in eliciting nightmares, fears and terrors. After all, that is what the target viewers desire. Thirdly, comedy movies, like horror ones, want to bring about a certain reaction from the people rather than make them mull over multi-layered personas. Screenwriters are the key component here. Their main goal is to make people laugh. Though, not with the help of good acting, but through mediocre fun situations. Everyone loves a good comedy. Nevertheless, most of the new movies are either cliché or similar to some classics. Examples are “Blended”, “Just go with it” and “Grown ups”. All of them have similar if not the same scenarios. Critics said they felt as if they were watching variations of the same movie. What’s more, most of the producers usually hire actors which they previously worked with. Adam Sandler could be found in all of the upper mentioned. He starred in so many comedies that is now considered type-casted.

And then, there are drama movies. What makes these movies special is the amazing acting in them. The script is so powerful that makes the viewer contemplates the movie for a long period. And the most fascinating way to finish such a movie is through a twist ending. To make people ponder what happens after the screen turns black. But let’s get back to the acting part. The actors in drama movies always deliver a marvelous performance. Unlike all the other types of movies, here the performers create authentic characters who make the audience experience different and complex emotions, not just fear or laughter. These movies are even philosophical in a certain way. For example, “Mother”. It stars the brilliant actress – Jennifer Lawrence. Through an elaborate metaphor of the bible, the movie shows how the human kind is slowly and persistently destroying its home – the Earth. Of course, not only dramatic movies are putting their emphasis on all the aspects of the film. There are always exceptions. The sci-fi movies “Artificial Intelligence”, “Interstellar” and “Ex Machina” are one of the many which succeed not only in producing spectacular action scenes, but they also dig into the complexity of human nature. Furthermore, some horror movies deliver confusing and scary stories, but with a moral in them.

Last but not the least, the Marvel’s movies are exception to the action movies. Their films are a mix of wonderful script, magnificent music, special effects and authentic acting. In conclusion, no matter how the movie is made and what its main focus is, it will always find an audience. That is the best thing of humans, we have diverse interests. There will be always something for everyone. And movies, whatever their genre is, are a wonderful way to visit new worlds and experience different emotions. As Steven Spielberg said – “Every time I go to a movie, it’s magic. No matter what the movie is about”.

15 July 2020
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