Authority, Power, And Control Throughout History

Throughout history, different civilizations have developed into progressive urban cities in which we live nowadays, and we always should remember our past as it is a result of what we have today. It is interesting to see how our lifestyle has changed, how revolutions made significant impacts on essential bases of our life such as state, legitimacy, freedom, obedience. No matter what time or event we are discussing there always has been obedience, there still was someone in power, someone who people will follow. Why is that there is still a power, or an individual that wants to take responsibility for the others, or is it more a temptation? And why is that there is always someone who will try to break the system.

For example, during the time of the Middle Ages in Europe, there was no centralized government, the existed hierarchy within society divided layers of society, and there was no stability. However, there always was a monarch who was seemed to have all the power that was given even by God. On the other hand, was the monarch still a source of God's power when the revolutions occurred? People were always giving their consent to a government, or to someone who has power over them, for them to feel safe and potentially to feel some satisfaction and compensation. The government has us, as a nation, in its control to maintain order, since if we did not obey, there would be anarchy. For society to progress, there have to be changed. However, these changes depend on how slow or how fast people want them to happen if revolutionaries will do everything to break the rules sometimes with violence then it usually follows a new authority. That's why the foremost authorities were making treaties for countries to find a solution and peace.

The state has power over people, and their relationships are based on its potential. For example, we do pay taxes as if we do not then the government will take our freedom, and we drive with seat belts as police can charge us that will make our money which means a tool that helps to get freedom, money. According to John Lock, we who are ruled enter a contract with a ruler that creates better governance with a consent, which leads to obedience. Another example in history can be a revolution in Russia that prevented the birth of USSR when Bolshiweki came, killed Tsar's family and promised people better governance and they gave their consent. However, it did not turn out well, which shows us that humans can be controlled. The world is organized about the state as dictates the rules that we obey.

The public authority, power, and control it is all essential to get a sign of progress in a city. However, countries do not like when someone else is interfering with them, that's why there are boundaries and separations of powers in provinces or states. In conclusion, states want their sovereignty and protect their national and international interests. Cities play a vital role in the development of rules and the individuals in them, and countries use laws to govern the people, to avoid chaos. More so, people need to be led, and authority is not beneficial to people without their consent.

18 May 2020
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