“Automatic Gun Targeting System” A Project Report


Automatic Gun Targeting System for Border area is an object is an automated gun targeted and firing system. The project is required because till today, border is protected b iron spikes wires, and a watch tower containing a person continuously flashing the light over the border area day and night. Those persons are fully responsible for any intrusion. In the model, the device consist a Camera as a sensor for the purpose of monitoring the Area under surveillance and sending image as input to the Pc which is running using MATLAB coding, send the particular quadrant value to the Microcontroller which will actuate and control the Stepper motor.

If the Area under Surveillance is occupied by unknown person, then a transmitter is given to deactivate the intrusion detection and automatic gun control mechanism. The receiver antenna receive and decode the transmitted data and compares the receive data. If an intruder comes with other attire the LDR based boundary control Mechanism is used to control the boundary under surveillance. The device consists of LDR which in turn is used to sense the LASER light if intruder passes the light then Microcontroller is automatically actuated and control the stepper motor.


Secure border is one of the greater responsibilities of one’s nation which is done by the soldiers but still soldiers are human beings and they have limitations also which can cause a hole in security especially this happens in areas of high altitude pressure and low temperature. This system not only detects intrusion but also provides a video-coverage of the secret area, for remote monitoring, via a satellite based communication system.

It is also provided with automatic firing methods which must be used to automatically locate and fire at the target. Hence, Hundreds of kilometers of the borders, which would have otherwise required hundreds of personnel, can be monitored with less effort in this system, with only a few personnel.

Presence of an foreigner, chances of firing at common people are completely ruled out. As thermal cameras are used for viewing, this system is immune to changes in suitable conditions, and therefore, is equally suited for operation during the night. This project also throws light on the prototype of this system, which has been successfully developed.

From ages it has been the idea of humans to achieve the ultimate in security and make his loved ones and loved things secure. The ideas and desire that prompted him to make the boundaries and secure them too from all unseen and unknown sources. Therefore, it has been always necessary to maintain a huge people to guard and invoke alarms in cases of emergencies. To this, we suggest a mechanism observing the area under surveillance which will employ image processing in which a webcamera will be continuously monitoring.

This data will be then processed by the MATLAB code running on a PC and will be able to detect a particular color (Say Red) in front of a white back ground. Based on this data acquired, the information about the intruder location will be sent to a (89c51) microcontroller through the Serial/Parallel port of the system and then a controlled gun with motor will be used to point in the direction of the intruder. This mechanism will be online with Server. The gun is continuously pointing in the direction of the intruder. Further depending on range (distance from the gun) the gun can be activated and a Laser pointer will be switched on depicting on shooting the target.

The model proposed here is the prototype of the automatic intruder detection and gun control to eliminate any threat or any unwanted activity in the border area.

This system along with some changes can be used in banking or the house security systems where along with the color we can use face detection also and instead of the guns darts to make the intruder unconscious and capture him. Actually this concept can have low importance in houses but in banks can be used for intruders.


The basic purpose of the project is to enhance the border security electronically with automation and with that to reduce the work load and responsibility of the border men that continuously take a look on border 24*7.

Currently project is capable to detect any white background of order, automatically targets its position and destroy the object through firing control module.

Also, the use of project on small scale can be used in home security at night by simply adjusting the range of the project.

Scope of Requirement

One of the basic requirements for the project is Accuracy. The targeting system should be accurate enough to target and fire the target correctly. For that we require to maintain the high resolution of the area under surveillance. For maintaining high resolution, we should differentiate the area in very small sub-areas and a lot a code to those areas i. e. on code corresponding to each sub-area.

Greater the number of sub-areas more will be the bits required per code allotted to that sub-area so increasing the complexity of coding the complete system. The benefit is that, more resolution, more accuracy. The gun will be targeted over the correct position and fire the target, but will not miss the target

Chapter-2 Block Diagramservo Motorbattery Arduino Unowebcam


Vin from arduino to Vin of motor shield.

Gnd from arduino to gnd of arduino.

5v from arduino to 5v on motor shield.

Connect servomotor 1 to pin 2 of motor shield.

Connect servomotor 2 to pin 3 of motor shield.

Connect servomotor 3 to pin 11 of motor shield.

Connect digital pin 2, 3, 11 of motor shield to the respective pins on arduino.

Weapon Control System

In the recent past, there has been a lot of interest in developing SGCs (Semiautomatic Gun control) to perform a variety of challenging tasks ranging from military defense, surveillance, etc.

With the increase in processing speed of computers, automatic visual tracking systems have got more attention now-a-days. Now these systems are not only used in civilian areas but also in military and Naval ship applications. This paper stresses on shape detection to observe the real object image. This paper starts by describing the process of conversion of RGB image to binary signal using MATLAB.

In the algorithm, tracking is started by selecting target of interest by the user. In the following frames, it is matched with all the candidates and best match is found. For sake of efficiency and real time implementation, the template is matched only within a search region instead of whole image frame. Morphological operators have been used for motion extraction of no stationary object in the image frame. For motions extraction, back-differencing and combination of morphological operators on the resultant image are used to extract connected components in image frame.

This mechanism does not require any sensor or synchronization for tracking the object. The ground motor is fixed, while to control the other axis second motor is fixed on top of the ground motor. Hence the system has been given two sets of independent control mechanisms, each operating in isolation for each axis. To accomplish this we propose a mechanism which will employ image processing in which webcam will be continuously observing the area under surveillance. This data will be then processed by a MATLAB code which will be running on a PC and will be able to detect a particular color in front of a white background.


Intrusion detection and Gun Control Mechanism can be implemented using existing web Camera under the Area of surveillance to detect the Intruders.

To accomplish this we propose mechanism which will employ image processing in which webcam will be continuously observing the area under surveillance. This data will be then processed by a MATLAB code which will be running on a PC and will be able to detect a particular color in front of a white background.

Depending on this processing data, the information about the foreigner’s location will be sent to a microcontroller (89c51) via the serial or parallel port of the computers and then motor control gun will be used to point in the direction of the intruder.

With this mechanism will be online that is the gun will be continuously be pointing in the direction of the intruder. Also depending on the range (i. e. the distance from the gun) the gun can be activated and a laser pointer will be switched ON to depict shooting the targets.

Chapter-4 Hardware Implementation


Arduino Uno



Sentury gun

Jumper wires

Arduino Uno

The Arduino is a open-source, easy to develop for, consumes very little power, and is very simple to set up. Plus, it’s designed specifically for beginners, so pretty much anyone can play with it and connect it to external components. Essentially, the Arduino is a small, programmable board that accepts and stores code from your computer. At $30, the Arduino is cheap enough that you can buy a few to mess around with. The Arduino is a beginner board, but it still takes a little while to get used to using something without a graphic interface. Because it's cheap and small, the Arduino can't usually handle a lot of different processes at once, so it's not good for projects that are incredibly complicated or require a lot of computing power.

The Arduino is best suited for single-purpose projects. The Arduino is also really well suited for interacting with objects in the real world, so if you need to interface with something like window blinds or a door lock the Arduino is a good place to start. So, if you're designing something simple like a control panel for a garden, an Arduino is perfect. WebcamA webcam is a video camera that feeds or streams its image in real time to or througha computer to computer network. When "captured" by the computer, the video stream may be saved, viewed or sent on to other networks via systems such as the internet, and email as an attachment. When sent to a remote location, the video stream may be saved, viewed or on sent there. Unlike an IP camera (which connects using Ethernet or Wi-Fi), a webcam is generally connected by a USB cable, or similar cable, or built into computer hardware, such as laptops. Their most popular use is the establishment of video links, permitting computers to act as videophones or videoconference stations. Other popular uses include security surveillance, computer vision, video broadcasting, and for recording social videos. Webcams are known for their low manufacturing cost and flexibility, making them the lowest cost form of video telephony. They have also become a source of security and privacy issues, as some built-in webcams can be remotely activated via spyware.


A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear position, complexity,velocity and acceleration. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It also requires a relatively controller, often a dedicated module designed specifically for use with servomotors.

Sentury Gun

A sentry gun is a weapon that is automatically aimed and fired at targets that are detected by sensors. The earliest functioning military sentry guns were the close-in weapon systems point-defense weapons, used for detecting and destroying short range incoming missiles and enemy aircraft first, used exclusively on naval assets, and now also as land-based defenses. The weapon is operated by an IDF soldier and fed information from cameras, long range electro-optical sensors, ground sensors, as well as radar. Connected via fiber optics to a remote operator station and a command-and-control center, each machine gun-mounted station serves as a type of robotic sniper, capable of enforcing a nearly 1,500-meter-deep no-go zone. The gun is based on the Samson Remote Controlled Weapon Station.

Jumper Wire

Jumper wires are simply wires that have connector pins at each end, allowing them to be used to connect two points to each other without soldering. Jumper wires are typically used with breadboards and other prototyping tools in order to make it easy to change a circuit as needed.

Chapter-5 Software Implementationcode Devlopment


Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales. In July 2018, Van Rossum stepped down as the leader in the language community after 30 years. Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional and procedural, and has a large and comprehensive standard library. Python interpreters are available for many operating systems. C Python, the reference implementation of Python, is source software and has a community-based development model, as do nearly all of Python's other implementations. Python and C Python are managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation. Sample Code1Import Image ## to import2 Print Img. Format ## to print format, Img. size, Img. mode size mode 3 Img. Show() ## to show image in your image viewer

MATLABMATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language useful for simulation also. Developed by Math Works, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java, Fortran and Python. Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine, allowing access to symbolic computing capabilities. MATLAB is a proprietary product of Math Works, so users are subject to vendor lock- in. Although MATLAB Builder products can deploy MATLAB functions as library files which can be used with.

General Commands

  • Imread: Read an image
  • Figure: creates a figure on the screen.
  • Imshow(g): which displays the matrix g as an image.
  • Pixval on: turns on the pixel values in our figure.
  • Impixel(i,j): the command returns the value of the pixel (i,j)
  • Iminfo: Information about the image.
15 Jun 2020
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