Aztec Civilization from Rise to Ruin

The Aztecs originate on an island called Aztlan, it means white land or land of the cranes. The Aztecs began as a Northern tribe as hunter gatherers. The Aztecs were forced to leave their land so they established a settlement called Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs found another settlement called Tlatelolco on an island nearby. The Aztecs and the Tepaneec often had conflicts. The tension got so high between them that they tried to kill the leader of one of the Aztec groups. The enemy group had started a war. The Aztec had grew their army just enough to defeat the enemy group.

Ordinary Life and Culture

The people would survive by growing their own food and they would have aqueducts that ran into the cities. The men would usually work by doing fishing, farming, or hunting. The Aztecs had to make some of their own clothes, they had sufficient ways of making many different types of tools.

The Aztecs used a certain type of stone called tezontle .The Aztecs built very sturdy structures that are still standing today. The Aztecs made two very important structures, they were palaces and temples, in the temples they would do sacred rituals and they would be very fancy, in the palaces they would do some work.

At this time in history the Aztecs had major marketplaces in every city. The merchants were required to take their goods heer and were forbidden to sell anywhere else. On a busy day around 60,000 people would come to the marketplace.

The Aztecs setup so many villages and cities along lakes, coastlines and many more. Alongside the coastline they would fish. Alongside the lake they would grow crops and farm.

The Aztecs created a new aspect of culture which is art. There were poters, weavers, featherworkers, wood workers, jewelry makers, and some people made books. The potters would make pottery, the weavers would make baskets, the feather workers wood make things out of feathers, the woodworkers would make buildings, and the jewelry makers would make jewelry for the rich people.

The Europens came to the Aztecs and the Aztecs greeted them like a friend. The first European to come was Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba to come was The Europeans took over the Aztecs by surprise because the Aztecs thought they were a friend. The Europeans murdered hundreds of thousands of Aztecs. A lot of the Aztecs died to diseases.

The End of Aztec's Civilization

The disease that killed most of the Aztecs was chicken pox. The Aztecs got these diseases really easy because the Europeans carried the diseases from their land to the Aztecs land and the Aztecs were not immune. The spanish killed off the rest of the Aztecs. The greatness of the Aztecs had to come to an end but no one knew when that time would come. The Aztecs started off small but grew into something amazing. They greeted the spanish like a friend but they took over like an enemy.


  • Editors. “Aztecs.”, A&E Television Networks, 27 Oct. 2009,
  • Cartwright, Mark. “Aztec Civilization.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 18 Nov. 2019,
  • Phillips, Charles, and David M. Jones. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aztec & Maya: the Greatest Civilizations of Ancient Central America with 1000 Photographs, Paintings & Maps. Hermes House, Anness Publishing Ltd, 201     
07 July 2022
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