Banning On Retailing Pets

It will be better if every state banned pet stores from retailing pets because is cruel to be profiting from them. As their just things and not innocent animals with a soul. To a degree, not all costumers care where pet products are made and the ingredients that are used, too the idea of them selling animals is as their merchandise is the problem.

For reasons that pet stores treat animals poorly they don’t need support when they continue to use bad ethics. Even if a pet store denies it and says they don’t, there is no way to really know. Also, the fewer pet stores mean there will be less euthanized cats and dogs as there’s “65 percent and 70 percent of the animals admitted into Augusta's Rescue Shelter each year are put down” (Brown). Even though pet stores do seem to have lost popularity as the number has dropped and Animal shelter “'save rate' has climbed from 63 percent to 89 percent” (“Richmond”).

We don’t need pet stores to keep the stock of pets, they no longer have a purpose to sell pets. There have always been other resources to obtain a pet such as adoption and rescue shelters. For my least favorite method getting a pet is from close friends or family members, breeders, puppy mills, but that’s a whole other issue is a different situation of what I am focusing on. Adoption is preferred as they treat animals better. Then it’s none of others business where future owners decide to get their companions.

It’s bizarre and immoral that a pet store which is a retail store, that sells goods and services are putting pets up in display as objects. Animals play a significant role for us as there are our companions and guardians. They are our family that keeps us from the numbness of loneliness. Especially dogs making us feel safe as they protect us from danger keeping home safe.

It has also been shown that domesticated pets our important friends “have been identified as providing health and psychological benefits” (Carr). Pet stores know this fact and they take advantage of it to make revenue. Animals don’t have the ability to choose if they want to be in a pet store and be bought by a human who in the end might not be a great owner. They depend to be feed and keep up to hygiene routines from there take cares because they have been disciplined that way from people. Is uncivilized that pet stores don’t treat animals with kindness and love.

I’ve been to pet stores since I was 7 years looking at different types of fish because that was the only pet my dad will buy as his not a big fan of furry animals or scaly ones. Every time I visit, I will see a shoal of fishes crammed in small tanks and seeing a fish upside down. Later, when I was 13 years old, I overheard that in zoos wild animals developed stress in small spaces, how they become bored seeing the same surrounding becoming more aggressive toward zookeepers. There’s always been proof of zoo beasts being stress like the live footage from Bristol Zoo “of two lions pacing back and forth rapidly for several minutes” (“Bristol”). I soon connected the dots realizing whenever I went to the pet store to see the fishes there were always a few dead. This showed me how pet stores are neglecting the animals and not taking proper care of them.

Nobody will like to see a dead hamster in a small cage when looking for their pet supplies. Hamsters are not hard to take care of but with the small cages, pet stores insisted that you buy they’re no good for hamsters. This also applies to other animals that are in small cages or tanks that are way too uncomfortable for the animal in pet stores. As well, it can lead to health issues if they’re not put in the correct enclosure. Since employees will no keep the enclosure sanitary causing bad conditions for the pet. Like in this pet store Pets Unlimited Store there was a complaint on how neglected the animals were that they had to take them to a vet to make sure the pets were healthy. The store was charged from not properly taking care of and all employees need to be trained to take proper care of the pets (“Birds”).

Selling a bored pet is a dangerous trade as they don’t have enough room to keep themselves occupied. They will develop behavioral issues when they don’t have much to do. For example, stress and depression as animals also have emotions. It’s even possible that they will die soon of stress from not having enough room to play. It is important to know that pets need stimulation throughout the day or night if the animal is nocturnal. They’re very curious creatures so when pets are bored and don’t have much to do, they will conduct mischief; this behavior will be hard on new owners to correct. They need their cage to be the proper size for them to roam around as the cage must be an adventure playground full of activities. This will prevent boredom and burn off stress. The best way to prevent this behavior to continue when they are in a new home it has “to start from the first day, you bring your pet home” (“How”).

With a few situations that pet stores sometimes get away with things as no one is monitoring them. For example, there’s this pet store owner that was accused of animal abuse and had to pay $40000 “to the Humane Society of the Black Hills and surrender all her animals sentenced to jail for 30 days” (“Pet store”). This wouldn’t have happened if local animal control or USDA APHIS keep a close eye on pet store owners, so they don’t abuse the animals. Also, certain pet store employees spread miss information as they do don’t follow store guides and are lazy doing their work. By way of ignorant employees will give false information and recommend products that are not suited for animals to costumers of what will be the perfect product for the pet. Sure, there’s are employees that are nice and genuinely cared about the animals. But of course, the simpleton sticks out like a sore thumb more than the good employees.

When one does not know how to properly train their pet, they will go to the pet store. As it is common that pet stores around the nation offer trainers in their stores. Occasionally one can never be sure if employees are professionally certified to train a cat or dog. It’s hard to tell if employees know what they’re doing or do all their training experience comes from reading a book on training a certain animal. So, whenever an employee recommends that they have a trainer at the pet store is probably not a good idea to let them train your dog. Especially as it might have been a cashier from last week. Dog trainers are easily found on the internet, but one never knows if its legit as not everything seems true. The Association of Professional Dog Trainers is a good place to find a dog trainer to help as they have the qualification to train a dog. Ask how many years of instructor experience they have. Always demand references! As one can’t trust the pet store trainer your pet.

Also, you may have noticed that pet stores have a vet in their store. And it's best if you don’t take your pet there, instead go to a vet clinic. Besides, the vets in the store may be contracted with pet stores and will hesitate to point out health issues, because they don’t want to lose commercial from the pet store. The reason small vets collaborate with pet shops is they seek growth in reputation, and businesses approach them also they agree to work with pet stores because they know it guarantees them a business path. It’s better to take your pet to the vet right away, as the pet sold has parasites and other health issues that pet stores hide from customers. Pets in pet stores won’t show symptoms until it’s too late for them to get cured. So, it’s a good idea to get your animal checked out by a vet clinic that’s not connected to the pet shop.

People should just stick from getting pets at adoption and rescue shelters Adoption centers are money saver as buying will cost hundreds of dollars. Second, you save more money as pets from adoption are already neutered and vaccinated. Third, it helps shelters to give a pet a good home as they make sure to match you with an animal that you have in common to make sure they are the right fit for you. Besides they take good care of animals as they care for all their needs like a comfy bed, fed and bathed also take care of any health issue.

Nevertheless, it’s a good thing that there seems to be a big growth in adoption. For instance, “2308 animals were adopted from RSPCA shelters in Tasmania last year” (Loretta) and this is amazing. It's mind-blowing that there’s a sudden advance in adoption but it seems as people are realizing that adoption is a good alternative to get a pet. Whatever the motive behind the people might be, this is exceptional news that brings a smile to all who work at Humane Society.

In the end, pet stores should no longer be around as there’s no need because there are other better alternatives to get a pet. They are too cruel to animals and don’t deserve our support. Besides with employees that are not correctly trained to their section of work. It will be better if every state banned them because getting a dog from a pet store is worthless, and shelters will no longer be full.   

07 July 2022
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