Cottesloe Beach: A Descriptive Journey Through its Shores

If you love the feeling you get when floating on water and feeling almost weightless as much as we do, then you will be happy to hear that one of the best places to go swimming is Cottesloe Beach. But first, did you know that swimmers sweat in the pool. Weird right? Now let’s get back to beach descriptive essay. 

Cottesloe is one of Perth’s most popular spots not just for swimming but also for snorkeling and surfing. It is pretty much a total package for swimmers. What is more, with more than a kilometre of pure white sand, it is also a breathtaking sight. Cottesloe Beach lies in between Perth and Freemantle. And it is less than a 30-minute drive from Perth city center with frequent transport options from the Bus Station. For rail fans, trains leave Perth Station to Cottesloe Station every 15 minutes and gets you to the beach in 20 minutes. The next question that can arise is “what can I do on this beach?”

Swim, Snorkel, Surf

Swimming at the beach goes without saying right? But we can’t help but mention again that Cottesloe Beach is great for swimming, plus there’s nothing better than jumping into the water on a hot, sweltering summer’s day. Besides the main Cottesloe beach, there is Peters Pool at North Cottesloe Beach and it is a great spot for snorkeling. Surfers head to South Cottesloe to take advantage of its groundswells.

Visit Sculpture by the Sea

Sculpture by the Sea is a free seaside exhibition that holds yearly at March. This huge arts exhibition turns Cottesloe Beach into an outdoor art gallery of a wide range of incredible sculptures by new and established artists.

Learn to Surf

There is a family owned and operated surfing school that offers a Surfing Program for people of all ages and abilities. So, you can leave Cottesloe beach with a new skill.

Compete in the Rottnest Channel Swim

Rottnest Channel Swim is an annual open water swimming event that holds on Cottesloe Beach every February. It is one of the largest open water swimming events in the world. You can whip out your competitive side and choose to compete as a solo swimmer, in a duo or as part of a team.

Picnic on the Beach

If you would love to take a picnic break from swimming then Cottesloe beach is the best spot for you. The beach is shaded by giant Norfolk Pine trees, and these trees offer just the perfect spot that you will need for the perfect atmosphere for your picnic. There are usually outdoor music concerts held at the beach. So, as you eat, you can nod your head to good music and probably even be full enough to get up and drop small dance steps.


Maybe it seems to someone that this beach is no different from any other, but in fact there is a difference and everyone who has been to this beach at least once feels it. So is it better to guess, or maybe it's better to see for yourself how great this beach is? The choice is yours!

10 October 2022
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