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Why public health strategy is needed in a nation and what is its importance in the development of new principles with regards to social actions in a company. Palliative care is considered one of the most important in the development of healthcare because it is evident that nations not focussing on it have suffered a lot. Palliative care is medical care provided to people who are suffering from the problems of serious illnesses and not being able to motivate themselves in a short time period. This is called an illness and is considered very difficult to treat for the patients going through it. If palliative care is good, then the quality of care becomes good and people are found with more beneficial results in their company and home. The public health problems are increasing at a rapid pace and it is necessary that some tactics should be deployed in order to reduce them. This essay provides a critical evaluation of how the social action approach can be used to resolve the issue of Palliative care in the nations, and why it is important.

One of the important social approaches which can be adopted to resolve the issue of Palliative care is by taking assistance of the Public Health Strategy (PHS). A PHS approach is good because it provides the methods and knowledge along with needed social skills to make healthcare effective. For this reason, this essay provides the assessment of some cost-effective social approaches, specifically addressing palliative care. To make social action approaches, it is necessary that governmental support is there, and at all the levels of the healthcare systems, otherwise, they won't be effective. In addition, it should be owned by the community, because it would be more effective when it is supported by the people of the community.

There are many reasons why Palliative Care (PC) is needed in the world. For example, the ratio of people suffering from PC is very high and increasing at a rapid pace. According to an estimated value, 58 million people die annually due to different reasons. However, in recent times, it is seen that 60% of those people dying suffer from prolonged diseases, hence they can be recovered from PC. In addition, there are more than 600 million people over the age of 60 years need this care. Due to this reason, it is considered one of the most important care in healthcare fields because it is one of the major reasons behind the death of many people.

PC is important for those people suffering from the problems of Cancer and AIDS because they carry a lot of burdens on their shoulders. More than 2/3rd of cancer patients die each year within the first year of their diagnosis. In addition, people suffering from cancer are found with severe pain hence PC becomes important for them. due to this reason, the social action approach is considered very important for these patients because they might be losing their motivation if proper support is not given to them.

Why palliative care is necessary using the social action method

Due to the rapidly growing population of the world, it has been observed that the number of people suffering from the problems of palliative care has increased. Due to this reason, it is believed that palliative care would increase at a rapid pace. Need palliative care would be needed in high numbers in the future because according to the research of Sealy et al., (2019), the management of hospitals would be needed to provide emotional sustainability to the patients and contribute to their better health. Due to this reason, it is believed that people over 60 years of age would be needed with high palliative care in the upcoming time period. For this reason, social action research is needed to be carried out in a short time period so that performance can be improved. However, the social action approach is recommended to be used for carrying out palliative care and ensuring that sustainable results are achieved.

The development of the social action approach is depending on the five principles. The first one is providing relief to the patients and meeting their expectations of care. For this purpose, it is believed that distressing symptoms should be identified during palliative care because it would let us know the pain patient is in. after that social support should be given to the patient accordingly. Watson (2019) argued that social practice cannot be done without having a sense of care and a positive attitude, which is found lacking in most of the developing nations like Asian nations. Supporting the statement, Australia (2018) wrote that developed nations like Australia is focussing on social action support, but developing nations need support in this regard. Hence it is necessary that palliative care is given to the patients who are suffering from AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis. Due to this reason, some other strategies of palliative care are critically evaluated in the context of business organizations, hence providing the assessment of the findings.

Some other investigations also argued that PC should be done by using special considerations, especially when treating patients with high-risk health problems. In an investigation of Australia (2018), it is argued that PC is needed in terms of the social action approach because the social action approach demands standing on hips and supporting the patients with high engagement and motivation. Supporting the statement, Friedel et al., (2019) wrote that the social approach has the power to increase the motivation level of the patients and elevate their response towards fighting their problems. Due to this reason, PC can be improved by using the social action approach, because it demands the integration of both the spiritual and psychological well-being of the patients. However, Australia (2018) argued that social care is not easy to adopt because each worker in the healthcare setting should be willing to adopt it in the given time period.

Support with regards to social care and integrating it with PC is considered important because it demands the development of a support system for helping patients in recovering from health problems and live happily till death. Friedel et al., (2019) argued that the social care approach is based on improving and protecting the quality of life and health of the community by presenting new knowledge and elevating their skill levels. Due to this reason, social care can be effectively used for supporting the patients suffering from the problems of palliative care and lift their attitudes. On the other hand, Hui and Bruera (2016) wrote that most of the nations failure to develop a knowledgeable infrastructure for lifting the moods of the workers and working on their motivation level. Due to this reason, patients care is also weak along with PC. PC is considered integrated with the patients' care, hence if the social care approach is not followed it may result in weak support for the patients (Hui &, Bruera 2016). Hence it can be argued that all the nations work on integrating their pain-relieving strategies and PC in their health care systems at all levels.

A WHO Public Health Model and its importance

In 1990, WHO presented PHS for integrating PC with health care practices. In an investigation of Hui and Bruera (2016), it is argued that it is considered an important perspective in the healthcare department that integrates PC with the social action approach. This model contains all the guidelines and advice for carrying out PC in the hospitals and it deploys national cancer control programs, where PC is considered one of the 4 most important pillars in cancer care. Based on the model (figure 1), PC can significantly improve if focus on 4 parameters is given by the management of an organization.

There are many considerations that should be undertaken when adopting palliative care in the healthcare setting. It is depending on the four components which include developing adequate policies, ensuring an adequate amount of drug availability, educating the healthcare workers and implementing it at all the levels and healthcare departments of the society and community. According to the research of Rietjens et al., (2017), this process takes a lot of time and demands that the dedication of the workers is not compromised. In addition, the process should be implemented by keeping the culture in context, diseases that are high in numbers, socioeconomic perspectives, and the healthcare system followed in the nation. For each milestone, the measurements can be done because there are scales provided by WHO for measurements.

Development steps of social care

There are many steps, which should be used to ensure that the social action approach is appropriately deployed in the context of healthcare firms. In an investigation of Hui and Bruera (2016), it is argued that opinion leaders should be engaged so that their performance can be improved. The leaders are required to gain access to governmental and non-governmental opinion leaders to maintain their power in the nation. Rietjens et al., (2017) recommended that this can be done by collaborating with the Minister of Health and local/regional WHO representatives. Hence this is the first step towards building the social action platform in elevating the healthcare standards and PC.

The second step is carrying out situational analysis. Avati et al., (2018) argue that social implementation cannot be done effectively unless the management of the healthcare department does not conduct a situational analysis. In this regard, engagement with national opinion leaders should be carried out. They would be having a better idea of performing an analysis on the situation and maintaining the needs of the nations. However, Dumunovsky et al., (2016) wrote that this demands the analysis of the problems which are being faced by a nation. It is very difficult for firms, and most of the time fails. Hence, a proper team is needed to master situational analysis, because it can easily fail. Hence situational analysis is needed to be carried out by the healthcare departments to look at the bigger problems of PC.

After completion of situational analysis, the third step of social care in PC setting is the development of an action plan. In an investigation of Haun et al., (2017), it is stated that performance of the healthcare is depending on the development of national, political and clinical platforms so that international, governmental organizations and international experts can be engaged. The action plan should be nationwide because it is considered very important for gaining and implementing the program with effectiveness. The action plan should be presented in detail because it demands the performance assessment of the management team members. This would ensure that performance of employees can be improved and lifted in a short time period.

If step 4 of the model is observed, it can be seen that the establishment of a national steering committee is needed. Avati et al., (2018) argued that this committee is the most important part of the society because it identifies the coordination process of all the international experts and the methods they can use for facilitating the stakeholders. NC demands that a monitory body should be developed, which is also the reason that this committee should be developed by the management of different healthcare institutes. However, Dumunovsky et al., (2016) argued that these committees are often found doing wrongful activities such as inappropriate distribution of funds hence making social care fail. Due to this reason, it is necessary that this committee is developed by selecting from regulators, educators, administrators and the public.

The last step is developing the components of the model and detailing them. Dumunovsky et al., (2016) argued that this should be done by ensuring that drug availability issues are not there and effectively met by the healthcare standards. Drug availability is considered the most important in this step because it can be observed in the model observed. The policies and issues should be addressed appropriately by the management because these are linked with each other, and depend on appropriate rules for training purposes. While, Haun et al., (2017) argues that training should not be done without embarking on drug availability and policies, otherwise patients, families and clinicians would be left frustrated in the workplace. Hence PC would not be there. Hence, it is considered important for the healthcare departments to ensure that performance of the healthcare is improved in a short time period.

Policy importance in social research

The policy development is considered necessary because the social approach in NC demands that social approach should be adopted. The study of Haun et al., (2017) reported that policy development should be developed by identification of key stakeholders, which include both national and regional governments and regulators, who can identify the policies needed to be enforced by the management so that their policy can be effectively developed. This demands that the issuance of new policies are developed according to the demands and according to the demands of the workplace environment. Nonetheless, Murray et al., (2017) wrote that this should be done by reviewing national health policies and NC portion under them. The review should be followed by an assessment of whether they are prioritizing PC on top. If they are not, then both these concepts should be incorporated in the National Action Plan, regulations and legislations which are evolving. In addition, this review should also assess how funding and delivery service should be done and infrastructure development.

It is important that support of PC delivery at both community and existing culture in long-term care organizations are taking home care services at the priority. In addition, policies with respect to health care professionals and their practices at home should also be done by provision of PC.

Availability of drugs

Drug availability is also considered an important perspective in the development of responsible leaders because if drugs are not available in adequate quantity, it would become difficult to ensure quality delivery of NC. Murray et al., (2017) argues that this should be done by identification of drug leaders, who are responsible for delivery. These might include, pharmacists, law enforcement agencies, drug regulators and pharmacologists. It should be ensured that they engage in the identified implementation process, and reviews should be carried out regularly to improve drug availability practices and policies.

The assessment of opioid need should also be assessed when carrying out drug availability assessment because the annual opioid need for cancer patients is needed to be assessed. Temel et al., (2017) argued that patients suffering from the problems of cancer would be the one needing opioid because they are consuming 100 mg of morphine per day on average, especially when they are spending last 3 months of their lives. Supporting the argument, Murray et al., (2017) wrote that this technique will help in estimating the total opioid needed for the country. For example, if a nation is having 5 million people, with 3,500 new cancer patients each year, out of which 2/3rd patients are suffering from cancer on 3rd or 4th stage of cancer. Hence these patients would be needing 21kg of morphine quantity per year so that their pain can be reduced.


Education of the leaders and working members are next most important part of an investigation because it demands that national opinion leaders are responsible to provide education. Kavalieratos et al., (2016) argued that clinical education is very necessary for ensuring that they are engaged in the process and willing to bring changes in educational criteria and develop new cases. Various frameworks are found to be related to the healthcare system for ensuring that adequate care coordination is established which serves as a substantial instrument and social care approach (Kavalieratos et al., (2016). For instance, this approach necessitates that there are several integrations of the external as well as internal factors for appropriate team coordination education is needed. One of the frameworks focused on this study is the Relational Coordination Theory, which helps to assess how the different components part of the supply chain could be integrated for the establishment of care coordination in the healthcare organization. Hence it is considered necessary to ensure that performance of the firms is acknowledged by ensuring quality education in the implementation process.

When leaders are identified and education is provided to them, it becomes easier for them to remain motivated, and ensure that the community is also involved in the provision of PC. According to the research article of Sternberg (2017) and Etkind et al., (2017), if the process of implementation is good, it becomes easier for them to ensure that the patient population is reduced and support for the patients is theirs. High education and increased engagement with the community, administrative leaders and clinical participants help them to ensure that PC is given to all the patients and their families. Supporting the statement, Hasson et al., (2020) wrote that this PC helps in optimizing resource utilization and elevates the life quality of patients and families staying with them.


Some outcomes which can be observed in this investigation is presented here. In order to improve the social integration of the patients integrating into different participants concerning the market as well as the healthcare system. To overcome the neglecting and the challenges that are observed, the consolidated service center (CSC) can be used which is owned through joint cooperation between various hospitals as well as the healthcare system. The use of CSC enables the integration of a group of hospitals that are geographically located in a different places. On each stage of the model, it is seen that process to integration of care in-country is seen. Hence, short and long-term benefits can be assessed using this model.

A high number of patients in the world suffer from unnecessary suffering and die due to a lack of access to PC. In the understanding of new findings, it is necessary that skills and knowledge are integrated by managing to suffer and ensuring the comfortable and safe dying of cancer patients. This is very important for patients who have no chance of remaining alive. The implementation of WHO Public Health Model should be done because it integrates all the healthcare departments in the process. Through customization of different processes, this model addresses all the elements needed in a country and ensures PC in a nation. After this, the final outcome would be relief of suffering and life quality improvement for the patients suffering from advanced illness and living with their families.


29 April 2022
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