Benefits Of Universal Basic Income For United States Citizens


The concept of universal basic income (UBI) has been in discussion for decades and resurfaced as a preeminent leading solution in releasing the financial burdens and serves as an incremental anti-poverty intervention for United States citizens. Historical figures such as Thomas Paine (founding father of the United States) and civil activist Martin Luther King Jr. advocated UBI as a way to combat disparity between the rich and the poor. The contemporary automation of technology has drastically inhibited the growth of the U.S. labor economy. Automation had already destroyed four million manufacturing jobs, and experts predict that a third of Americans will lose their job to automation in the next 12 years. Democratic presidential candidate, Andrew Yang's primary campaign focuses on combating the technological shift by implementing the universal basic income. Many studies conducted on UBI showed a positive correlation that outweighs the negative criticism when UBI was implemented on the selected groups. The study conducted on UBI and early child health development support a significantly positive effect on increased birth weight of 38.8 grams and 14 percent of the decreased likelihood of low birth weight. Though with the optimistic and pessimistic point of view on UBI, the findings largely supported the hypothesis, proposing that universal basic income should be a right for all United States citizens.


Study Participants

This research objective is to give an insight of the study participants. There are total of 42 participants; and about 34 are females and 8 are males. The respondent age group ranges from 18 years old to 51 years old. There are 32 people who are currently employed and 10 people who are unemployed. The occupations of the respondents consist of: Administrative assistant, army reservist, baker, care review processor, cashier, students, customer service associate, food service, waiter, homemaker, licensed vocational nurse, retail worker, personal injury paralegal, security guard, teacher assistant, retail worker and nurse. All participants who contributed in this questionnaire are anonymous.


The method of study used in this research is the correlation study. The types of question used for the questionnaire are: multiple-choice, long answer, short answer, and the linear scale. There are a total of five multiple-choice questions. One sample of a multiple-choice question directly acquired from the questionnaire is. “Are you in debt in any way?” The participant can choose to either response to a yes or no answer.

The other type of question that is used is the long answer question. There are two long answer questions on the survey. The participant is given a question such as, “Are you in any way against having the right to receive $1000 from the government?” The respondent can give an extended response corresponding to the questions based on his or her analysis of the question. The other type of question is the short answer question. There are a total of two short answer questions. One sample short-answer question is, “What is your occupation?” The respondent can input their occupation of choice in the short-answer box below the question.

Lastly, the linear-scale question is used to measure the strength of the U.S. economy based on the feedback of all the respondents. There is only one linear-scale question on the questionnaire. The participant is given a question such as, “Do you think the economy in the United States is doing well?” The respondent chooses the numbers between one through five, which the number one indicates weakness and the number five indicates the strength of the economy. Procedure The survey was created by utilizing Google forms. Then, the survey was posted on Long Beach City College and Cerritos College Facebook discussion page. There are approximately 7000 members combined in the two discussion pages. Once the link to the survey is posted, a notification is send to every single member of the group. Only 42 participants were needed for the questionnaire. The survey does not take any responses once the threshold is met. Participants need to individually read and fill out the survey through a smartphone or computer. Once the participants completed the survey, the response is automatically collected and send to the examiner’s computer.


The findings demonstrate that 76.2 percent of people are currently employed. There is 66.7 percent of people that are currently in debt from student loans and etc. There is 85.7 percent of people that are fully functional and does not have any disability. Ninety-percent of people agree that receiving $1000 a month will relieve their financial stress from their life. There is 14.3 percent of people that are unsure or against receiving UBI. Hundred percent of people will still work or actively search for a job if they are receiving UBI. Lastly, 7.1 percent of people strongly believe that the economy of the United States is performing well. Nineteen-percent somewhat agree that the economy is not doing well. There are 59.5 percent of people that has a neutral stance on the strength of the economy. Lastly, 14.3 percent of people believes that the economy is somewhat doing well.


As expected, the UBI survey revealed that the overall data supports with corresponding alternative sources that universal basic income should be a right for every United States citizens. One conspicuous argument against UBI is that the basic income might encourage idleness and creates disincentives to work, which could undermine work productivity on a large scale. However, one study on UBI in the United States in the 1970s found that inclusive work determination did not dwindle considerably, and very few participants withdrew from the labor force once they qualify for UBI. In addition, individuals who select to decrease their hours of labor are likely to be mothers and adolescent males who withdrew from school due to financial reasons, and are self-determined to enhance their employment skills. To further prove this point, the findings found in this research using the correlation study displayed that 76.2 percent of people are currently employed and only 23.8 percent of people are unemployed. Also, 100 percent of people would still work or actively search for a job if they are receiving UBI. This data expresses that there is a higher probability that people who might be receiving UBI will not encourage idleness and contribute to the accumulation of human capital.

Persons with insecure income and lesser educational status can experience elevated risk of morbidity and stress. Both indirectly (through the educational pathway) and directly, another association with income benefits can be improved mental health. Although research data on this association are limited, there have been some encouraging results. According to a UBI experiment on schoolgirls in Malawi, the data presents that the girls are 38 percent less likely to suffer from psychological stress compared to the control group. Also, a research in Kenya where income supplementation was installed displayed that the experimental group experienced psychological comfort which displayed positive outcomes on mental health (4). Currently, 66.7 percent of people are in debt. Implementing UBI in their life would relief most of the financial burdens according to 90.5 percent of people that took the survey.


  1. Banerjee, A., Niehaus, P., & Suri, T. (2019, February 4). Universal basic income in the developing world. Retrieved October 18, 2019, from
  2. Ruckert, A., Huynh, C., & Labonte, R. (2017, February 2). Reducing health inequities: is universal basic income the way forward? Retrieved October 18, 2019, from
01 February 2021
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