Biography Of Albus Dumbledore From The Harry Potter By J.K. Rowlig

The first thing that I’m going to be talking about is Albus’s childhood. One of the next things that I will be talking about is his teenage years when he got into Hogwarts. The next thing after that will be his adulthood, and then with the last paragraph about his biggest/best accomplishment. So now that i have gave you a little bit about what this paragraph is going to be like let’s move on. So in this paragraph I'm going to be talking about Albus’ childhood from when he was born to about 12ish.

His first wand was of an unknown length, wood, and core material. It was the wand he used before he gained ownership of the Elder wand in 1945. He got his wand when he was 11. His father died in Azkaban when he was young. While his mother and sister were later killed. So the time right now his childhood was not very good as a young child. Dumbledore began Hogwarts in 1892. He was in Hogwarts from 1892-1899, which was about 7 years. He was sorted into the Gryffindor House. Though later in his young life, under the influence of his love for Gellert Grindelwald, some anti- muggle prejudice did developed, but he soon saw the error of his intent. Dumbledore befriended one of his best friends, (Elphias Doge), who had the Dragon Pox (greenish skin and pockmarks). During his school years, Dumbledore won the Barnabas Finkley Prize for Exceptional Spell-Casting became the British Youth Representative to the Wizengamot, and received the gold medal for Grounding-breaking Contribution to the International Alchemical Conference in Cairo.

In his third year, Dumbledore took Study of Ancient Runes and at least another subject. During his fourth year, ¨accidentally¨ set curtains on fire. Albus was prefect his fifth year and Head Boy his seventh year at Hogwarts. After he graduated from Hogwarts in June 1899, Dumbledore wanted to take a”grand tour”around the world but the tragedy made it difficult for him not to take the tour, when Kendra Dumbledore was killed by an outburst of Ariana´s uncontrollable magic, leaving Albus in charge of his younger siblings.

Albus returned to Godric's Hollow full of bitter resentment at his situation. Gellert Grindelwald was as talented as Albus was. Dumbledore became fascinated by Grindelwald´s ideas wizarding domination. Albus also harboured romantic feelings for the other boy, but regretted his relationship with Gellert. Ariana herself tried to intervene in the fight, but couldn't do to her erratic abilities, and in the crazy chaos was hit by a stray curse, then later died. No one knew whose curse had actually killed her, but Grindelwald fled immediately, as he already had a terrible record, back at home, leaving Albus and Aberforth behind. The two had a strained relationship, Aberforth pinching Albus in the nose, breaking it, at Ariana’s funeral. After Grindelwald’s flight, Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to teach. Burdened by the secret of knowledge of Grindelwald’s imminent rise to power, it was presumably partially out of guilt that he had failed to pursue Grindelwald that lead him to take up the post of Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts, hoping to use his position to prepare his charges for the dangers he knew one day would come. In 1926, Dumbledore became a regular columnist for Transfiguration today, with the daily Prophet. In 1927, feeling that he would not be able to fight Grindelwald, he asked Newt for help. In 1943, several muggle-born students and were mysteriously petrified by a beast rumored to have been released by the Heir of Slytherin from he mythical Chamber of Secrets. Indeed, the final victim of the beast, Myrtle, was actually killed; shocker right, this act seemed likely to ensure the permanent closure of the school, forcing Riddle to go back to the orphanage. While Dumbledore rightly suspected Riddle was behind the attacks, the dark wizard expertly framed Gryffindor student Rubeus Hagrid as the perpetrator, even though Hagrid didn’t do it. However, as Dumbledore was educating young wizards and witches, Gellert Grindelwald was still at large in Europe, building up an army, and had already found one of the Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand, which he used to terrorise the continent. Dumbledore was not afraid to face Grindelwald, he was afraid that Grindelwald could reveal to him who had truly killed Ariana. Around the same time as he was being named the schools Head master of Transfiguration, he taught several other students over the years.

Dumbledore was appointed Headmaster by the Hogwarts Board of Governors sometime between March 1965 and March 1971, taking Armando Dippet in the position. After Lord Voldemort started his first rise to power in 1970, Dumbledore founded the Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization of witches and wizards willing to risk their lives to fight Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

18 March 2020
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