Body Language As Our Real Feelings

Languages aren’t just the method of human communication consisting of the use of words in a structured way. Body language is a big part of communication, body posture and movements show emotion toward the speaker. It could help break the barrier of unfamiliarity and help build a better connection with the information the speaker is trying to convey. There are many aspects to language, we simply think that it’s just the way we talk to one another, but we don’t care to think about what our actions bring towards communicating. Body language tells our true feelings and emotions. Our gestures, facial expressions, and posture, for instance. Hunger, fear, trust, attraction, liking, disliking, anger, joy — these are the sorts of messages that body language reliably conveys. If you happen to speak to someone who is deaf and you aren’t aware that they are unable to hear, you would start to signal them a couple of times whenever they didn’t understand the first attempt. 

Hand movements and facial expressions would play a big role here and help the person understand what you're trying to convey. Another way body language is useful in lie detection. There is a belief that we can tell if a person is lying through body language- that a liar “can’t look you in the eye” or displays nervous gestures. Although this method can be useful in many situations, people have different “arousal displays”, so one person might look guilty, and another truthful, regardless of their veracity.

According to Nick Morgan, one of America’s top communication theorists and coaches, we get an emotion, or intent, in the unconscious part of our brain. Morgan explains, “That intent or emotion is expressed first in gesture. Only nanoseconds later do the emotion or intent reach our conscious minds. We gesture how we feel before we think (consciously) about it.” Knowing your body language, you can appeal to other people’s unconscious minds, bypassing their conscious thought. Learning to read other people’s body language, you can detect what they’re feeling or intending before they do. You can see a decision, for example, show up in body language before it arrives in the conscious mind of the person who’s waving their hands or about to give you a handshake. Most people are masters at reading these unconscious messages from people that we know well like family, close friends, co-workers we’ve known a long time. It is more difficult to read other people that we don’t know, but it is helpful to know what their basic orientation is when we get to know them, or when we try to close a sale, or when we’re recruiting them. Communication is an integral part of your life, affecting everything about what you think, say, and do; and body language is an integral part of communication, whether we realize it or not.

07 July 2022
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