Capital Punishment, Its History, Types, And Opiniions Regarding It

“To forgive is to free a captive and find out the captive was you” - Lewis Smedes. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking in the capital punishment is use to kill a felonious for the reason that he did something very bad, but what is the capital punishment and what are the various opinions on this subject in different states? The capital punishment is the way to kill a condemned on the part of the government, as a penalization for the performance of a special crime in the legislation. The capital punishment has its beginnings thousands of years ago and there were many methods of decimation of criminals. On Earth there are different positions on the capital punishment, some states accept it or others do not. In this essay the style of capital punishment will be shown during the ages of history, ways of execution and opinions of society regarding the capital punishment.

There is evidence for archaeological remains and evidence in tribal traditions that the capital punishment was used in felonious systems in answer for a crime of some people, it is known that during the Old Age the Sumerian State towns (2100 B.C.) used the Ur-Nammu code. In the regions of Asia, Israel, Roman Empire and Greece it is known the capital punishment was use the Roman Penal Right and the Draconian Penal Method. However, the Middle Ages there were many ways to apply the capital punishment in which the Justinian Code in Byzantium stands out. In Europe one knows about the Writings of Maimonides, the Inquisition of the Catholic Church, the Fourth Lateran Council and the Seven Parties, while in America in the Aztec civilization they used it as rituals to their gods in slaves or prisoners. In the time of the Modern Age the ideas of John Calvin were used in the Protestant Reformation using excuses of 'faith'. And pen the Contemporary Age is known the change of the legal rules of Robespierre in France that accepted the capital punishment and in the twentieth century was used as a method of political tightness although today it is used for very serious cases in which death has occurred.

There are many ways to kill, the 10 most used methods are the firing squad, which consists of a group of officers associated with a police service that shoot the convicted person who has his eyes blindfolded; electric chair, consists of sitting and tying the condemned in a chair and give electric shocks of thousands of volts; hanging, tries to tie a rope to the neck of the prisioner and drop it and die by breaking neck or drowning; guillotine, the condemned was placed on a board and a sharp steel blade was dropped from a great height and the head was cut off; lethal injection, the patient is injected an antidote that deactivates the neurological signals; suffocation, it is usually introduced the condemned in a cage and submerged in water until he dies; burned alive, the person was bound and set on fire while alive; launching from cliffs, consisted of throwing the prisioner from very high places so that they died by blows; burial, tries to bury the person alive and let them die because they can not leave; bonfire, the person was introduced in boiling water or oil and left to die.

People have different opinions about the death penalty, some religious or others in ethics. According to religious opinions, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism prohibit or do not accept the death penalty while Islam does approve it. According to international human rights by some organizations like the UN, UNICEF and the OMS, the death penalty is not considered an attack because it is against what it says to the law but it is about having restrictions and limits being used in many countries but more in China, Iran and Saudi Arabia. In my opinion, I believe that the death penalty should not be applied to offenders, since they should be pardoned and enforceable. The death penalty is an act of revenge in the sense that nobody wants to be banned and look for another way because nobody is perfect doing justice.

14 May 2021
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