Challenges Faced By Startup Companies


Meaning of startup is a company that is in the first stage of its operations and Startup companies are newly born companies which struggle for existence. So challenges that face startup companies.


Startup culture lead to be inclusive but it remains mostly the domain of white males. Getting kids of all backgrounds to see entrepreneurship as a viable career path. They need to have hands on experience, learning through failure and success.

Product Validation

How well do they know the problem or industry …Why would anyone trust them to deliver a solution for the problem?I have seen many startups rush into development of an idea.

Thriving on Limited Resources

Causes of limited resources, I think it's critical to make sure you have a culture of focused, deliberate work.

Focus Is the Ticket (But It's Not Easy)

Define your ideal client profiles, and target them relentlessly. If a prospect comes your way that does not fit in your ideal profile, help your sales team understand what questions to ask to disqualify the prospect.

Lack of Structure

Unless the company is lucky enough to have experienced leadership, startups often begin their journey without a definitive culture, which often leads to internal challenges, conflict, disappointments, and employee turnover. A lack of historical marketing and sales data makes it difficult to determine and define reasonable goals and expectations.

Collaborating With the Competition

Startup culture is competitive, but it's highly important to collaborate. We have to build a strong support network to learn from each other and share lessons learned for positive growth. Another challenge in the startup community is how to address failure in a competitive environment. Failure is a journey to growth. There is a greater chance for innovation if failure is discussed in an open environment.

Constant Change

Everything can change in an instant for a startup, especially one in the tech industry, and conflicting directions can make it hard to know if your company is on the right path.

Lean Startups Aren't Glamorous

In the real there is even a term, startup culture, means that it is been glamorized. People forget that there is a ton of hard work, sacrifice, patience, and emotional stress that comes with the territory of building a new company. Also, with the accessibility of investment money, the lean and scrappy mindset is hard to hold onto, but being focused on where every dollar is spent will only allow a startup to achieve success faster.

Managing Disparate Visions of the Future

There are general challenges that affect all startups centering around time management and proper allocation of resources. These daily challenges can be addressed with better organization, effective communication, process evaluation, and hiring experienced advisors.

Open Communication

Communication is frequently overlooked as a key component of successful startups. Often in the Startup Culture, everyone is working at breakneck speed, absorbing more work for fewer team members. However, this heads-down, knocking out code and generating sales daily grind can lead to silos within your small startup.

Don't Be Afraid to Do Something Different

Developing a new culture is even harder when the startup is forging a new niche industry or has no direct competitors. It takes confident guidance from leadership to convey the message that the strategies and philosophies that might have worked in previous careers and companies, likely don't apply in this particular niche. This approach will take employees out of their comfort zone and require extra support. Providing guidance and feedback in terms of priority organization, task load, and level of effort are all helpful ways to support team members during times of transition.

Not Taking Your People into Account

Several startup cultures obsess what the culture should be like. That's the wrong focus. Startup culture comes organically from the people you hire: the who. If you get the right people on the team, then the culture will go in the right direction and ensure success.

Risk management

A big part of growing and expanding the business is in taking risks. Playing on the safe side will only take you that far but it would not prove if a business or an idea is successful or not. Insurance helps. Employee coverage, fire and theft, medical and redundancies help overcome this. Starting an online business and having your primary sales from social media channels can be risky too. One online business had their Facebook account hacked and lost all of their 80, 000 followers they had garnered over the years.


Problems are going to occur when it comes to a startup as all businesses tend to have growing pains in their infancy. The ways that founders and staff react to these issues can have long term implications on the business and its brand. There are some issues due to growth while others can be out of control of the staff and founders. The most important thing that a business can do is to learn from mistakes or missteps and ensure that they do not happen again. The following issues are common to startups and tips on how to deal with these issues. A growing company will be constantly changing in its procedures as well as other processes. There are going to be staff that are extremely opposed to change as their role might be reduced or their job description could have changed. It is important to thwart complaining in the office about these changes.

15 July 2020
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