Climate Change Outline: the Review of Two Speeches

Climate change is one of the most important issues lying in our world today - that is the reason why I decided to write climate change essay outline of two speeches regarding this topic. Over the recent years, global warming has become a worldwide problem facing our planet, and as the world becomes continuously warmer, the effects that climate change will pose to our planet and to the people who live on this earth will be detrimental. 

The speeches The disarming case to act right now on climate change' presented by Greta Thunberg at TedX Stockholm and “UN Chief on Climate Change and his vision for the 2019 Climate Change Summit” presented by António Guterres, demonstrates the importance and urgency of climate action. The speeches collectively create a sense of duty by informing the audience in two different perspectives - a teenage climate activist and a professional. Persuasive techniques such as repetition, evidence and emotive language are used to position the audience. The speeches provide insight into how climate change threatens the weather, economy, and food chains.

The climate crisis has affected the environment heavily as temperatures and concentrations of carbon dioxide levels continue to rise. The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) reports that in the past two decades, the last 18 have been the warmest years thus far, with 2018 currently holding the 4th hottest year. WMO has also reported that 2018 has the highest monthly average for carbon dioxide levels with 411 parts per million, this is the highest concentration in 3 million years. Guterres states “If we do not change course by 2020, we risk missing the point where we can avoid the runaway climate change with disastrous consequences for people and the natural systems that sustain us.”. He further explains that for the first time in history, thick permanent sea ice north of Greenland began melting, affecting weather patterns across the northern hemisphere. Warmer conditions have caused coral bleaching and extensive death of coral reefs in the Carribean and the South Pacific. It has also increased the proportion of Atlantic hurricanes in the most intense categories since 1970, leading to notable damage in Mexico, USA and the Carribean. In 2015, the Paris Agreement was signed, world leaders pledged to stop temperatures rising by more than 2ºC above pre-industrial levels and as close to 1.5ºC, but scientists have indicated that the target is already well off track.

António Guterres’ speech “UN Chief on Climate Change and his vision for the 2019 Climate” positions the audience to perceive climate change impacts as a threat to plants, animals and people in the world. Guterres utilises factual evidence, expert opinions and repetition to persuade and inform the viewers. He focuses on the financial aspect of climate change, responding to those who have declared that climate change is expensive. The audience is persuaded as Guterres points out situations such as extreme heatwaves, wildfires, storms and floods that have occurred due to climate change. An example includes Hurricane Maria which killed almost 3000 people in Puerto Rico, a majority died in the months after the storm due to the lack of electricity, clean water and proper health care. Guterres states that we were warned by scientists that these disasters will occur due to climate change but many leaders have refused to listen and few have acted with the vision the science demands. The financial aspect of climate change has been a major justification for countries, but Guterres has proven the cost isn’t the point to be worried about. Over the past decade, extreme weather and the health impact of burning fossil fuels have cost the American economy 240 billion dollars annually, increasing by 50% over the next decade. Guterres declares that by 2030, the loss of productivity caused by a hotter world would cost the global economy 2 trillion dollars. Guterres persuades viewers with the use of expert opinion “The Global Commission on the economy and climate change reports that climate action and socio-economic progress are mutually supportive with gains of 26 trillion dollars predicted by 2030 compared with business as usual.” , this technique helps the viewer trust the speaker as they are assured the facts are reliable. Our oceans have become progressively more acidic, threatening the foundation of our food chains that sustain life. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has affected the nutrition value of rice crops, threatening the well being and food security for billions of people. The poorest and most vulnerable countries are being majorly affected by the actions of richer countries.

Greta Thunberg’s speech “The disarming case to act right now on climate change” positions the audience to perceive climate change as an issue that they are inclined to help with. The audience is persuaded as Thunberg uses the ‘future language method’ “The year 2078, I will celebrate my 75th birthday. If I have children or grandchildren, maybe they will spend that day with me. Maybe they will ask why you didn't do anything while there still was time to act.”, this technique guilts the viewer to feel responsible for the actions that will affect the future. Thunberg states the vast majority of people continue on with their lives instead of taking action as they’re not aware of the consequences of our everyday life and don’t know that rapid change is vital. Thunberg further explains that the sixth mass extinction is occurring, up to 200 species going extinct every single day, 1,000 to 10,000 times higher than what is seen as normal, this being due to climate change. Throughout her speech, Thunberg criticises world leaders and the media “If there really was a climate crisis, and if this crisis was caused by our emissions, you would at least see some signs. Not just flooded cities, tens of thousands of dead people, and whole nations levelled to piles of torn-down buildings. You would see some restrictions. There are no emergency meetings, no headlines, no breaking news.”, as she believes that there isn’t enough action and coverage being taken, persuading viewers to protest and influence world leaders to take action. She also criticises world leaders questioning how they can expect poorer countries such as India or Nigeria to care about the climate crisis when more developed countries don’t care about it or the commitments stated in the Paris Agreement.

In conclusion, climate change is one of the most important issues lying in our world today. The speeches collectively create a sense of duty by informing the audience in two different perspectives - a teenage climate activist and a professional, they provide insight into how climate change threatens the weather, economy, and food chains. The climate crisis has affected the environment heavily as temperatures and concentrations of carbon dioxide levels continue to rise. Guterres utilises factual evidence, expert opinions and repetition to help position the audience to perceive climate change impacts as a threat to plants, animals and people in the world. Thunberg utilises future language, evidence and her opinions to position viewers to perceive climate change as an issue that they are inclined to help with. As climate change intensifies, we will find it harder to feed ourselves, this is already leading to local conflicts over dwindling resources. 

10 October 2022
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