Colombia – A Beautiful And Unique Country

Colombia is a very beautiful country with many different properties that make it unique. In order to understand just how unique Colombia is, you need to know about the types of regions in that country, how humans interact with the environment, where exactly it is in the world, and you need to know about the place. Knowing these four things will enable you to understand more about Colombia and what makes it different.

Colombia is split into five different physical regions. The region that is known for its humidity and excessive rainfall is the Pacific Region. This region lies between Colombia’s borders by Panama and all the way to Ecuador, stretching for 800 miles. In this region there is only a single active city. This economically active city is Buenaventura. This region contains the most important seaport in Colombia. The seaport in this region is where most of the import and exports leave the Pacific, which makes it extremely important. There is also another port on the coast in this region called, Tumaco. This port is located in the state of Nariño. That was just one of five of the very unique regions in Colombia. A formal region in Colombia is the rainforest region. A formal region is defined by boundaries or borders. This is why the rainforest region is formal. It has boundaries and is clearly marked. A large amount of this region is covered in tropical rainforest, or jungles. Part of the rainforest region, in Colombia, is a part of the Amazon Rainforest.

Next, we have the functional region. This region is defined as regions connected by a central function. The functional region in Colombia is the Columbian coffee region. This is a functional region of Colombia because, in that entire area they grow and sell coffee beans. In Spanish this region is called “Eje Cafetero”, which mean Coffee growing axis. This region is 2found in a rural area. Colombia’s coffee region is fairly popular. They are known for having “the best coffee in the world”.

The final region is the perceptual region. A perceptual region is how people feel about a certain place. The perceptual region of Colombia is Colombo. In the Spanish language everyone decides to call any place named after Christopher Columbus, Colombo. Absolute location is a place’s exact location on Earth. Relative Location is the relationship of a place to another place. Colombia is found at the northern tip of South America. This would be the relative location of Colombia.

Another relative location of Colombia is near Ecuador and Venezuela. Colombia’s absolute location is 4.5709 ° N, 74.2973°W. Colombia has a total area of 1,138,910 square kilometers and the sea in Colombia is 100,210 square kilometers. There is also a total of 28 mountains. The Andes mountain range stretches through Colombia. Colombia also has a very interesting landform, volcanoes. There is a total of 16 volcanoes with one being extinct. Colombia does not only have a lot of coffee. They also have many beautiful rivers. Four major rivers are the Magdalena River, Caquetá River, Putumayo River, and the Meta River. Not only do they have these major rivers, but the amazon river also flows along part of Colombia’s and Peru’s border. All of these rivers that I have listed are physical characteristics. Some human characteristics are religion and family. About 90% of Colombians are Roman Catholic. The other 10% of Colombians are other religions. In Colombian culture family is extremely important. In their culture they believe that the older you are the wiser you should be. Because of this belief they show more respect to people who are older. In a family the older 3person usually gets treated better. For example, when they are being served dinner the oldest person gets served their food first and the youngest person would get their food last.

Colombia also has many customs that are unique. When Colombians greet each other, they shake hands. But it is sometimes a bit different for women. Sometimes instead of shaking hands women grasp forearms. When it is a mixed gender that is meeting the man should wait for the woman to extend her hand. Once they get to know each other and form a good relationship they use other ways to greet each other. The men will hug each other, and the women will kiss once on the right cheek.

Colombia also has some very strange customs for dining. When they dine it is extremely formal and there are many customs in Colombia that we do not use here in the United States. When they dine they must wait to be seated. When the waiter says “buen provecho” that is your invitation to be able to start eating your food. Once you begin eating your hands must be visible and it is considered bad manner to rest your elbows on the table. When you get your food, most of the time it is already cut for you. It is also seen as polite if you leave a little bit of food on your plate. Colombia is an extremely beautiful and interesting country. It has so many beautiful landforms and different characteristics that make it beautifully unique. The customs of Colombia are also very interesting and special. I hope by reading this essay you now understand the different factors that make Colombia beautiful and unique.

03 December 2019
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