Comparing Leadership and Total Quality Management Theory

There are numerous ideas and opinions that make or constitute what a leader is and how they are made excellent. Moreover, there are loads of theories that explore the characteristics of what it takes to be an impactful leader. Therefore, there are varying viewpoints about which approach is the best option to take. This paper will focus on two key theories and how they function in relation to human resource administration within a particular school. The two theories that will be discussed and compared in this paper are transcendental leadership and total quality management theory. This paper will investigate both theories and the similarities and differences of each theory.

Transcendental Leadership Theory

As stated by Ronald W. Rebore in his book Human Resources Administration in Education, transcendental leadership relies on the principle “that a person’s decisions are prompted by more than just the immediate circumstances and have an effect that goes beyond the present situation”. This theory is prompted on being human and putting leadership at the forefront. The administrator needs to be totally invested on putting each student first and being a leader on behalf of their school, being ready each and every day to complete each task that is presented. Being able to reflect on how they became an educator is tremendously important because it shows that they care about each student and make them successful in everyday life. Transcendental leadership theory counts on the leader is passionate about their job and not worrying about just surviving to earn a living. According to Rebore, transcendental leadership is based on two key components. One component deals with the six elements and how they “pertain to the dispositions that individual human resource administrators should possess in order to be centered on human growth and development”. The other major component to focus on is the ten focuses that give rise to the culture required for transcendental leadership.

The Six Elements of Transcendental Leadership

One of the key elements that will help an administrator carry out transcendental leadership and be focused on human growth and development is “utilizing reflection on practice”. It is to the utmost importance that an administrator reflects on how he or she can improve on the everyday duties of an administrator. The only way to do that is to continue to practice every day, it sounds old, but practice makes perfect. Moreover, it is crucial to know and understand the attitudes, emotions, and opinions of every employee present. When this takes place, the administrator will continue to grow and improve in his or her application. Getting to know your employees will create an environment built on trust and respect that will benefit the whole.

The second element is distinctive because it’s derived from social ethics and social economics. This element suggests that administrators should allow employees from the lowest level of the school district to have a voice in the decision-making that takes place. The element only works when the administrator is receiving input from each member, regardless of where they stand, to be as effective as possible. The human resources function needs this cooperation to be successful in everyday tasks.

The third element that will assist the administrator to continue to focus on human growth and development is to “act from a political base”. This element is intended on guiding the administrator to make clear that the rights of individuals, parents, teachers, staff members, and all other employees who take part in the everyday life of the school are not clashing with the laws of both the state and local governments. In addition, a similar fourth element advocates that the administrator be a voice for social justice, so that everyone will be treated fairly, justly, and respectfully.

The last two elements complement each other well and have similar characteristics. One of the last two elements describes that it is tremendously important to administrators to “reflect and use common sense as primary tools to aid in finding balance in one’s life”. The last element prompts administrators to use reasoning in their basis of communication. This holds everyone accountable, if one employee is not buying into the strategy that the administrator is putting in place, then success as a whole school community will be unlikely. That is why it is of the utmost importance that administrators allow all employees to voice their opinions and ideas that may have an effect on them. This allows the responsibility to be shifted on the employees, and that when they choose which leader to follow, their rationale will be clearer.

The Ten Focuses of Transcendental Leadership

The following ten focuses are critical to establishing a transcendental culture in a school district. This is organized in such a way that supports human growth and development. First, a member of the staff must recognize with the school or he or she may not be interested in improving or creating the overall health of the school and being supportive in that matter. The best way to combat this issue, another focus is brought in to ensure collaboration between each staff member and being able to own that responsibility. This will allow for the pressure to be shifted away from the administrator and it gives each staff member a chance to feel essential and needed.

Another focus in initiating a transcendental culture is that the leader must have a “high degree of concern for all people”. An administrator should not only have a concern for him or herself but a concern for all those in the community, including the ones that work for him or her. Moreover, it is important to focus on interdependence, “less control and increased levels of trust and empowerment that will lead to greater commitment and success”. By achieving this type of culture, administrators are allowing for each member of the school community to have their voices heard and allowing them to feel important. In order to create this type of culture, administrators need to keep in mind that favoritism cannot be allowed in the decision-making in order to not be blinded by one’s own agenda but to equally distribute accurate rewards to all.

If administrators are able to create and control this type of culture, then it allows employees to be comfortable in taking risks and to become more creative which will allow for the entire school community to grow. When the whole school community can start to become more creative it establishes a safer and more impactful way of being open to positive criticism which results in each employee becoming more familiar with the process and continues to grow throughout the community. This will allow for more helpful changes that will benefit the school as a whole.

In closing, at the center of transcendental leadership theory is the quality of what makes a leader. The administrator leading the team needs to be completely invested on being that voice for their team. Caring and empowering their employees to bring about change in their community and voicing their ideas that will spring success in their schools. The leader needs to allow other employees to take on bigger roles in practice that will develop a trusting environment. This type of leadership environment should be a secure and safe environment that continues to promote growth, allowing for collaboration from every level, and is always striving for excellence, both mind and spirit.

Total Quality Management Theory

Total quality management is the second theory that will be discussed in this paper. This theory has had great success after World War II and is continuing to take hold in schools, especially in the management of human resources. This theory focuses on the fourteen principles which is the structure of the total quality management theory.

The Fourteen Principles of Total Quality Management Theory

Total quality management points to “create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service”. Too many times, human resources administrators are too enthralled in the problems of daily operations that they tend to lose the overall sight that should drive the human resources function. This allows administrators to be motivated by the end goal or vision. With that in mind, this theory encourages ideas from all employees and brings about a strategic plan. If all staff members contribute to the plan and present their ideas, then they will be valued and resourceful in any position they are put into. The input of all staff members is important in this theory, as it allows for continued growth in productivity and improvement for the services provided. This is why, as an administrator, to remove all barriers so that each employee will feel comfortable in taking any role they are given. This will allow all departments to feel free to implement new leadership roles for those who qualify without relying on favoritism. This will bring a healthy environment by promoting safety and trust. This will allow all employees to take risks and not be afraid of failing. If one were to fail, then this opens the door for more reflection.

Improvement is important and because of that, evaluation is a key component to assess how much productivity and improvement is transpiring. Therefore, the evaluation process needs to stay consistent through total quality management. Through that evaluation, it is key to legitimately recognize those employees who have exemplified hard work and promoted growth through in their community. This allows the administrators to identify weaknesses, and areas where they can improve, and also find successes where they can continue to build off those to promote greater growth.

This leads to another foundation of total quality management. As Rebore states, all administrators should “institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement while motivating everyone in the company to work toward the transformation”. This will set and clarify that employees should continue to reach for excellence, continue to grow, and to reflect on their decisions. This theory depends on the employee to drive to be a collaborator, being able to accept change so that they can continue to grow, and learning to not be afraid of taking risks.

Transcendental Leadership v. Total Quality Management

The two theories that have been examined in this people share similarities, but also a few differences. Both of them clearly are effective in the workplace and in the community. This serves as a foundation for building a great team and promoting growth and development. One similarity is that both highlight the importance of input from every staff member at any level. It is crucial in both theories to make employees feel a sense of pride in putting their ideas out in the open and feeling a sense of leadership. Moreover, both theories aim to promote a trustworthy environment, while bringing a sense of safety and positivity that will allow for greater collaboration and risk-taking. Finally, they both continue to advocate for growth in development, while rewarding those who have taken initiative in aspiring for change in their community.

One of the big differences in the two theories is the focus transcendental leadership has on the human being, becoming a leader, and striving for excellence. Transcendental leadership is based on whether or not the leader or administrator is in their position for the right reasons. The leader needs to strive for social justice while promoting a caring environment that is built on trust. The leader needs to know their team, their attitudes towards the tasks assigned to them, if they are willing to voice their opinions, and big able to accept change.

In contrast, total quality management does not mention a lot about knowing one’s staff, their opinions, attitudes, and emotions. It also doesn’t mention the importance of being committed to the world of education and not just being someone who only cares about making a living. Another difference is that total quality management highlights the need for job training and large-scale self-development opportunities. This is different from transcendental leadership because it does not clarify any specific self-development training. They both highlight continued growth and development, but total quality management states the necessity for formal training and staff improvement.


In closing, both theories have yielded tremendous amounts of success in the workplace. Both theories focus on constant improvement and self-reflection. Both strive for continued collaboration and input from all members of the school system. They empower each employee to voice their opinions and being open to change in any role they are put in. This will transform them to take the next step in being comfortable in being a leader in their school system. Transcendental leadership and total quality management both have need of an administrator that can promote a respectful community while striving for excellence, being able to take risks, and becoming a true leader in their communities.


  1. Rebore, R. W. (2015). Human Resources Administration in Education (The Allyn & Bacon
  2. Educational Leadership Series). Boston: Pearson.
07 July 2022
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