Comparison Of Black And Green Tea In Terms Of Their Impact On Health

Black and green tea are known to help many problems with health but seeing which is best for certain individuals will be the key to which is a better choice. Tea is the second most consumed beverage bested by water. One of the most popular brands for both black tea and green tea is Twinning's, which is one of the more well-known tea bands. Twinnings’s has been different brands of tea but black and green being more popular overall. Each tea has its our traits that can helpful or harmful to each drinker from lowering stress to causing mild headaches from over consumption of caffeine. The effects of both black and green tea are greatly depended on each individual consumer. Someone who is older and has many health problems may need something different tee than someone young and healthy. The need for one tea and the affects may not meet the same need of someone else with different needs. This includes health problems or mentality risk may cause a need for a certain tea.

Black tea and green tea the most common tea in many countries from New England to China. Both are made for the Camellia sinesis which contains many antioxidants. Even with both being made from the same plant the process to made both are different giving both black and green tea different side effects. The process can be shown in the different flavor of both teas. Black tea has with many health benefits including: “boost heart health, lower stress, reduce high cholesterol, improve oral health, boost bone health, increase alertness, and prevent diarrhea and digestive problems. It also improves blood circulation, helps lower high blood pressure, and reduces symptoms of asthma“.

These benefits of black tea may also be the same or somewhat different to green tea. Black tea provides these many benefits to long term use. Black tea can also be affected by the amount of sugar or extra additive add to each cup of tea. Surveys show that 50% of 25 to 34 years prefer black tea compare the 28% of 55 and older in 2016 (Statists research department). There are also many benefits that come with green tea. Some benefits of green tea include: “The health benefits of green tea for a wide variety of ailments, including different types of cancer, heart disease, and liver disease, were reported. Long-term consumption of tea catechins could be beneficial against high-fat diet-induced obesity and type II diabetes and could reduce the risk of coronary disease.”

Survey also shows that in 2016, 49 percent of 25-34 preferred green tea while 22 percent of 55 and older preferred green tea.

Both black tea and green can help with many ailments, but it may also contain harmful side effects to those with health conditions or mental anxiety. Black tea and green tea have caffeine and the caffeine depends on how both teas are prepared. Some things that can affect how much caffeine in certain types of tea include where and how it’s grown and, in a places, shadier the tea will have more caffeine no matter the type. It depends on the size of the leave use to make tea and the temperature when making tea can affect caffeine intake. Both black and green tea can show results of lowering blood pressure because of the many antioxidants which include. Research has shown that black tea also helps with osteoporosis (brittle bones) which can cause hip fractures. The risk of Parkinson’s disease which is a disease of the center nervous system that causes tremors may become lower with the consumption of black tea and green tea. The downfall of black tea may include “Anxiety and difficulty sleeping, faster breathing, headache, increased urination, irregular heartbeat, nausea and vomiting, nervousness and restlessness, ringing in ears, and tremors”. With both advantages and disadvantages black tea is good for certain problems. According to WebMD, “Drinking large amounts of green tea might cause side effects due to the caffeine content. These side effects can range from mild to serious and include headache, nervousness, sleep problems, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular heartbeat, tremor, heartburn, dizziness, ringing in the ears, convulsions, and confusion. Green tea also contains a chemical that has been linked with liver injury when used in high doses”.

While green and black tea have many similarities there’s something to consider when choosing which is the best for the body. For older adults does it had with aging, memory, the chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Black tea may make the chance of a heart attack lower which is better for the seniors with a history of heart attacks or problems. While black tea helps with heart attacks green tea lowers cholesterol. A study shows, “A 2013 review of several studies found green tea helped a range of heart-related issues, from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure”. Green tea has lowered the chance of Alzheimer's disease this is because “Green tea has also been shown to help block formation of plaque that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease”. Green tea may be better for those with many health problem and conditions. Those younger who may only be looking for a boost in energy black tea may be the way to go because of the process of fermenting to make black tea contains the most caffeine to give energy boost. Some just want an energy boost while other may need tea for health ailments.

01 February 2021
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