Conservation Debate: Wild Animals Should Be Kept In Captivity

The first thing that come into the head when people hear ‘wild animals’ is that they are and exist in nature, they cannot be domesticated. They grow up in the wild, so that they face risk being killed by their predators, particularly when it comes to giving birth or when the climate change does not provide them with the proper care they need. So, if it is possible to keep wildlife species (but not all) in a zoo or a wildlife park and to have a quality of life that is as high or higher than wildlife, it will preserve their lives. Their mobility may be limited, but they may lead a better life (Hone 2014). Although captive animal’s morals often shift when they are in captivity which affects their nature and well-being, wild animals are better conserved in captivity because captivity protects endangered species by protecting them from poachers, habitat loss, starvation, and predators in a safe environment and zoos and wildlife parks provide an economic boost to the community.

Firstly, wild animals are better conserved in captivity because captivity protects endangered species by protecting them from poachers, habitat loss, starvation, and predators in a safe environment. Zoos and wildlife parks help endangered species by helping to make them secure, then the wild, because in the wild they can be detrimental in many ways one of the ways is by the predators, as rhinos horns are the most likely things for predators and consumers, so they kill and trim the horns and sell them, for instance in South Africa, an estimated 13 rhinos were killed in 2007. The toll was at least 443 last years. Both Vietnam’s Javan rhino and West African black were declared extinct (Davies, 2012). The estimate was disagreed with by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity in 2007, as it stated the level as over 150 species per day are extinct. But to date, only 800 species in total have been listed as extinct by the international Union for the Conservation of Nature over the past 400 years. So, if the animals will have conserved in the captivity by the zoo or any wildlife park then those animals not going to be extinct.

Secondly wild animals are better conserved in the captivity because zoos and wildlife parks provide an economic boost to the community. Zoos and aquariums are important economic engines, said by the president and CEO of AZA because it generating significant economic benefit locally, regionally and nationally. A recent study conducted by the Zoos and wildlife parks authors and Association shows that zoos and wildlife parks across America are economic drivers in their societies. Looking at Texas alone, the report estimates that the Lone Star State produces $884.2 million in economic activity annually from AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums. They now hire 8998 employees and provide salaries and benefits of $312.1 million (Thomas, 2011). Zoos or wildlife park officials estimate that the $94.5 million they plan to invest in capital improvement projects alone over the next decade would have a total economic effect of nearly $240 million. It is a big amount of money by the zoo or the wildlife park which is helping our economic system of our country.

The opponent’s claims that captive animal’s morals often shift when they are in captivity which affects their nature and well-being. When animals are born in captive they became human dependent or their actual behavior will change and another thing is they cannot be cope up with the humans’ nature or behavior or the routine they make for the animals to follow. It is assumed that stereotypical behaviors are ultimately caused by artificial environments that do not allow animals to fulfill their usual behavioral needs. Rather than refer to behavior as abnormal, it has been proposed that it be characterized as “behavior suggesting an unusual environment. Stereotypes are associated with altered behavioral response selection in the basal ganglia (Tapen, 2014). However, this argument is weak because in the zoo or any wildlife park animals are conserved because of they can lead a better life and they can be lead their life safely. They can be get the needs they need. It will not harm their mentality or physically because they will get proper training and proper maintenance to lead a better life then wild. Some animals are even fare better in captivity, if kept well, away from predators and parasites in the wild. Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF) are taking the responsibility to take care of the animals those are in captivity and they will also be take care of the animals who got injured or affected by some disease.

In conclusion wild animals are from the nature and they should be there but in the wild they cannot get the proper care or the proper needs they need. They can be caught or predators can be kill them for selling or in the climate change season they cannot have any place to live. So, the solution is that it should be better they live in the captivity in the zoo or any wildlife park. There they can live freedom but not like that much they live in the wild but it is good for them they can take the proper care and the vet nary care also includes. 

16 December 2021
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