Correlation Of Anglo-Saxon Culture Depicted In Beowulf With Values Of The Culture In Modern Society

“Culture is the arts elevated to a set of beliefs” (Wolfe). Wolfe’s quote states that culture, a piece of work, is set on different values and beliefs which differentiates in various regions and time periods. What is Anglo-Saxon culture? How does it relate to modern culture? In the epic poem, Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney Anglo-Saxon culture has its own set of values and customs which reflects the moral actions and heroic scenes portrayed in this archaic piece of literature. Throughout the plot of the poem, readers can see recurring values that are vital to the Anglo-Saxon culture which correlates with our modern values and customs.

Today in modern society, individuals share beliefs which are similar to the ancient society which includes from watching a movie to even a disastrous historical event. Throughout the poem, the importance of action, the theme of good versus evil, and being recollected as someone influential was very prominent; however, these renowned features are also exhibited in modern society. A scene with gore, blood, and the main characters running away from a monster has the audience mesmerized by the action going on which gives them an escapism from the real world.

In Beowulf, the story included numerous battles with monsters fighting with Beowulf, the protagonist of the story, which displayed the Anglo-Saxons value of action in their culture. Beowulf, after hearing about the tales of a monster raging the lands of the Danes, came from Geatland with fourteen warriors armed for battle to fight Grendel. After discussing with Hrothgar the men and Beowulf are ready for Grendel. As the sun set down the monster begins to approach the hall. During the battle, “The monster’s whole body was in pain, a tremendous wound appeared on his shoulder. Sinews split and the bone-lapping burst” (814-817). This excerpt from the epic poem is one of many examples, that reveal the Anglo-Saxons interest in action as Beowulf fight with Grendel with his bare hands to kill the monster. Similarly, in modern society Americans also enjoy action, gore, and death; however, today we value them in the cinemas or in comic books about our favorite heroes. The implement of action in our lifestyles gives individuals a little break from their everyday life, to ponder on who is good and bad in the plot and what will happen next, which makes it very popular to the public audience. Furthermore, the fact that people would pay nine dollars to watch action movies such as The Avengers illustrates how modern society still embrace the value of action to this day. Of course, the universal theme of good versus evil still exists till today because of its simplicity in context; additionally, the value of good versus evil is present in Anglo-Saxon culture and in modern society today in numerous circumstances.

In the epic poem, Beowulf, the theme of good versus evil was mentioned consistently throughout the stanzas which reflect the Anglo-Saxons as a culture and society. After the battle with Grendel, Grendel’s mommy came back for revenge and killed Hrothgar’s closest adviser, Aeschere. Beowulf summoned by Hrothgar went to fight the monster that dwelled in a cave beneath a mere. In the text, Heaney states, “...the hot gore kept wallowing up...the water was infested with all kinds of reptiles…”. This quote, from the poem, describes Grendel's mother's lair as a hell aperture with other different monsters living in it which classifies Grendel’s mother as an evil creature. Later on, when Beowulf slays Grendel’s mother with a giant’s sword “A light appeared and the place brightened the way the sky does when heaven’s candle is shining clearly”.

To illustrate, the theme of good versus evil was displayed here as good eradicate evil the dark sky light up once again. On the other hand, on September 11 a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks was conducted by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States. That day we lost over 3,000 people and over 6,000 people were injured due to the maleficent deeds carried out by this terrorist group; however, the United States and the people who were rescuing others that day was considered good and Osama Bin Laden the person who was behind the attacks was referred to as evil. Other than disastrous historical events that could be classified as good against evil we see this recurring theme in modern day movies and novels. Furthermore, individuals who do good deeds will be remembered but the individuals who did bad deeds will also be remembered. The idea of being recollected as someone influential is a paramount value in Anglo-Saxon culture and this idea can be seen in the protagonist’s, Beowulf’s, view. In the heroic poem, Beowulf the importance of being remembered was shown when Beowulf fought to gain a name for himself. Heroic paradox, when a hero has to die nobly in a battle to be remembered forever, was portrayed throughout the epic and Beowulf had to die nobly at the end of the poem to be remembered forever. Beowulf after defeating Grendel, and Grendel’s mommy has already made him a figure in the lands of the Danes; however, during his last battle with the dragon he died honorably and “ The Geat people built a pyre for Beowulf...they extolled his heroic nature and exploits and gave thanks for his greatness..”. This excerpt from the poem shows us that Beowulf lived up to the term “heroic paradox” and will be remembered for centuries to come. Similarly, in modern society, we have iconic figures who have made a name for themselves and has been remembered today. Today figures such as Donald Trump, a millionaire and the president of the United States, has lived up to the term of “heroic paradox” in a different manner. Today modern figures will be remembered for their accomplishments and their fame that they accumulated throughout their lives; on the other side, in Anglo-Saxon culture, you have to die nobly to be recollected.

In the epic poem, Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney Anglo-Saxon culture has its own set of values and customs. However, these values and customs correlate with the values of the culture in modern society. Modern culture and Anglo-Saxon culture share many homogeneous attributes and differences which shows their value and why we still believe in these values today. Throughout the poem, the importance of action, the theme of good versus evil, and being recollected as someone influential was very prominent. These set of values and customs can be seen in both cultures; however, society is progressing at such an advanced steady pace that these values might change in the near future. Are these values going to be the same? What would our values or customs innovate into in the future?

03 December 2019
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