War on Drugs in the Philippines: Crime and Its Causes


On the 30th day of May 2016, Rodrigo Roa Duterte was elected with over 16,000,000 votes. One of his main campaigns is the war on drugs. This propaganda is a good plan and a good way to solve one of the main problems in the Philippines. With this campaign, we can prevent the drug abuse in the country. But in the name of destroying the drug crime in the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte has applied the iron fist to the drug criminals. This is crime in the Philippines essay where I will briefly present the topic within the process of extra-judicial killing.

Main Point 1

Extra-judicial killing is needed to take seriously. The war on drugs policy took down many lives in the country. I stand against this policy. Many youths were implicated in this issue. We believe that the youths are the hope of the country, but why are they become a victim of this matter? The extrajudicial killing spreads throughout the country. Oplan Tokhang killed over 5,000 people. Even though it is illegal in the Philippines, the government was ignoring it. The president promised that, he’ll settle down the drug crime in the Philippines in just 3 to 6 months. After years passed, the crime syndicates still present in the country.

Main Point 2

This campaign commits a violation of Human Rights, which is the reason it became inhumane. According to international law, the right to be free from execution includes freedom from any arbitrary or extrajudicial deprivation of life, as well as freedom from the death penalty even with due process of law. The government must respect and legally obligated this law and they do what they can do to prevent extrajudicial killings and should be responsible to their people.

Main Point 3

These people keep using illegal drugs because of many factors. The main factor is because it is so addictive. Based on the study of Shapira, et al., the analysis of the data revealed individual-level influences (the perceived functions of drug use (or specific purpose for using a particular substance), drug-related expectancies, physicalpsychological state, commitments and boundaries) and socialcontextual-level influences (environment, availability, finance, friendspeers and media) on decision-making.


Derived from the main points above, extra-judicial killing should not be tolerated. That is not right even the purpose is acceptable. There is no right for someone to take other’s life. The government should know their limits in implementing the war on drugs. They should reevaluate their policies and methods in implementing the said campaign. They should also take responsible in the human rights of the people under their administration.

10 October 2022
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