Examination of Possible Difficulties of Post-Graduating Period

Although graduation is a big joy, it is also a harbinger of entering a new phase fraught with difficulties for the wide-ranging changes in the life of the graduate. These changes begin with the absence of vocabulary such as (hall, lecturer and homework) from the present dictionary and its dissolution in the past. After graduating, the society's percept of the individual as a productive and self-contained person, he must then find a work and produce and become independent of his family, and responsible for himself, to develop himself and develop this community. On the other hand, university graduates and academics are the most vulnerable to disappointments when they start looking for a good job, especially if they want to work within their competence. It is even harder when you can't find a suitable work and at the same time you don't have the possibility to start your own independent business. This is what we call "the biggest post-graduation problem".

In this research, we discuss in length the difficulties and consequences faced by graduates after graduation, and the difficulties they face in the labor market from finding suitable job to low wages and lack of skills required for the labor market, etc. Are there ways to overcome these obstacles? How to qualify the graduates of the wok in this experiment and achieve success? We will talk about this as well as how to increase the employment opportunities for fresh graduates. We have gathered many views and views in the context of this topic and will present them in turn as research findings

Research methods

The first part is the preparation of oral interviews with a number of responsible people in universities, new graduates and some employers to ask them about the problems facing the newly graduated students. In the second part of the analysis of results we adopted the principle of brainstorming within the research team, So that we reached the most accurate cause of the problem, and we developed several solutions that would solve the problem.

Research questions

In order to outline our research, we put several questions to answer after collecting the views of a sample of people and organizations concerned with education sector and a sample of fresh graduated people who are seeking for a good job.

  • What are the most common problems facing fresh graduated young men?
  • How to overcome post-graduation obstacles?
  • Should the graduate accept any job he finds regardless of its specifications?
  • Is it very difficult to get a suitable job with a suitable salary and a good working nature?
  • Can the entire blame be placed on the graduate or on the employer? Or are there other parties responsible?
  • What should be considered when starting a job search?


Through our interviews we were able to reach the following points:Psychological and social dimensions. The feelings of self worth that drive the person to continue trying, graduates feel after graduation as if they were waiting for the start of a new life and expect to open more jobs in front of them. The open positive debate on the reality of life after graduation in the benefit of new graduates to prove Post-university boredom and depression are commonplace. Society must stop pretending that university graduation necessarily leads to employment opening, but open and open dialogue about how to fight the post-university fight should be initiated in initial steps as a tool to encourage this generation.

How to overcome post-graduation obstacles "Moving from one stage to another inevitably involves some difficulties, so we must not get broken or give up, but challenge and face problems in order to respond to our families and teachers. Good planning and the appropriate masseur schooling of a person's qualities and potentials are also likely to overcome many post-graduation problems. In order to go beyond the obstacles, we should initially identify them accurately to learn how to overcome them", says Mr. A.F, a newly graduated young man from the Information Technology Engineering College.

Professor M.M, a teacher at the College of Mathematics, says that for new graduates, the shock of discovering the difference between the theoretical side and the application in the labor market. University life is characterized by a number of features that make up the most beautiful memories of young people, but these few years are soon to end to start a new stage characterized by realism and seriousness, it is entering the "labor market". The first exit to the labor market is often a shock to the new graduate who has built so many dreams into his imagination that sometimes leads him to try to develop his practical skills, knowing that the university he has provided with the certificate cannot provide him with whatever he needs in the future. For his part, Mr. T.N, the director of a banking institution, said in a question about the role of employers in the problem of work for the graduates, "Employers searching for experience. In attempts to reconcile his theoretical and practical life with the speed of the daily rhythm and what the employer expects, the crisis of the university graduate, especially in the field of expertise, appears.

The solution here is to start looking for work before graduation and during the period of study or work on rehabilitation and self development to acquire the required experience before reaching the graduation stage."Employers asking for high qualifications and strong skills that the university may not give to its students during their studies. Such as mastering certain computer programs, or mastering several foreign languages other than the mother tongue, and possibly certain marketing skills.", says Mr. F.D, a fresh-graduate student from agriculture college.

On the other hand, many of the university youth we interviewed spoke of fraudulent and previously fraudulent attempts by working with employers who did not comply with the laws of working with them. Possible fraud by some employers that the graduate is forced to work for them without a contract guaranteeing his right to a wage or financial compensation for his work and that may be subject to fraud. This is due to the fact that most graduates do not know the labor law and their natural rights, which leads to the signing of unfair contracts. There are also companies that require not working with any other company in the same specialization for one year after leaving the employee work.

So, No job shall be accepted without a fair contract under any circumstances.Mr. Y.B, the administrative officer at the Faculty of Humanities, also pointed to insufficient coordination between the State and its governmental institutions, and between private entities and companies, so that the State guarantees the right of employees in all companies alike. There is no accurate coordination or planning between the state and institutions and the educational system. There is no practical training system in the universities so that they could qualify their students to enter the labor market immediately after graduation. In addition, "moderation and nepotism". Most students are convinced that they will need an important medium or "nepotism" after graduation and not for high efficiency, which we call "the negative social environment that discourages competition and self-reliance, but dependence on the other.

Proposed solutions:

  • It is necessary to develop of one's skills required in the labor market during the study period, through following of training courses in private institutes, or attends courses on YouTube and others.
  • The university curriculum does not include the teaching of labor market skills and basics. A practical part should be allocated to the teaching of specialized professors in the labor market or directly related persons to the companies operating within the specialties specified in the universities. Most of the educational systems in the universities bear responsibility for the trauma of the graduates in the labor market. It is an educational system that does not encourage creativity.
  • Universities must plan in real terms to raise the qualifications of their students academically and practically.
  • No job shall be accepted without a fair contract under any circumstances.
  • One should start looking for work before graduation and during the period of study or work on rehabilitation, and self development is necessary to acquire the required experience before reaching the graduation stage.


The post-graduation stage is a new experience in life, governed by circumstances in which difficulties, obstacles or loss can occur. It is important to plan properly to successfully overcome this stage, through self-qualification and development and to learn labor market skills in the pre-graduation stage. Universities should raise awareness about the requirements of the labor market for students and academics to qualify them psychologically and practically for this experience.


  • Be satisfied with reality and keep continue to work to achieve your dreams and ambitions.
  • Awareness of the origins and conditions of contracts of employment.·
  • Self development and work to develop the skills required in the labor market before graduation.


  1. Matthew Evans. (September 25, 2017). 6 postgrad problems and how to solve them. Postgraduate search website. Available at:https://www.postgraduatesearch.com/advice/life/6-postgrad-problems-and-how-to-solve-them/ap-55785/
  2. Bob Burgess. (July 4, 2013). The postgraduate funding problem and three possible solutions. The Guardians. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jul/04/postgraduate- funding-three-possible-solutions
01 April 2020
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