Navigating the Conflict Between Religion and Ethics

Religion is believing in a higher power, believing in a God or Gods, and essentially what is considered a colt. Ethics is having morality. Being ethical means, you do what is right and good. When you hear of these two things you automatically assume that these two can’t possibly be without each other. The purpose for this religion and ethics essay is to explain the ongoing dilemma between religion and ethics. I will explain my opinion that ethics and religion correlate to one another but are still their own division of life and demonstrate examples to support my claim. 

Sree Narayana Guru considered one of the greatest social reformers and philosophers of India and Kerala. He promoted new values of spiritual freedom, social equality, and upliftment of the downtrodden. Narayana accepted religion as a set of moral and ethical concepts which let to help mankind grow upward and onward. He was not a partisan in favor of any religion, which made it possible for him to have a neutral stand to view all religions with a devoted lover of beauty, goodness, love, and truth attitude. Narayana suggested that all religions have the same theoretical foundation, the fulfillment of happiness. He also believed that religious harmonies can be achieved by familiarizing the people with religious truth of different various of religions. One religion may be defective when viewed from another religion. Narayana gave humanity an ethical norm intended for the happiness of one and all. In life, no matter if its social or individual, needs an ethical norm based on fully realized and convinced truth. Buddhism is considered an ethical religion that emphasizes the great values of good conduct and intuitive insight. Love and compassion are two important ethical concepts of Buddha. It’s a way of life rather than a metaphysical religion. It shows more interest in the formulation of a remedy for the suffering of human life versus discussing the metaphysical question. Buddhists live a life of peace, which essentially saves the world from destruction. When you act with non-violence it results in peace and cooperation. For example, the Cuban missile crises that took place in 1962 against former president John F Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev. This military standoff could have ended the world as we know it but was avoided by an agreement the men were able to come into agreement with. The rulers could have acted as narcists but instead acted on the overall good of the world. An ethical person acts upon logic and reason versus a religious person who acts upon beliefs in a God or Gods. 

In Ethics moral teachings include the need to be respectful, earn a living, engage in the learning of the world and the different cultures. You do right and good beyond one’s duty and strive to always obey the law. Judaism is a religion that teaches strict obedience laws of God. Men believe they have been made in the image of God, so they believe that by following laws given to them, they will be partners of God. One of the most popular and influential religion in the world is Christianity. The moral life of a Christian is not the moral law, but the acknowledgement of forgiveness offered. Biomedical ethics involves examining specific problems in clinical cases, involving facts and logics to decide what is best. Some cases include covering up a medical mistake, cherry- picking patients, prescribing placebos, and so on. If you are in the medical field is highly recommended to be an ethical person. It is something that should be taking consequential as it effects patients and peers. Involving religion into this would be chaos. Patients would want their doctors to act with moral values versus acting upon worship. When a decision has to be made it has the possibility to be treated unfairly over religion. Religion limits the world of an individual, in a health care environment there should be no limits to any individual. One should be ethical, understand the morality, and act upon it. 

To conclude role of religion in ethics essay, both religion and ethics make important aspects to the development of people, but their sources are different. Religion is the relationship between God and the person versus ethics is between good and the person.  

10 October 2022
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