Dr Suess' Art: "And a Trunk Just Like His" and "Horton Hatches the Egg"

The classic Dr. Suess book Horton Hatches the Egg contains a wonderful two-page spread that has become known as And a trunk just like his! This image has become a classic recognizable piece of Dr. Suess art that is discussed in the essay. 

What makes the artwork so enjoyable is the simplicity of the lines combined with the expression of Horton, Mayzie the bird, and the hatchling. A perfect moment that is so powerful that everyone can relate. This is particularly true of parents when they bring a newborn into the world. The celebration of a new life is one that is not matched by any other experience. And this remarkable work manages to capture of piece of that thrilling moment.

The book is a remarkable work all unto itself. It manages to be quite funny and ultimately touching. So potent was the story that it was later made into a famous classic cartoon. The story begins as Horton commits himself to sitting on Mayzie’s egg as she wants to do other things. Mayzie tricks Horton into thinking she will be gone for only a short time, but she has little interest in doing the work of hatching her egg.

Horton dutifully sits on the egg through rain, sleet, and ice. For every challenge Horton faces he never gives up and states “I’ll stay and be faithful, I mean what I say”. It is only when the egg starts to hatch that Mayzie sees what is happening and decides to reclaim her egg. Horton is despondent, but both he and Mayzie are startled when the little chick turns out to look just like Horton, a bird with an elephant’s face, ears, and trunk. The impact of the story is heightened when Horton says at the end.

“I meant what I said and I said what I meant … an elephant’s faithful one hundred per cent!” Artwork

Although the entire book is glorious, it is the two-page spread of Dr. Suess art when the egg hatches that is the highlight of the story. The sheer joy as depicted on the faces of Horton and the newborn chick is wondrous and makes the perfect addition to anyone’s home or room.

Even Dr. Suess knew the book he was creating was special as indicated in his letters to his editor, Louise Bonino. The artwork is sweeping, simple, and so expressive that it no doubt influenced the writing as well. The beauty of the lines, the simplicity in the use of color, and the emphasis on expression is arguably the best of all the Dr. Suess art in any of his works.

For those who have loved the works of Dr. Suess, especially his famous book Horton Hatches the Egg, And a trunk just like his! is the perfect way to celebrate his work. This remarkable piece of Dr. Suess art is available and perfectly priced for those who love this magical moment from one of the most recognizable works in children’s books.

23 March 2023
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