Ecclesiology: The Differences In Baptism

The word Ecclesiology derived from the Greek word “Ekklēsia”, meaning Church or Assembly. Many churches profess the Christian faith, however disagree on certain topics regarding Christianity. This then begs the question, why does my church practice the way they do, and why don't all churches agree? This paper will shed light on some crucial differences, particularly baptism, in the Christian denominations.

In the Christian faith, there are two main arguments for how one is to be baptized, Pedobaptism and Credobaptism. Starting with Pedobaptism and the argument for this method of baptism. Pedobaptism is baptism of children, particularly infants. In Acts 16:33, Luke writes “...he and his whole family were baptised.” This passage tells us that the entirety of the household was baptized, adults and children alike. This passage, however, also counteracts pedobaptism in addition to supporting it, saying that adults and children both were baptised. Many people are hesitant to support infant baptism, however, often times these people do not look into the deeper picture. It is not just any child being unknowingly baptised, it is a child of God. Every child is a child of God and, therefore, if their parents will, has the right to be baptised. It is the parents which allow the child to be baptised, and it is also these parents that have made a covenant with God for their child. When someone is baptised, they claim God and God claims them in exchange for their love to God, and if an infant was not baptised, they were not treated as a member of the covenant, but rather a pagan.

Next is the argument for credobaptism, which is baptism when a person decides they are ready to be baptized, which is when they accept Jesus and acknowledge their own sinfulness. “Credo” is the Latin word meaning “I believe”, and is the reason Credobaptism is often referred to as “believers baptism.” Once again in Acts, Luke writes, “So those who received his word were baptised, and there were added about 3,000 souls” (Acts 2:41). Now, assuming this passage isnt talking about the baptism of 3,000 infants, this verse serves as historical, biblical evidence of credobaptism in the bible. Yet another argument of credobaptism comes in Galatians 3:27, where it says “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ.” Many Credobaptists use this passage as an argument against pedobaptism saying that children are unknowing, and not capable of accepting Christ. However, if the child's parents, and the Christian household which the child was born into, and the church which the child attends all agree on his or hers future, that child should be baptised and brought up in the Christian faith, starting with baptism, reunion with God.

Really though, none of this matters. Just because you may disagree with those teachings of another denomination on an issue such as when to be baptised does not discredit that denomination. You will continue to profess how you believe and they will how they believe. In the end, regardless of how you were baptised, if you are a devout and true Christian, will have union with God in heaven. A matter such as baptism is solely your choice, and you are free to express that. 

10 Jun 2021
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