Effect Of International Migration On Ukraine

Introduction and Background

Today people cross the boarders almost every day and this has become a major issue in the international agenda, because more often migration brings instability to the country and its citizens. As a result, it affects the economy, political situation and social. The reasons for migration usually are: economical issue (low), political problems namely war and conflicts, sanctions, social problem is unemployment. However, when people immigrate and leave the country they affect its economy my reducing its dependency rate. Usually, young, capable to work people immigrate to more developed countries to provide themselves with basic needs. Consequently, “migration” has become very common in 21th century so in 2017 the number of migrants significantly from 173 to 258 million persons. The “migration” issue is highly common to discuss in General Assemblies.


The IOM - International Organization of Migration accepted Ukraine as its member in 2001/2. This brought opportunity to Ukraine and future migrants to move to this country. This collaboration minimized the risks of migratory movements.

Now in 2019 Ukraine was elected as a member of Security Council in UN.

Ukraine is a Slavic nation which share boarders with Russia, Belarus, Hungary Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and have an access to the Black sea. That’s why ethnic group of Ukraine is mixed 77.5% of Ukraine's,17% Russian and others (Romanians, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Poles, Jews, and Armenians). The statistics shows that in 1990s 6.9 million people migrated to Ukraine, but in 2017 this number reduced to 5 million in total.

In addition, 5 million Ukrainian are working abroad (Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary) which made Ukraine among the top ten donor countries of international migrants in the world. As a result, Ukraine is losing its labor force and there is a statement “Ukraine with no people”. The numbers show that people from 15 to 70 who can work had decreased from 21 MLN to 18 MLN which means that most of young generation immigrate and elder people are left in the country to work.

However, after the elders die the future of Ukraine will be unpredictable. Besides, in Ukraine, the highest level of staff turnover in Europe-for the year every fifth employee retires, and therefore enterprises are forced to look for new people again.

This means that most companies cannot find enough workers not only qualified but also ordinary workers too. To deal this problem Ukraine banker are increasing the salaries of most workers, because low salary was the 71% people reason to immigrate to neighbor countries. It is estimated that Poland is №1 country to immigrate by Ukrainians because of good job opportunities and no visa system, second one is Czech Republic and followed by Russia and Germany.

The Ukrainian Government is trying to prevent labor deficit by increasing salaries and stabilizing economy of the country.

Even thought huge number of migration is a threat for Ukraine but its still have its own benefits. When people go abroad they gain new experience and knowledge which they can use in homeland. Moreover, the most income from Ukrainian workers abroad bring more money than expected and gastarbeiters support hryvnia in its value.

Possible solution

At the heart of the personnel shortage are five main reasons: low wages, which the company offers to applicants, inability to provide housing for new employees, graduates of higher educational institutions do not want to work in their specialty, difficult working conditions that exist in the enterprise, insufficient number of specialists produced by secondary and primary professional educational institutions.

Mainly employees complain on low wages so this factor should be increased and conditions of working needs to improved. As a result, it led to maintain strong economy but to achieve it Ukraine wants to cooperate with neighbor countries to regulate the migration between them and invite more investors and more migrants to fill the gap 

29 April 2022
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