Excessive Use of Social Media: Exploring the Effects

Overuse of social media (essay)

In recent years, the rise of social media has fundamentally changed the way people interact with one another. While these platforms have the potential to be incredibly beneficial, excessive use of social media can have serious negative consequences for mental health. Not only can prolonged use of social media lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, but it can also contribute to sleep disorders and addiction. In this essay on the excessive use of social media, we will examine the various ways in which overuse of these platforms can harm individuals and society as a whole. We will also explore potential solutions and strategies to help mitigate the negative effects of social media.

Blasco in his article "Anxiety in social networks mentions that social networks" have marked a before and after in the lives of people, "every second there are 9000 comments on Twitter and 140,000 new accounts are registered on Facebook. Facebook owns five hundred million of users, which generate four billion messages, on the other hand, on YouTube you upload 72 hours of video per minute. "These are strong statements that people are more than ever linked to social networks. Being so long in front of a computer or any other device that allows access to social networks can generate anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is a serious problem, which is characterized by the desire to stay in touch with other people or just spend hours Segura 2using social media to get information and that time goes by quickly. "One of the most recent research that comes from the magazine Computer in human behavior, found that using 7 of the 11 of the most popular social networks was associated with a three times higher risk of suffering from depression and anxiety. "On the other hand, depression is characterized by a low state of mood in people, this is a disease that affects physical and mental abilities, and that can lead to late disasters. Cases have been observed in which depression is so great that it has led to suicide only because of the inability to control the use of social media. The desire to use social networks is such that it generates problems at the time of sleep, to the point that there are people who do not sleep at all.“

According to new research by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh and supported by the National Institute of Health, increased time using social media in young adults makes them more likely to experience sleep problems. The hectic life of people, forces them to have to use social networks late at night, since during the day and part of the afternoon they are working. On the other hand, there are those people who use their cell phone or their computer all day. Sleep is a very important aspect in the life of all human beings, and although there is no reason to deprive oneself of the privilege of sleeping, many people do not do it simply because they are obsessed with the use of social media. The deprivation of the hours of sleep generates severe problems at a social level. Job can be loosed because of getting tired and can interfere in academic development because of do not have enough energy to analyze, understand and learn.

The lack of sleep causes the person not Segura 3to work at 100 percent and lose of many opportunities because of this. Wallin in an article entitled 11 Signs You're Sleep Deprived, says that "people who suffer from lack of sleep because of the social networks, they are always hungry, because the brain is looking for ways to generate the energy that the body requires for not having slept. "In this way we observe how the brain has to make an extra effort so that the whole body can function in the best way. Because of these derangements that human beings make, the body can enter a crisis and generate collapses within the immune system, as well as in other systems, which can even lead to death.

The addiction to social media is what leads to the aforementioned problems. While it is true that social networks are a fundamental part of current life, the excess of time used in them can get serious problems. Social networks are an easy and quick way to acquire information, which is why people visit them frequently without noticing the time elapsed. The desire felt by the use of social networks is uncontrollable and this is what leads to addiction. The addiction is the point at which the person feels that cannot live without using social networks, that is why an effect that has not being able to separate oneself for a moment from the means of social communication.

The need to find out what happened last minute both in the neighborhood and globally, is what prevents addicted people from separating from social networks. Addicted people cannot stop using social networks for more than five minutes, since they feel an endless desire to talk to someone, see the latest that was published or just go back to see what they had seen before.

Anxiety and depression, sleeping problems and addiction are the main effects of excessive use of social media. It is essential to be aware of the use that is given to the computer and cell phone, this depends on the life that a human being can have. Excessive use of social media can contract severe social and physical problems for people. This is why it is time for people to take control of themselves and learn how to use their time well. If time is used in a balanced way many of the effects of excessive use of social networks can be avoided. In this way healthier human beings can be developed, without anxiety or depression. It can also generate human beings who sleep well and perform their jobs in the best way without having any type of addiction that prevents them from giving their best.

03 December 2019
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